

Failed to build (debian) and launch (archlinux).

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Hi, Im trying to build on debian but got some error tough the
dependencies is complete and can't launch it on archlinux though
successfully compiled. I got some logs.
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<CAJ=G=VM-23UFzzoJGdEx8v4kmrUine9X3CQVT+iA9PPsf_9P6A@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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On 3/3/22, ahmad raniri <ahmadraniri1994@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Im trying to build on debian but got some error tough the
> dependencies is complete and can't launch it on archlinux though
> successfully compiled. I got some logs.

For archlinux, it's solved by commenting everything about battery, so
levee could be launched.
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<CAJ=G=VMjuPHav2pzCY-prMM0Y9ScgR7GvWXOxWVyN=WyjD52pg@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Finally, it's built successfully on Debian (need to rebuild fcft),
same with archlinux, I need to comment everything about battery in
some of zig files.

On 3/3/22, ahmad raniri <ahmadraniri1994@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/3/22, ahmad raniri <ahmadraniri1994@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Im trying to build on debian but got some error tough the
>> dependencies is complete and can't launch it on archlinux though
>> successfully compiled. I got some logs.
> For archlinux, it's solved by commenting everything about battery, so
> levee could be launched.
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