I want to go get into music production (for fun) and I want to choose between Zrythm and Ardour.
I know this is a hard question to give a simple answer but what I'm more interesting in how promising Zrythm is. Are there any features that make it easier and more enjoyable to use than Ardour? Maybe better performance? I know that Zrythm is currently on Alpha but I don't mind if it is not super stable and I know that probably more features will come in the future but I just want to know the general idea and goals behind it. I suppose you've been inspired by Ardour and you probably wanted to make a DAW that people will like to use more than Ardour and I suppose that you know what are the weak points of Ardour and you made Zrythm with the idea to not have these weak points.
I don't know what I'll get from this cause like I said, it's very hard to answer this question but I thought about doing it anyway... Thank you in any case!
20 Μαρ 2022, 15:18 Από alex@zrythm.org:
> I think this covers it well:> https://librearts.org/2022/01/2021-recap-2022-preview/#zrythm-progress>> IMO Ardour is more suited for audio engineers and audio recording,> while Zrythm is more suited for electronic music using lots of MIDI.>> --> Alex>
Thanks a lot!