
zig-fcft: Allow null for x and y in fcft_kerning() v1 APPLIED

novakane: 1
 Allow null for x and y in fcft_kerning()

 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
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[PATCH zig-fcft] Allow null for x and y in fcft_kerning() Export this patch

Confirmed by dnkl on IRC
 19:10 <novakane> dnkl: in fcft_kerning(), x and y can be null? I see y is null in an example but the zig bindings doesn't allow it, so I was wondering if it need to be added to the binding
19:18 <dnkl> novakane: yes, they are allowed to be null
19:19 <novakane> dnkl: thanks!

 fcft.zig | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/fcft.zig b/fcft.zig
index 3b0b1a1..d1a41f4 100644
--- a/fcft.zig
+++ b/fcft.zig
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ pub const TextRun = extern struct {
    pub const destroy = fcft_text_run_destroy;

extern fn fcft_kerning(font: *Font, left: c_int, right: c_int, noalias x: *c_long, noalias y: *c_long) bool;
extern fn fcft_kerning(font: *Font, left: c_int, right: c_int, noalias x: ?*c_long, noalias y: ?*c_long) bool;
pub const kerning = fcft_kerning;

extern fn fcft_precompose(font: *const Font, base: c_int, comb: c_int, base_is_from_primary: bool, comb_is_from_primary: bool, composed_is_from_primary: bool) c_int;