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CI failure

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Hello there,

I'm upgrading the Alpinelinux package [1] and there seems to be some issues with the CI.

The domain https://bouncepaw.com is unreachable, leading to the following test failing.

2024/11/20 14:46:00 Can't get response from https://bouncepaw.com
Test [Save link: given url empty title] failed miserably. It is a shame. Please do better.
Below is the output of cURL.
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:46:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<!doctype html>
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                <h2>Title not found</h2>
                <p>Please, provide a title yourself.</p>
            <form method="post" action="/save-link">
		<label for="link-url">URL</label>
		<input type="text" id="link-url" name="url" value="https://bouncepaw.com" autocomplete="off" placeholder="https://example.org">
		<label for="link-title">Title</label>
		<input type="text" id="link-title" name="title" value="" autocomplete="off" placeholder="A cool website">
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make: *** [Makefile:24: test] Error 2

Would there be a way to use another domain for testing? Or to bring the domain use back up?



[1]: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/75522
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<D5R4476QVALZ.30E7EMUFRXU6K@bl4ckb0ne.ca> (view parent)
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Hello Simon!

First, thank you for working on the package! It means a lot.

Second, bouncepaw.com is indeed down. The server that hosted it got hacked a few days ago. It was wiped because of that, and I have to set up everything again.

I have all the data backed up. I plan to restore the website as soon as possible, but I lack time and energy to do so these days. Thanks to you notifying me of the issue, I'll prioritise it higher now. Expect it this weekend, I hope.

In retrospect, it's an obvious misjudgement on my side to write tests like this. Did I really expect bouncepaw.com to have little downtime? Naïve!

In the meantime, maybe turn off the testing?
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<C845F809-5572-436D-BC45-D7F7BF4D0BE6@ya.ru> (view parent)
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A follow-up.

I have finally found some time to properly set the server up anew.
Did so. It works as expected. A test fails for some reason, though. 
I currently don't know why. Luckily, it's a different test, so we
have some progress here!

My advice is to not run tests that depend on the network.
In check(), you can replace

    make test


    go test ./...

or something like that.
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<5B0AB337-100A-47B0-A081-7606F4AFF1E7@ya.ru> (view parent)
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Thanks for the follow up, I pushed the modifications to the Alpine package [1] and now it's all
green. I also took it out of `testing`.



[1]: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/75522

On Mon Dec 9, 2024 at 2:51 PM EST, Timur Ismagilov wrote:
> A follow-up.
> I have finally found some time to properly set the server up anew.
> Did so. It works as expected. A test fails for some reason, though. 
> I currently don't know why. Luckily, it's a different test, so we
> have some progress here!
> My advice is to not run tests that depend on the network.
> In check(), you can replace
>     make test
> with
>     go test ./...
> or something like that.
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