

Re: Flounder updates!

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Two things I would like clarification on from your todo.

folder directory broken over gemini
list user files over gemini

Also, while you have a thing in the tips and tricks that lists finger
as an option, a link to what constitutes a valid finger file would be
nice. Like 'can i put anything there' or does it only recognize
certain field names?'

Either way, I appreciate the fact you're updating things man.

Re: Flounder updates!

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<CAPBeim7m1T=NvFvHKBPh_VOO6qZBoLanE-+77XKTOBW7OZD_bQ@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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The first is that over gemini, if a folder is empty, there is no “list of files” page. The second is the new feature that i added to list a specific user’s updates doesn’t work over gemini yet

Also I do want to apologize, I have stopped showing your updates on the homepage because there were so many that it obscured everyone else’s. This is a temporary measure until i truncate many file updates with “… and X other files”.

All the best


> On Nov 1, 2021, at 9:39 AM, Andrew Singleton <singletona082@gmail.com> wrote:
> Two things I would like clarification on from your todo.
> folder directory broken over gemini
> list user files over gemini
> Also, while you have a thing in the tips and tricks that lists finger
> as an option, a link to what constitutes a valid finger file would be
> nice. Like 'can i put anything there' or does it only recognize
> certain field names?'
> Either way, I appreciate the fact you're updating things man.
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