
Kulin biik


For contacting only me. Nobody else can subscribe to this mailing list or browse its archives.

If you are nevertheless happy for your message to be referenced, quoted, or reproduced, let me know. In case it feels awkward to say so in the message itself, you can just add [CITABLE] to the start of the subject line. To restrict that permission to a particular context, you could specificy something like [CITABLE snailhuddle], or [CITABLE breydon.id.au], or [CITABLE handmade zines distributed in person at intersectional queer events], or whatever you find comfortable.

Including in the body of your message a name or pseudonym to credit, your third-person pronouns, and/or where you're writing from, would be much appreciated. I will not publicise any of your other contact details, unless you specifically ask me to.

Likewise, please feel free to stress which things are in confidence. However, do be aware that email is very easily and heavily snooped on. You may prefer to check breydon.id.au (through gopher or the world wide web) for other methods of getting in touch.

(By the way, I'm making this system up on the spot and am very open to suggestions for improvement)!

Last active 1 year, 6 months ago