

Video Uploading Request

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I'd like to upload videos to your instance since I also strongly believe in the libre culture. I have two accounts, one is an experimental channel where anything goes (within the boundaries of LibreMedia's rules of course) while the other is going to focus on talking and analyzing media.
Experimental channel: uberstar
Media channel: neso_media
Thank you very much.
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<163083930396.7.4732224403582820845.12900576@aleeas.com> (view parent)
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On 2021-09-05 10:55, uberstar100.ds67n@aleeas.com wrote:
> I'd like to upload videos to your instance since I also strongly
> believe in the libre culture. I have two accounts, one is an
> experimental channel where anything goes (within the boundaries of
> LibreMedia's rules of course) while the other is going to focus on
> talking and analyzing media.
> Experimental channel: uberstar
> Media channel: neso_media

Sure, I've just removed the limits on your accounts. The first few
uploads will be blocked by default and require moderator approval before
publishing, so if we're taking too long or just don't notice them, feel
free to nudge us in IRC!

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