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Re: What happened to your fosstodon account? 2 months ago

From Thorben to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

On 4 December 2024 22:59:08 CET, Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com> wrote:
>Oh, everything's fine, no worries. 

Good to hear!

> Maybe I should have posted some kind
>of notice before deleting the account so that it didn't worry anyone.

To be frank, a notice would probably have helped a lot: I had really appreciated your recent book rec for House of Suns, great read. And, if memory serves, even greater thread, which appears to have disappeared into oblivion now. I had counted on revisiting the other book recs there, now that I am finished with Reynolds. I crave more of the same, just as you yourself did. Do you perchance have some sort of backup of the other recommendations? Would be much obliged...
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

What happened to your fosstodon account? 2 months ago

From benthor to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

Slightly worried about the sudden disappearance of your fosstodon
account. Miss you there. What happened?

Re: [PATCH fennel] Documentation: Include link to how-to that explains a minimal Fennel setup for Love2D 1 year, 8 months ago

From benthor to ~technomancy/fennel

Phil Hagelberg <phil@hagelb.org> writes:
> I don't object to minimalism of course, but I think it's not a 
> great
> idea to point newcomers to an approach which doesn't have a repl
> available, since the repl is absolutely key to the ideal dev 
> flow for
> Fennel. You have to keep in mind the intended audience of the 
> getting
> started guide.

I have just extended the code and Readme with a very minimal REPL 
setup. It turned out to be a surprisingly minor change, unless 
I've missed something. Feedback welcome: 

Got fennel-ls to work in Emacs 2 years ago

From benthor to ~xerool/fennel-ls

Hey XeroOl

FWIW, I got fennel-ls to basically work in Emacs. I only have 
knowledge about Emacs best practices, so take the following with a 
of salt. Here is how I enabled it:

First, save the attached file somewhere and expose that directory 
Emacs' load-path variable. In the emacs init.el, I configure the

(add-to-list 'load-path "/directory-containing-lsp-fennel-el/")

Re: [PATCH fennel] Documentation: Include link to how-to that explains a minimal Fennel setup for Love2D 2 years ago

From benthor to ~technomancy/fennel

Phil Hagelberg <phil@hagelb.org> writes:
> I see what you're doing with this, but I think it's better to 
> keep the
> getting started guide concise instead of listing all the 
> alternatives.
> I don't object to minimalism of course, but I think it's not a 
> great
> idea to point newcomers to an approach which doesn't have a repl
> available, since the repl is absolutely key to the ideal dev 
> flow for
> Fennel. You have to keep in mind the intended audience of the 
> getting