

Video upload and livestreaming request

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Hello, I'd like to start uploading video recordings of tabletop RPG sessions. They will be under CC BY-NC or BY-NC-SA. I have around 64GiB of recordings so far, with more to come. The sessions are currently streamed on Twitch on a weekly basis and we'd like to eventually stream simultaneously on LibreMedia too.

The username on LibreMedia is ccx. Thank you.

Re: Video upload and livestreaming request

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<01793D76-C0BE-4592-A1AF-65A5887C74BC@disroot.org> (view parent)
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> Hello, I'd like to start uploading video recordings of tabletop RPG sessions.
> They will be under CC BY-NC or BY-NC-SA. I have around 64GiB of recordings so
> far, with more to come. The sessions are currently streamed on Twitch on a
> weekly basis and we'd like to eventually stream simultaneously on LibreMedia
> too.

For the time being, I'm going to have to say no; I am actively
maintaining the system when I can, but I periodically lose access
because the server is physically managed by my co-admin and he
periodically just disappears with no warning for months at a time. I
don't want anyone to begin relying on LibreMedia only for everything to
break for the next six months.
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