
betula: Fix page not found error occurrences v1 SUPERSEDED

~danilax86: 1
 Fix page not found error occurrences

 3 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
#1050654 .build.yml success
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[PATCH betula] Fix page not found error occurrences Export this patch

From: Danila Gorelko <danila@danilax86.space>

Fixes: https://todo.sr.ht/~bouncepaw/betula/75
Not so DRY (I tried to put error messages inside paginator template, but
couldn't get it right).

Here how errors show up.
* If there are no links, it doesn't show an error, but you can clearly
see betula is empty
* If there is a one page, but you want to get a second or a next one,
"Page not found" is here, but paginator is not (remember, only one page)
* If there are several pages, and you want to get some next one, "Page
not found. Select from paginator .. la-la" is here. Paginator shows up,
cause there are another pages you can look for.

 web/views/feed.gohtml   | 40 +++++++++++++++-----------
 web/views/search.gohtml | 34 ++++++++++++++--------
 web/views/tag.gohtml    | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 3 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/web/views/feed.gohtml b/web/views/feed.gohtml
index 7664ebf..f4530cd 100644
--- a/web/views/feed.gohtml
+++ b/web/views/feed.gohtml
@@ -7,21 +7,29 @@
            {{if eq .TotalPosts 0 | and .Authorized}}
				<a class="btn btn-accent" href="/save-link">Save link</a>
			{{if .SiteDescription}}<p class="p-summary">{{.SiteDescription}}</p>{{end}}
        {{range .PostsInPage}}
			<article class="h-entry">
                {{if $authed}}
                    {{template "post buttons fragment" .}}
            {{if .SiteDescription}}<p class="p-summary">{{.SiteDescription}}</p>{{end}}
        {{if ne .TotalPosts 0}}
            {{range .PostsInPage}}
                <article class="h-entry">
                    {{if $authed}}
                        {{template "post buttons fragment" .}}
                    <h3 class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a></h3>
                    {{template "post main fragment" .}}
                {{if .MultiplePages}}
                        Page not found. Choose a page from the paginator below.
                        Page not found.
				<h3 class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a></h3>
                {{template "post main fragment" .}}
		        Page not found. Choose a page from the paginator below.
            {{template "paginator" .}}
		{{template "paginator" .}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/views/search.gohtml b/web/views/search.gohtml
index 125a8b7..0da7f61 100644
--- a/web/views/search.gohtml
+++ b/web/views/search.gohtml
@@ -1,19 +1,29 @@
{{define "title"}}Search: {{.Query}}{{end}}
{{define "body"}}{{$authed := .Authorized}}
<main class="h-feed">
		<h2 class="p-name">Search: {{.Query}}</h2>
		<p><span class="mv-count">{{.TotalPosts}}</span> bookmark{{if ne .TotalPosts 1}}s{{end}} match the query.</p>
        <h2 class="p-name">Search: {{.Query}}</h2>
        <p><span class="mv-count">{{.TotalPosts}}</span> bookmark{{if ne .TotalPosts 1}}s{{end}} match the query.</p>
    {{range .PostsInPage}}
		<article class="h-entry">
        <article class="h-entry">
            {{if $authed}}{{template "post buttons fragment" .}}{{end}}
			<h3 class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a></h3>
            <h3 class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a></h3>
            {{template "post main fragment" .}}
    {{else}}{{if .TotalPosts}}
	    <article>Page not found. Choose a page from the paginator below.</article>
	{{template "paginator" .}}
        {{if .TotalPosts}}
            {{if .MultiplePages}}
                    Page not found. Choose a page from the paginator below.
                    Page not found.
    {{template "paginator" .}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/views/tag.gohtml b/web/views/tag.gohtml
index d02fd11..63ce4fa 100644
--- a/web/views/tag.gohtml
+++ b/web/views/tag.gohtml
@@ -1,29 +1,38 @@
{{define "title"}}Tag {{.Name}}{{end}}
{{define "body"}}{{$authed := .Authorized}}
	<main class="h-feed">
			{{if $authed}}
				<a class="edit-post-btn" href="/edit-tag/{{.Name}}">
			<h2 class="p-name">Tag {{.Name}}</h2>
			<p><span class="mv-count">{{.TotalPosts}}</span> bookmark{{if ne .TotalPosts 1}}s have{{else}} has{{end}} this tag.</p>
			<div class="p-summary">{{.Description | mycomarkup}}</div>
		{{range .PostsInPage}}
			<article class="h-entry">
                {{if $authed}}
                    {{template "post buttons fragment" .}}
				<h3 class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a></h3>
                {{template "post main fragment" .}}
				Page not found. Choose a page from the paginator below.
		{{template "paginator" .}}
\ No newline at end of file
<main class="h-feed">
        {{if $authed}}
            <a class="edit-post-btn" href="/edit-tag/{{.Name}}">
        <h2 class="p-name">Tag {{.Name}}</h2>
        <p><span class="mv-count">{{.TotalPosts}}</span> bookmark{{if ne .TotalPosts 1}}s have{{else}} has{{end}} this
        <div class="p-summary">{{.Description | mycomarkup}}</div>
    {{range .PostsInPage}}
        <article class="h-entry">
            {{if $authed}}
                {{template "post buttons fragment" .}}
            <h3 class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a></h3>
            {{template "post main fragment" .}}
        {{if .TotalPosts}}
            {{if .MultiplePages}}
                    Page not found. Choose a page from the paginator below.
                    Page not found.
    {{template "paginator" .}}
betula/patches/.build.yml: SUCCESS in 1m50s

[Fix page not found error occurrences][0] from [~danilax86][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~bouncepaw/betula/patches/44244
[1]: mailto:danila@danilax86.space

✓ #1050654 SUCCESS betula/patches/.build.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~bouncepaw/job/1050654