Passionate Computer Science student. I mostly work with Python, Kotlin and some Lua, but I'm learning Rust.
Check my "unsorted" git repositories here.
(recently changed e-mail address from tmpod@pm.me and due to sourcehut not yet supporting multiple addresses per account, my old commits will not be linked to this account)
Mailing list for development discussion and patches related to the eigen project. For help sending patches to this list, please consult git-send-email.io.
Low-volume mailing list for announcements related to the eigen project.
Mailing list for end-user discussion and questions related to the eigen project.
Mailing list para discussões e questões sobre os repositórios da instância lemmy.pt.
Mailing list para discussões sobre o desenvolvimento e patches para a instância lemmy.pt. Para mais informações sobre como enviar patches, é favor consultar git-send-email.io.
Mailing list de pouco volume para anúncios relativos ao repositórios da instância lemmy.pt.
My personal public inbox.
A nice place to openly discuss my blog posts.
Additionally, any of my public projects lacking a dedicated list, even if not explicitly stated in the README, are open to patches sent here. Just make sure to specify which project you're submitting a patch to, so things are kept tidy.
Get help, discuss new features and report bugs for remmy here! :D
Don't submit feature requests or bug reports on the issue tracker, do it here!