
steamarchiver: Various updates v1 APPLIED

Updated Depot Archiver and fixed loading of cached manifests, as well as
added colors for error messages.
Updated Depot Extractor and made it able to read binary depot keys,
which is currently what No-Intro Dats.
Added Depot Validator to read the whole contents of a depot folder, and
validate every file without the need of a manifest. This is useful when
you need to verify that there are no corrupted chunks, and saves time
since manifests may share lots of files between them.
Updated .gitignore to also ignore the keys folder, where the binary
depot keys are stored.

Andrew Vineyard (1):
  Fixed Cached Manifest checking, adds Error Message Colors, adds Full
    Depot Validation checking.

 .gitignore         |   1 +
 depot_archiver.py  |  14 ++---
 depot_extractor.py |  12 +++-
 depot_validator.py | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 depot_validator.py

Committed, thanks so much for the changes! I have a few ideas:

1. We should probably update everything that uses depot keys (i.e. get_depot_keys etc.) to use the No-Intro binary format
2. Error messages, in addition to being in red, should probably be sent to stderr. Ideally we can make a function to reuse for this purpose
3. How does one go about getting a No-Intro login to view the datfiles?

(by the way, I joined the discord, my username is @benlowry)

I hope this works this time. My email client keeps removing the reply-to 
part, breaking compatibility, and I can't figure out what is wrong.

    Agreed with everything on 1 and 2. The edits I made for reading the
    saved Depot Keys were to keep compatibility. Also, I realized that I
    didn't properly close the error code coloring for one of the lines,
    meaning that if we get an error 404 for the response status, the
    terminal gets stuck in red.

    For the 3rd question, you'd have to reach out to the No-Intro team
    after you have an account on their website/forum, either on their
    forum or within Discord, before you would gain access to read the
    DATs for it. Currently, we don't have a record for Steam CDN, but
    I've been regularly using and testing your project. So far, I've
    gotten things ready for submission to them.

    You can take a look at other records on No-Intro's DOM to get an
    idea of how they want things set up.
Export patchset (mbox)
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[PATCH steamarchiver 1/1] Fixed Cached Manifest checking, adds Error Message Colors, adds Full Depot Validation checking. Export this patch

From: Andrew Vineyard <TechnoMage6@gmail.com>

 .gitignore         |   1 +
 depot_archiver.py  |  14 ++---
 depot_extractor.py |  12 +++-
 depot_validator.py | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 depot_validator.py

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2e78875..b4f6805 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ virtualenv/
diff --git a/depot_archiver.py b/depot_archiver.py
index 994cdf0..c8bdb4e 100644
--- a/depot_archiver.py
+++ b/depot_archiver.py
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def archive_manifest(manifest, c, name="unknown", dry_run=False, server_override
                                content = await response.content.read()
                            elif 400 <= response.status < 500:
                                print(f"error: received status code {response.status} (on chunk {chunk_str}, server {host})")
                                print(f"\033[31merror: received status code {response.status} (on chunk {chunk_str}, server {host})\003[0m")
                                return False
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("rotating to next server:", e)
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ def try_load_manifest(appid, depotid, manifestid):
    makedirs("./depots/%s" % depotid, exist_ok=True)
    if path.exists(dest):
        with open(dest, "rb") as f:
            manifest = CDNDepotManifest(c, appid, f.read())
            print("Loaded cached manifest %s from disk" % manifestid)
            return CDNDepotManifest(c, appid, f.read())
        while True:
            license_requested = False
@@ -218,18 +218,18 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
    if args.workshop_id:
        response = steam_client.send_um_and_wait("PublishedFile.GetDetails#1", {'publishedfileids':[args.workshop_id]})
        if response.header.eresult != EResult.OK:
            print("error: couldn't get workshop item info:", response.header.error_message)
            print("\033[31merror: couldn't get workshop item info:\033[0m", response.header.error_message)
        file = response.body.publishedfiledetails[0]
        if file.result != EResult.OK:
            print("error: steam returned error", EResult(file.result))
            print("\033[31merror: steam returned error\033[0m", EResult(file.result))
        print("Retrieved data for workshop item", file.title, "for app", file.consumer_appid, "(%s)" % file.app_name)
        if not file.hcontent_file:
            print("error: workshop item is not on SteamPipe")
            print("\033[31merror: workshop item is not on SteamPipe\033[0m")
        if file.file_url:
            print("error: workshop item is not on SteamPipe: its download URL is", file.file_url)
            print("\033[31merror: workshop item is not on SteamPipe: its download URL is\033[0m", file.file_url)
        archive_manifest(try_load_manifest(file.consumer_appid, file.consumer_appid, file.hcontent_file), c, file.title, args.dry_run, args.server, args.backup)
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                if changenumber > highest_changenumber:
                    highest_changenumber = changenumber
            if highest_changenumber == 0:
                print("error: -l flag specified, but no local appinfo exists for app", appid)
                print("\033[31merror: -l flag specified, but no local appinfo exists for app\033[0m", appid)
            appinfo_path = "./appinfo/%s_%s.vdf" % (appid, highest_changenumber)
diff --git a/depot_extractor.py b/depot_extractor.py
index faecbcc..3ab857f 100644
--- a/depot_extractor.py
+++ b/depot_extractor.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from chunkstore import Chunkstore

