(they/them) a whole lot of stuff y'all are gonna see cant promise anything.
Reach out to me @l3gacyb3ta@catcatnya.com on the fediverse or at l3gacy.b3ta(a)disroot.org
From Arcade Wise to ~rabbits/uxn
Woo! I really like the styling of Varvara One vs just a number :> makes it sound more... smth :3 -- Arcade Wise (they/them) <arcades.agency>
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
On 29-05-2023 06:15, 0xtrzy@wp.pl wrote: > Hello > dusk os can use utf8? > > Marek Hi Marek! 2 things: 1st, an answer to your question, not yet! The text is currently rendered by the bios text mode, so no utf-8 yet. 2nd, you might have meant to send this to the list, which i have CC'ed, :> -- Arcade Wise (they/them) <arcades.agency>
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
> Is DuskOS planning to support sound for uxn applications? > I've been reading through the documentation and the mailing list > archives and audio isn't discussed much, if at all. I don't think that DuskOS proper has audio support yet! If you want, you could theoretically implement it :> -- Arcade Wise (they/them) <arcades.agency>
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
Well, here's the magic of forth. You could implement those words! Just add the necessary definitions into a file, and then if you wanted to use them, theoretically one could just `f<<? /lib/ans.fs` to use them.
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
This is fascinating! I love it. -- Arcade Wise (they/them) <arcades.agency>
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
good luck virgil! -- Arcade Wise (they/them) <arcades.agency>
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
> NDN uses some cryptography to validate that a piece of data came from an > authorized source. Performing the necessary calculations is likely too > expensive for something like a 6502, but depending on how hostile the > outside world is, having at least the option to use cryptography might > be worth it. > I actually, through a grant from hack club <hackclub.com>, am going to be working on a super low-computational power mesh networking system. The primary use-case is probably going to be social, as I very much believe in the power of community post-collapse. The current version will basically only run on ESP32's, which are not super collapse friendly, but the limitations of the platform should allow for easy-ish
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
>Oh, it's true. I hadn't noticed it. I'll fix this and then try the reboot patch >again. np! If you need any other fixes, this seems to be the best till we potentially have ACPI
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
Signed-off-by: Arcade Wise <l3gacy.b3ta@disroot.org> --- fs/drv/pc/ps28042.fs | 3 +++ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) diff --git a/fs/drv/pc/ps28042.fs b/fs/drv/pc/ps28042.fs index e1c6f79..db9b0c8 100644 --- a/fs/drv/pc/ps28042.fs +++ b/fs/drv/pc/ps28042.fs @@ -28,3 +28,6 @@ code isrIRQ1 \ You need to remap the PIC before calling this : 8042ps2$ ['] isrIRQ1 $21 setISR 0 _ridx ! 0 _widx ! ; [message trimmed]
From Arcade Wise to ~vdupras/duskos-discuss
> I see you're cozying up, good :) Haha yeah, dusk is nice to hack on :3 I don't think resetting through the 8042 is > that easy though. In QEMU, when I reboot this way, the keyboard stops working > after the reboot. Doesn't it do the same for you? Nope! But if you type before the information thingy "Dusk OS XXXXKB used XXMB free ok" the keyboard freezes and doesn't work. > On osdev, I see some references to A20 line caveats. Hm, I'll look into that.