Hiho good people,
As is customary when joining a new mailing list and community, please let me briefly introduce myself:
I'm Boris Baldassari, a long-time open source aficionados. I currently work for the Eclipse Foundation, and actively participate in a number of open source initiatives: the OSPO Alliance [1], CHATONS (a french grassroots alternative to big cloud players for the mass) [2, 3], or the IEEE OSSPG (now moving to the EF).
[1] https://ospo-alliance.org <https://xn--ospoalliance-voa.org/>
[2] https//chatons.org <http://chatons.org/>
[3] https://deuxfleurs.fr <https://deuxfleurs.fr/>
I regularly publish articles, and give talks about, methods and tools for software development, ethics in computers, process automation, or metrics and visualisation. Ping me on any of these topics to start a discussion. ;-)
Thrived to join this community and help building bridges across the borders for the benefit of the open source community!
Have a beautiful day, cheers!