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = "./depots/%s/" % args.depotid
    keyfile = "./keys/%s.depotkey" % args.depotid
    manifest = None
    with open(path + "%s.zip" % args.manifestid, "rb") as f:
        manifest = DepotManifest(f.read())
@@ -39,7 +40,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
        if manifest.filenames_encrypted:
    elif manifest.filenames_encrypted:
            if exists("./depot_keys.txt"):
            ## Using No-Intro's DepotKey format, which is
            ## a 32-byte/256-bit binary file.
            ## Examples require login to No-Intro to view.
            if exists(keyfile):
                with open(keyfile, "rb") as f:
                    args.depotkey = f.read()
            ## If depotkey is not found, locate depot_keys.txt
            ## and check if key is located in there.
            elif exists("./depot_keys.txt"):
                with open("./depot_keys.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    for line in f.read().split("\n"):
                        line = line.split("\t")
diff --git a/depot_validator.py b/depot_validator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba45bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depot_validator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from glob import glob
from hashlib import sha1
from io import BytesIO
from os import scandir, makedirs, remove
from os.path import dirname, exists
from pathlib import Path
from struct import unpack
from sys import argv
from zipfile import ZipFile
import lzma

if __name__ == "__main__": # exit before we import our shit if the args are wrong
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Extract downloaded depots.')
    parser.add_argument('depotid', type=int)
    parser.add_argument('depotkey', type=str, nargs='?')
    parser.add_argument('-b', dest="backup", help="Path to a .csd backup file to extract (the manifest must also be present in the depots folder)", nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args()

from steam.core.manifest import DepotManifest
from steam.core.crypto import symmetric_decrypt
from chunkstore import Chunkstore

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = "./depots/%s/" % args.depotid
    keyfile = "./keys/%s.depotkey" % args.depotid
    if args.depotkey:
        args.depotkey = bytes.fromhex(args.depotkey)
    elif exists(keyfile):
        with open(keyfile, "rb") as f:
            args.depotkey = f.read()
    elif exists("./depot_keys.txt"):
        with open("./depot_keys.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            for line in f.read().split("\n"):
                line = line.split("\t")
                    if int(line[0]) == args.depotid:
                        args.depotkey = bytes.fromhex(line[2])
                except ValueError:
            if not args.depotkey:
                print("\033[31mERROR: files are encrypted, but no depot key was specified and no key for this depot exists in depot_keys.txt\033[0m")
        print("\033[31mERROR: files are encrypted, but no depot key was specified and no depot_keys.txt or depotkey file exists\033[0m")

    chunks = {}
    if args.backup:
        chunkstores = {}
        chunks_by_store = {}
        for csm in glob(args.backup.replace("_1.csm","").replace("_1.csd","") + "_*.csm"):
            chunkstore = Chunkstore(csm)
            for chunk, _ in chunkstore.chunks.items():
                chunks[chunk] = _
                chunks_by_store[chunk] = csm
            chunkstores[csm] = chunkstore
        chunkFiles = [data.name for data in scandir(path) if data.is_file()
        and not data.name.endswith(".zip")]
        for name in chunkFiles: chunks[name] = 0

