
North Carolina, United States


Software Engineer at Nexhealth


Last active 1 year, 10 months ago


Last active 2 years ago
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Re: Add pr.pico.sh to sourcehut? 6 months ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Pico is interesting but is currently in pre-alpha. I’m not sure it makes sense to integrate with it at this stage, personally. It also has vastly different semantics on how feedback is embedded in a patch in ways that are mostly incompatible with the email workflow. In practice repositories would have to choose which semantics they prefer, which could be clunky and lead to frustration.

Re: RFC: Tranforming Appalachian.Town Structure 1 year, 10 months ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~athorp96/Appalachian.Town

Thanks for the replies, folks. It's heartwarming to see the support.

> We could get a few people together to keep running it as is, giving
> everyone else plenty of time to migrate if they choose

I believe this is an important point. Moving forward as a collective,
there would need to be some discussion regarding membership
conditions. I imagine that would have to be defined in whatever
"by-laws" we define.

> They could likely give us some pointers or even
> help us run the instance temporarily while we figure out bylaws,
> responsibilities, whether it's feasible, etc.

RFC: Tranforming Appalachian.Town Structure 1 year, 10 months ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~athorp96/Appalachian.Town

Hello folks,

Thank you to @sam@appalachian.town for suggesting changing the
operating structure of Appalachian.Town.

I believe something like a cooperative or a collective would be
effective for this setup, but I am open to any ideas here. Also, I
personally wouwld prefer to use Open Source Software for organization,
hence using Sourcehut for the mailing list, but if it proves to be a
barrier we can explore other options.
The list of things that need to be taken care of are as follows:
- Costs of operations (I can break this down if there is interest in
moving forward): there are tools for managing this such as

Re: getting "failed to get key 0 from from" on paste.sr.ht when creating a new simple paste 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Actually, it appears that attachments aren't allowed on the mailing list.
Perhaps uploading it to an image hosting site and sharing a link would work.



Re: getting "failed to get key 0 from from" on paste.sr.ht when creating a new simple paste 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Hi Przemysław,

I believe you may have forgotten to attach the screenshot.

- Andrew

[PATCH] scheduler: define documented types for Future's input 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~gioverse/chat

This commit adds WorkFunc and AndThenFunc generic types which are used
as input to Future(). This allows more explicit and nuanced
documentation for using Future() without having a novel of docs for a
single function. For example: specifying that the WorkFunc doesn't block
the event loop but AndThenFunc does is a useful detail but isn't as
relevant to the Future() function as much as it is to the closures

Signed-off-by: Andrew Thorp <andrew.thorp.dev@gmail.com>
 scheduler/scheduler.go | 13 ++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scheduler/scheduler.go b/scheduler/scheduler.go
[message trimmed]

Re: [WIP][PATCH] Gray out reply list when drafting a conversation 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~whereswaldon/arbor-dev

I believe I've found the issue. I was using 
`theme.Background.Default.Bg` when
I should have been using `c.Theme().Current().Bg`. I'll have the patch 
ready soon.


Andrew Thorp

On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 11:12 PM, Andrew Thorp 
<andrew.thorp.dev@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey fellas,
> I implemented a feature where the message lists gets grayed out a bit 

[WIP][PATCH] Gray out reply list when drafting a conversation 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~whereswaldon/arbor-dev

Hey fellas,

I implemented a feature where the message lists gets grayed out a bit when
composing a conversation, as opposed to a reply. It seems to work well, however
it doesn't seem to work at all in dark mode; there doens't appear to be any
rectangle appearing at all... I've been looking through and I can't find out
why it wouldn't work in dark mode. Any advice would be appreciated.


Andrew Thorp

 reply-view.go            | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
[message trimmed]

[PATCH 2/2] Update build script to use 'go install' instead of 'go get' 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~whereswaldon/arbor-dev

 .builds/debian.yml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/.builds/debian.yml b/.builds/debian.yml
index 5bba6fe..95374fa 100644
--- a/.builds/debian.yml
+++ b/.builds/debian.yml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tasks:
 - mirror: |
    # mirror to github while we wait for android
    ssh-keyscan github.com > "$HOME"/.ssh/known_hosts && cd sprig && git push --mirror "$github_mirror" || echo "failed mirroring"
 - install_mage: go get github.com/magefile/mage
 - install_mage: go install github.com/magefile/mage@latest
[message trimmed]

[PATCH 1/2] Add dynamic composer prompt. Use different prompts for new replies and conversations 2 years ago

From Andrew Thorp to ~whereswaldon/arbor-dev

Good morning,

This patch fixes the misleading prompt when starting a new conversation "Compose your reply".
Once applied, the prompt will remain the same for replying to messages but when creating a
new conversation the composer will prompt with "Start a new conversation".

Please let me know if you have any feedback.


[message trimmed]