
West Michigan, USA


We start, around the turn of the millenium, with a dot on the map: a small city where tickets to the local cinema cost only two dollars. Just outside city limits sat a parsonage, inwhich memorable history was being formed:

"That's so easy, even Zach can read it!" called one of the others.

Now, others there were, in contrast to the big people, who, here, seemed to run the joint by joint-ownership.

I was beckoned toward a newspaper, where a three-panel cartoon was being indicated.

"Here, read this!"

My first test of skill... would I succeed, proving my capability, or fail, showing the known universe that I was most inferior.

Panel 1: Garfield sits on the counter, saying "Zzzzzzzz" Panel 2: Garfield is still sitting on the counter, Jon is watching. Garfield says "Zzzzzzzz" Panel 3: Jon breaks the pattern of Zee's, and says ________...

I couldn't do it. I was the only person who didn't know how to read.


Patches, announcements, and questions related to the swipe-typing programs.

You can also find me on irc://oftc.net#sxmo

Last active 4 months ago


Any discussion or development related to the HexBoard Midi Controller, or any firmware running on it.

Last active 10 months ago


Have a question/comment on any of my software or posts which might be of benefit to the public record? Post it here! Also, patches are welcome for anything with a LICENSE which might not have its own mailing list.

Last active 2 years ago


Low-volume mailing list for announcements related to the musicdir project.

Last active 2 years ago


Mailing list for development discussion and patches related to the musicdir project. For help sending patches to this list, please consult git-send-email.io.

Use git config format.subjectPrefix "PATCH mdaports" (or similar for other repos).

Last active 2 years ago


Mailing list for end-user discussion and questions related to the musicdir project.

Last active 2 years ago


mailing list of edits to the wiki at gemini://wiki.zachdecook.com

Last active 3 years ago