    # print(f"{len(chunks)}")

    def is_hex(s):
            return True
            return False

    badfiles = []
    for file, value in chunks.items():
                if args.backup:
                    chunkhex = hexlify(file).decode()
                    chunk_data = None
                    is_encrypted = False
                        chunkstore = chunkstores[chunks_by_store[file]]
                        chunk_data = chunkstore.get_chunk(file)
                        is_encrypted = chunkstore.is_encrypted
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"\033[31mError retrieving chunk\033[0m {chunkhex}: {e}")
                    if is_encrypted:
                        if args.depotkey:
                            decrypted = symmetric_decrypt(chunk_data, args.depotkey)
                            print("\033[31mERROR: chunk %s is encrypted, but no depot key was specified\033[0m" % chunkhex)
                        decrypted = chunk_data
                        chunk_data = None

                    chunkhex = hexlify(unhexlify(file.replace("_decrypted", ""))).decode()
                    if exists(path + chunkhex):
                        with open(path + chunkhex, "rb") as chunkfile:
                            if args.depotkey:
                                    decrypted = symmetric_decrypt(chunkfile.read(), args.depotkey)
                                except ValueError as e:
                                    print(f"\033[31mError, unable to decrypt file:\033[0m {chunkhex}")
                                print("\033[31mERROR: chunk %s is encrypted, but no depot key was specified\033[0m" % chunkhex)
                    elif exists(path + chunkhex + "_decrypted"):
                        with open(path + chunkhex + "_decrypted", "rb") as chunkfile:
                            decrypted = chunkfile.read()
                        print("missing chunk " + chunkhex)
                decompressed = None
                if decrypted[:2] == b'VZ': # LZMA
                    decompressedSize = unpack('<i', decrypted[-6:-2])[0]
                    print("Testing (LZMA) from chunk", chunkhex, "Size:", decompressedSize)
                        decompressed = lzma.LZMADecompressor(lzma.FORMAT_RAW, filters=[lzma._decode_filter_properties(lzma.FILTER_LZMA1, decrypted[7:12])]).decompress(decrypted[12:-10])[:decompressedSize]
                    except lzma.LZMAError as e:
                        print(f"\033[31mFailed to decompress:\033[0m {chunkhex}")
                        print(f"\033[31mError:\033[0m {e}")
                elif decrypted[:2] == b'PK': # Zip
                    print("Testing (Zip) from chunk", chunkhex)
                    zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(decrypted))
                    decompressed = zipfile.read(zipfile.filelist[0])
                    print("\033[31mERROR: unknown archive type\033[0m", decrypted[:2].decode())
                sha = sha1(decompressed)
                if sha.digest() != unhexlify(chunkhex):
                    print("\033[31mERROR: sha1 checksum mismatch\033[0m (expected %s, got %s)" % (chunkhex, sha.hexdigest()))
        except IsADirectoryError:
    for bad in badfiles:
\ No newline at end of file
Committed, thanks so much for the changes! I have a few ideas:

1. We should probably update everything that uses depot keys (i.e. get_depot_keys etc.) to use the No-Intro binary format
2. Error messages, in addition to being in red, should probably be sent to stderr. Ideally we can make a function to reuse for this purpose
3. How does one go about getting a No-Intro login to view the datfiles?

(by the way, I joined the discord, my username is @benlowry)

I hope this works this time. My email client keeps removing the reply-to 
part, breaking compatibility, and I can't figure out what is wrong.

    Agreed with everything on 1 and 2. The edits I made for reading the
    saved Depot Keys were to keep compatibility. Also, I realized that I
    didn't properly close the error code coloring for one of the lines,
    meaning that if we get an error 404 for the response status, the
    terminal gets stuck in red.

    For the 3rd question, you'd have to reach out to the No-Intro team
    after you have an account on their website/forum, either on their
    forum or within Discord, before you would gain access to read the
    DATs for it. Currently, we don't have a record for Steam CDN, but
    I've been regularly using and testing your project. So far, I've
    gotten things ready for submission to them.

    You can take a look at other records on No-Intro's DOM to get an
    idea of how they want things set up.