I am a occassional/beginning game streamer curious about streaming on
PeerTube and migrating there from Twitch as I prefer open solutions when
possible and have no intention to monetize. I am not interested in
saving records in case something horrible happens and I have understood
that Twitch has been target of a lot of copyright issues lately.
I haven't streamed much lately, but I have an ongoing playthough of
Final Fantasy X and intent to continue it once my life stabilizes a bit.
I love especially Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series, but I am not
closing anything out.
I am a bit shy and my English accent (I do stream in English) is
horrible, but I hope to improve both of those by streaming and
interacting with people on chat, maybe that will be of enterainment value.
I am especially interested in LibreMedia as I have been passively
following the site, chatted on IRC a bit, followed NixNet and would be
happy if you saw me fitting into the group, but I understand if that
isn't the case as I guess game streaming falls a bit more on the
propietary than libre side. I would also be happy if you were able to
point me to a similar minded group that you see me as a better fit for.
My account is mikaela@libremedia.video.
Mikaela Suomalainen
> I am a occassional/beginning game streamer curious about streaming on
> PeerTube and migrating there from Twitch as I prefer open solutions when
> possible and have no intention to monetize. I am not interested in saving
> records in case something horrible happens and I have understood that Twitch
> has been target of a lot of copyright issues lately.
> I haven't streamed much lately, but I have an ongoing playthough of Final
> Fantasy X and intent to continue it once my life stabilizes a bit. I love
> especially Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series, but I am not closing
> anything out.
I've never played or seen anyone play either of those franchises so it
will be very interesting to watch your videos!
> I am a bit shy and my English accent (I do stream in English) is horrible,
> but I hope to improve both of those by streaming and interacting with people
> on chat, maybe that will be of enterainment value.
I don't know how the Twitch community is but I've found that the people
who watch streams of those in the open source community are generally
very nice and accepting.
> I am especially interested in LibreMedia as I have been passively following
> the site, chatted on IRC a bit, followed NixNet and would be happy if you
> saw me fitting into the group, but I understand if that isn't the case as I
> guess game streaming falls a bit more on the propietary than libre side. I
> would also be happy if you were able to point me to a similar minded group
> that you see me as a better fit for.
As long as the video itself is released under a CC license and doesn't
violate any of the rules [0], the subject and content don't really
matter so much ;)
[0]: https://libremedia.info/policies/rules/
> My account is mikaela@libremedia.video.
The upload limit on your account has been removed! I'm looking forward
to catching your lives and seeing what you upload! As I mentioned in
IRC, if lelux and I are taking a bit long to "unblock" a video you've
published, just ping me and I'll get on it ;)