Mailing list for development, discussion, questions, and feedback related to the vomit project.
For help sending patches to this list, please consult
When sending patches, please make sure to include the target project in the [PATCH]
line, e.g.
[PATCH vomit-sync v2] Add thing to stuff
Mailing list for development, discussion, questions, and feedback related to the m2dir specification.
For help sending patches to this list, please consult
When sending patches, please make sure to include the target project in the [PATCH]
line, e.g.
[PATCH m2dir v2] Fix spelling error
Discussion of any of the anemos projects, including makeimg. Patches are welcome, too :)
When posting patches to this list, please edit the [PATCH] line to include the specific project you're contributing to, e.g.
[PATCH makeimg v2] Add thing to stuff
Need help preparing patches? Checkout
A public space for questions and discussion about any of my projects. Patches are welcome, too :)
When posting patches to this list, please edit the [PATCH]
line to include the specific project you're contributing to, e.g.
[PATCH makeimg v2] Add thing to stuff
Discussion around introducing a domain registration and hosted DNS service for Sourcehut.
Development discussion for When contributing patches, please edit the [PATCH] line to include the specific project you're contributing to, e.g.
[PATCH go-enom v2] Add thing to stuff