extremely gay and incredibly online. ze/hir pronouns.
From boringcactus to ~boringcactus/gemifedi
Honestly I'm not sure. I hadn't thought about gemifedi for several months before this showed up in my inbox, and I promptly forgot about it for the subsequent month. In theory, nothing in there should be causing emojis to not work. On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 12:39 PM René Wagner <rwagner@rw-net.de> wrote: > > Hi, > > i just started to play around with gemifedi and it works quite well so far. > Need to get used to the formatting, but that is expected due to the > restrictions of gemtext. > > I came across a small issue with unicode characters, e.g. emojis,
From boringcactus to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
On 2020-11-12 2:44 PM, Jiri Vlasak wrote:
> $ docker build -t www https://git.sr.ht/~qeef/damn-www
Unfortunately, Docker assumes every HTTPS git URL ends with ".git",
which Sourcehut does not support. You can use the SSH clone URL, but
(unless this has changed recently) you'll need to be using a key that's
authorized on your account or Sourcehut will reject the SSH clone entirely.
From boringcactus to ~int80h/public-inbox
From: Melody Horn <melody@boringcactus.com> this fixes sending binary files from a CGI script --- Sent this directly to int80h, but it's probably wise to put it on the mailing list as well, just in case. src/cgi.rs | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/cgi.rs b/src/cgi.rs index a5dd900..1605d53 100644 --- a/src/cgi.rs +++ b/src/cgi.rs [message trimmed]
From boringcactus to ~boringcactus/crowbar-lang-devel
On 2020-10-28 3:58 PM, Cole Blakley wrote: > I think that you might consider compiling the Crowbar language directly into LLVM IR. I thought about going with LLVM, but decided against it for two reasons: 1. It seemed complicated. 2. Everybody else is using it, and so it's too mainstream. I've settled on using QBE <https://c9x.me/compile/> as my backend instead, which has its own comparison with LLVM: https://c9x.me/compile/doc/llvm.html > Your blog is pretty cool btw, nice to find a coding blog that has neat projects and not dumb VC stuff. Glad you like it!
From boringcactus to ~boringcactus/crowbar-lang-devel
On 2020-10-21 11:02 AM, Eyal Sawady wrote: > Oh, and another thing I just thought of: you don't need to worry about > making sure that the runtime library exists on the host system, you > should be statically linking everything. Picked up on that one myself eventually, but yeah, that's the right way to do it. > Non-pointer->pointer casts are required for kernels, which are an > important use-case for C and any C replacement. I may have to soften the memory safety guarantees into memory safety probably-guarantees, i.e. it's possible to tell the compiler "I know you can't verify that this is safe, but I want to do it anyway."
From boringcactus to ~boringcactus/crowbar-lang-devel
On 2020-10-20 12:20 AM, Eyal Sawady wrote: > My advice is to compile to QBE, not worry about header compatibility > right now, and write up a tool to convert C headers to .hros when it > becomes necessary. If you feel like it, integrate said tool into > Crowbar's build system. Said tool should only parse a small subset of C, > let the programmer sort things out if the header file sucks in order to > avoid reimplementing C. Thanks for reaching out! After writing my blog post and sleeping on it, I had settled on compiling to C, but that has its own mountain of benefits and drawbacks, and I could probably run that cost-benefit analysis for years and not finish.
From boringcactus to ~boringcactus/crowbar-lang-devel
hey all (any?), was working on the Crowbar spec and realized i'd accidentally come up with a good type syntax, so i wrote it up as a standalone blog post: https://www.boringcactus.com/2020/10/13/crowbar-2-simplifying-c-type-names.html -💤🌵
From boringcactus to ~sircmpwn/gmni-devel
Since gmnlm loads the bookmarks file at launch if no gemini URL was passed in, as it stands running gmnlm for the first time gives this error: Error opening /home/cactus/.local/share/gmni/bookmarks.gmi for writing: No such file or directory Assertion failed: uc == CURLUE_OK (src/gmnlm.c: do_requests: 673) Aborted This is easily solved by users, but since the mechanism already exists within gmnlm to create that directory itself (and is used by save_bookmark), users shouldn't have to be the ones to fix it. I tried writing a patch for this myself, but wound up in a sea of other issues that I didn't fully understand.
From boringcactus to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
On September 22, 2020 11:26:11 AM MDT, Robin Krahl <robin.krahl@ireas.org> wrote: >Part of the problem might be that there is no indication whether a Git >repository is part of a project when visiting the repository. This matches what I've been thinking for a bit: you can go down from a project to the repos/issues/lists it contains, but you can't go up from those back to the project unless the README etc has a link to the project root specifically added. I think it would be nice for that link to be traversable in both directions.
From boringcactus to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
--- Ran into this minor gotcha; figured it'd help to clarify so nobody else struggles in quite the same way. packages.md | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages.md b/packages.md index 828b32b..80b6550 100644 --- a/packages.md +++ b/packages.md @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ All of our package repositories accept patches as necessary on This is the recommended distribution of SourceHut, and the one we use for the [message trimmed]