
mycorrhiza: Create new hyphae from /edit v2 SUPERSEDED

I have made better use of templates to address the Russian locale issue,
although since I don't speak russian I expect that my copying the
translation of "new name" for use as "new hypha name" can be improved

Note that although it is now styled the same as all other input text
fields, the new hypha name input is still inside the h1 create tag. This
seemed more semantically correct to me 🤷, but I haven't consulted
accessibility guidelines so let me know if that needs to be moved out of
the h1 tag.

Lastly now that the new name field is required, the handler doesn't have
any special behavior if the required field is somehow left out or sent
empty. I haven't tested what would happen in that case. Let me know if I


Rosie K Languet (1):
  Create new hyphae from /edit

 hypview/hypview.go     |  2 ++
 hypview/view_edit.html | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
 static/default.css     |  1 +
 util/util.go           | 18 +++++++++++++++---
 web/mutators.go        | 13 ++++++++++---
 5 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

Thank you! I have found the following issues:

1. You have wrapped the input field in the <p> tag.
   a. It is on its own line, which does not really make
      sense on a wider screen. It should be part of
      the first line, I think.
   b. This is invalid HTML5.
2. The form accepts empty names such as ‘  ’ or ‘_’,
   which are in no way different from ‘’.
Re: 2. I have mistaken, it shows an error, as it
should. Even if someone removes the `required` part,
the error is still shown, so this part is good.

I should get some sleep.
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[PATCH mycorrhiza v2 1/1] Create new hyphae from /edit Export this patch

From: Rosie K Languet <rkl@rosiesworkshop.net>

This modifies handlerEdit to include a Name input field when one is not
given in the url. It starts implementing the first part of bouncepaw's
first bullet point:
 hypview/hypview.go     |  2 ++
 hypview/view_edit.html | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
 static/default.css     |  1 +
 util/util.go           | 18 +++++++++++++++---
 web/mutators.go        | 13 ++++++++++---
 5 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hypview/hypview.go b/hypview/hypview.go
index c2abb38..c73553a 100644
--- a/hypview/hypview.go
+++ b/hypview/hypview.go
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ var (
	ruTranslation = `
{{define "editing hypha"}}Редактирование {{beautifulName .}}{{end}}
{{define "editing [[hypha]]"}}Редактирование <a href="/hypha/{{.}}">{{beautifulName .}}</a>{{end}}
{{define "create"}}Создать{{end}}
{{define "creating [[hypha]]"}}Создание <a href="/hypha/{{.}}">{{beautifulName .}}</a>{{end}}
{{define "you're creating a new hypha"}}Вы создаёте новую гифу.{{end}}
{{define "new hypha name"}}Новое название{{end}}
{{define "describe your changes"}}Опишите ваши правки{{end}}
{{define "save"}}Сохранить{{end}}
{{define "preview"}}Предпросмотр{{end}}
diff --git a/hypview/view_edit.html b/hypview/view_edit.html
index dd6bdc9..7967031 100644
--- a/hypview/view_edit.html
+++ b/hypview/view_edit.html
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
<script src="/static/toolbar.js"></script>

