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Re: FWD: Using Zig as a linker 1 year, 3 months ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

On 10/29/23 00:07, Oliver Lowe wrote:
> Found this in-progress  ticket: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/8755
> So it seems like it's not possible (yet!)

Note that this is only for the feature of matching ld's command line. 
You can already use `zig cc` as a linker the same way you would use a C 
compiler as a linker driver.

zig cc -o executable foo.o libbar.a -lbaz

Re: How to build a ReleaseSmall hello world binary? 1 year, 5 months ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

On 8/21/23 15:22, Parke wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying out Zig for the first time.  It is exciting to discover a
> modern language with first-class support for no standard library.
> I was trying to build a small hello world program following the
> (apparently now outdated) instructions here:
> https://drewdevault.com/2020/01/04/Slow.html#testzig
> I figured out that the command should probably be changed to the following:
> ./zig build-exe -O ReleaseSmall -fstrip hello.zig

Please welcome Cody Tapscott to the Core Zig Team 2 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Hey everyone,

I am pleased to announce our newest Zig team member, Cody Tapscott 
(screenname: topolarity).

Cody excels at troubleshooting and debugging. He fearlessly deep dives 
into unfamiliar areas of code, relentlessly attacking the problem until 
a solution presents itself.

In addition, Cody has proven to be a steadfast community leader,
setting an example for how to treat others with kindness and respect.

I look forward to working with Cody as we continue to push Zig
toward 1.0.0 and beyond.

Please welcome Luuk de Gram and Joachim Schmidt to the Core Zig Team 2 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Hey everyone,

I am pleased to announce our newest two Zig team members, Luuk de Gram 
and Joachim Schmidt.

Luuk has taken upon himself to be the resident WebAssembly expert. He 
wrote our self-hosted wasm linker from scratch, as well as pushing 
forward on our self-hosted wasm backend, which is already passing 46% of 
the behavior tests.

Joachim has been working on our self-hosted codegen backends, 
particularly ARM - diligently rewriting the register allocator in order 
to satisfy our design constraints of fast compilation with decent 
runtime performance.

Fwd: Zig monthly, November 2021: Pixel art editor, meetup talks, Advent of Code & more 3 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Zig monthly, November 2021: Pixel art editor, meetup talks, 
Advent of Code & more
Date: 	Wed, 8 Dec 2021 02:36:05 +0000
From: 	Zig monthly <zigmonthly@mail.buttondown.email>
Reply-To: 	news@zigmonthly.org
To: 	andrew@ziglang.org

Curated Zig news brought to you by @slimsag <https://github.com/slimsag> 
each month.
View online: zigmonthly.org <https://zigmonthly.org/letters>

Zig 0.8.1 Released - 42 bugs fixed 3 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Hello everyone!

I'm pleased to announce the release of Zig 0.8.1.


These release notes debut some new mascot art :)


Please welcome kprotty to the Core Zig Team 3 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Hey everyone,

I am pleased to announce our newest Zig team member, kprotty. If you've 
interacted with him, you know that he has an insatiable appetite for 
concurrency-related performance, based on a deep understanding that only 
comes from dedication and experimentation.

Check out his related Showtime talks:

  [1] Build Build-A-Barging Lock
  [2] Schedulers and Stuff

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMqKaKg_gvw
[2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRsXxtHGv90

Please welcome Frank Denis to the Core Zig Team 3 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Hey everyone,

I am pleased to announce our newest Zig team member, Frank. He has 
completely organized, modernized, fixed, and fleshed out std.crypto, as 
well as other parts of the standard library. He also delivered a [Zig 
Showtime talk on 25519](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-4_cNAq1uQ).

Frank has shown continued dedication and discipline in contributions
to the Zig programming language project. The quality of his work
speaks for itself.

In addition, Frank has proven to be a steadfast community leader,
setting an example for how to treat others with kindness and respect.

Zig 0.7.1 Released - 69 bugs fixed 4 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Hello everyone!

I'm pleased to announce the release of Zig 0.7.1.



zig 0.7.0 release postponed to 2020-11-07; release party is the next day 4 years ago

From Andrew Kelley to ~andrewrk/ziglang

Greetings, friends.

Here we are, facing one last postponing of the 0.7.0 release.
Technically, things are progressing as planned. However, last Thursday
my landlord unexpectedly threatened my safety and so I found myself in
an emergency where I had to move myself and all my belongings to a
temporary residence. I'm still figuring out where to go from here while
I get this release out the door, and so I need a little bit extra time.
I'm sorry to postpone the release yet again, but I know a lot of you
would like to try to stick to 0.7.0 rather than track master branch, and
so I want to make sure this one comes out stable enough for that to be a

In more uplifting news, Loris is hosting a release party on Zig