
Re: ox-taskjuggler patches

Harold Ollivier <holl@mailbox.org>
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"Harold Ollivier" <holl@mailbox.org> writes:

> Hi Bastien
>> you don't need to be an Elisp guru to maintain ox-taskjuggler.el, you
>> need to have some time to receive and review patches that may be sent
>> to you, and perhaps to fix some bugs.
>> Of course, this is your decision.
> It will be my pleasure then.
>> For the patches, can you simply send me the ox-taskjuggler.el file
>> _after_ your modifications (i.e. the latest correct version)? I will
>> replay the changes and apply them.
> I've attached the working version. Let me know if there is a problem.
> Best.

Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898
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