{{define "create"}}Create{{end}}
{{define "editing hypha"}}Edit {{beautifulName .}}{{end}}
{{define "previewing hypha"}}Preview of {{beautifulName .}}{{end}}
{{define "title"}}
@@ -56,8 +57,22 @@
    <form method="post" class="edit-form" action="/upload-text/{{.HyphaName}}">
        <h1 class="edit__title">
            {{if .IsNew}}
                {{block "creating [[hypha]]" .HyphaName}}
                    Create <a href="/hypha/{{.}}">{{beautifulName .}}</a>
                {{if ne .HyphaName ""}}
                    {{block "creating [[hypha]]" .HyphaName}}
                        {{template "create"}} <a href="/hypha/{{.}}">{{beautifulName .}}</a>
                    {{template "create"}}
                    <p class="edit-form__message-zone">
                            placeholder="{{block "new hypha name" .}}New hypha name{{end}}"
                            aria-label="{{template "new hypha name" .}}">
                {{block "editing [[hypha]]" .HyphaName}}
diff --git a/static/default.css b/static/default.css
index 8d09d53..0cc496f 100644
--- a/static/default.css
+++ b/static/default.css
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ textarea {font-size:16px; font-family: inherit; line-height: 150%; }
.edit__preview { border: 2px dashed #ddd; padding: 10px; margin: 0 -10px; }
.edit-form__textarea { width: 100%; height: 80vh; min-height: 4rem; }
.edit-form p { margin: .25rem 0; }
.edit-form__message-zone { font-size:16px; font-weight: normal; }
.edit-form__message { width: 100%; margin: 0.25em 0; }
.edit-form__save { font-weight: bold; }
.edit-toolbar__buttons, .edit-toolbar__help { margin: .5rem; }
diff --git a/util/util.go b/util/util.go
index a00230c..04fac06 100644
--- a/util/util.go
+++ b/util/util.go
@@ -71,16 +71,28 @@ func IsProfileName(hyphaName string) bool {
	return strings.HasPrefix(hyphaName, cfg.UserHypha+"/") && strings.Count(hyphaName, "/") == 1

// HyphaNameFromRq extracts hypha name from http request. You have to also pass the action which is embedded in the url or several actions. For url /hypha/hypha, the action would be "hypha".
 // HyphaNameFromRq extracts hypha name from http request. You have to also pass the action which is embedded in the url or several actions. For url /hypha/hypha, the action would be "hypha". When the url contains no hypha name, the configured HomeHypha is returned.
func HyphaNameFromRq(rq *http.Request, actions ...string) string {
	name := OptionalHyphaNameFromRq(rq, actions...)
	if name == "" {
		log.Println("HyphaNameFromRq: this request is invalid, fall back to home hypha")
		return cfg.HomeHypha
	return name

// OptionalHyphaNameFromRq extracts hypha name from http request. You have to also pass the action which is embedded in the url or several actions. For url /hypha/hypha, the action would be "hypha".
func OptionalHyphaNameFromRq(rq *http.Request, actions ...string) string {
	p := rq.URL.Path
	for _, action := range actions {
		if strings.HasPrefix(p, "/"+action+"/") {
			return CanonicalName(strings.TrimPrefix(p, "/"+action+"/"))
		if p == "/"+action {
	log.Println("HyphaNameFromRq: this request is invalid, fall back to home hypha")
	return cfg.HomeHypha
	return CanonicalName("")

// FormData is a convenient struct for passing user input and errors to HTML
diff --git a/web/mutators.go b/web/mutators.go
index e85ddda..e659865 100644
--- a/web/mutators.go
+++ b/web/mutators.go
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import (

func initMutators(r *mux.Router) {
	r.PathPrefix("/rename/").HandlerFunc(handlerRename).Methods("GET", "POST")
	r.PathPrefix("/delete/").HandlerFunc(handlerDelete).Methods("GET", "POST")
	r.PathPrefix("/remove-media/").HandlerFunc(handlerRemoveMedia).Methods("GET", "POST")
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func handlerEdit(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
		lc   = l18n.FromRequest(rq)
		meta = viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq)

		hyphaName = util.HyphaNameFromRq(rq, "edit")
		hyphaName = util.OptionalHyphaNameFromRq(rq, "edit")
		h         = hyphae.ByName(hyphaName)

		isNew   bool
@@ -179,7 +179,14 @@ func handlerUploadText(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
		u    = user.FromRequest(rq)
		meta = viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq)

		hyphaName = util.HyphaNameFromRq(rq, "upload-text")
		hyphaName = util.OptionalHyphaNameFromRq(rq, "upload-text")

	if hyphaName == "" {
		hyphaName = util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("name"))

	var (
		h         = hyphae.ByName(hyphaName)
		_, isNew  = h.(*hyphae.EmptyHypha)

Thank you! I have found the following issues:

1. You have wrapped the input field in the <p> tag.
   a. It is on its own line, which does not really make
      sense on a wider screen. It should be part of
      the first line, I think.
   b. This is invalid HTML5.
2. The form accepts empty names such as ‘  ’ or ‘_’,
   which are in no way different from ‘’.