Hi Harold,
"Harold Ollivier" <holl@mailbox.org> writes:
> I've attached the working version. Let me know if there is a> problem.
I applied the changes as a single commit in your name here:
Thanks for taking care of ox-taskjuggler.el!
org-contrib is for packages waiting for a new maintainer, which
means that you can host ox-taskjuggler.el wherever you want: is
this something you need help with?
Bastien Guerry
Bastien Guerry <bzg@bzg.fr> writes:
> Hi Harold,>> "Harold Ollivier" <holl@mailbox.org> writes:>>> I've attached the working version. Let me know if there is a>> problem.>> I applied the changes as a single commit in your name here:> https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/org-contrib/commit/8e32471fc8>> Thanks for taking care of ox-taskjuggler.el!>> org-contrib is for packages waiting for a new maintainer, which > means that you can host ox-taskjuggler.el wherever you want: is> this something you need help with?
I was planning to host that on github, and splitting the commits from
org-contrib that dealt with ox-taskjuggler (basically this
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359424/ddg#17864475). is that ok?
Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898
"Harold Ollivier" <holl@mailbox.org> writes:
> I was planning to host that on github, and splitting the commits from> org-contrib that dealt with ox-taskjuggler (basically this> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359424/ddg#17864475). is that ok?
Sure. Let me know when this is done. You can also simply use the
current version of ox-taskjuggler.el as the initial commit and
continue from there, since past history is already in org-contrib.
Bastien Guerry
Hi Bastien,
> Sure. Let me know when this is done. You can also simply use the> current version of ox-taskjuggler.el as the initial commit and> continue from there, since past history is already in org-contrib.
It's done.
I've kept the history I thought that would be easier in case its
I've seen all of org-contrib is under GPLv3. I wanted to add a license
file to the repo. Should I put all the names I find in the commits to
the authors?
At one point, it could be good to update the tutorial to cover the cases
I added. I can do that directly in the repo, or contribute to Worg
page. What is best?
Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898
Entrance: 45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Inside Campus Locator (Ground Floor):
Hi Harold,
"Harold Ollivier" <holl@mailbox.org> writes:
> git@github.com:h-oll/ox-taskjuggler.git
See https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/org-contrib/commit/ccd42128> I've kept the history I thought that would be easier in case its> needed.
> I've seen all of org-contrib is under GPLv3. I wanted to add a license> file to the repo. Should I put all the names I find in the commits to> the authors?
> At one point, it could be good to update the tutorial to cover the cases> I added. I can do that directly in the repo, or contribute to Worg> page. What is best?
IMHO it's best to contribute to Worg. Please create a username on
sr.ht and I will give you write access to Worg.
Bastien Guerry
"Harold Ollivier" <holl@mailbox.org> writes:
> It's done. >> git@github.com:h-oll/ox-taskjuggler.git
If you can, may you please also publish ox-taskjuggler as a separate
package on non-GNU ELPA or at least MELPA?
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>
Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:
> If you can, may you please also publish ox-taskjuggler as a separate> package on non-GNU ELPA or at least MELPA?
Indeed, that'd be a good idea!
Bastien Guerry
Hi Bastien, Ihor,
>> If you can, may you please also publish ox-taskjuggler as a separate>> package on non-GNU ELPA or at least MELPA?>> Indeed, that'd be a good idea!
I was thinking the same. Would you be able to point me toward any good
resource to do that?
Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898
Entrance: 45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Inside Campus Locator (Ground Floor):
Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:
> I think that GNU ELPA is not suitable because not all the contributors> to ox-taskjuggler have copyright assignments. At least, Christian Egli,> ox-taskjuggler author, is listed as tiny change contributor in our> records.
I had my papers signed a long time ago, probably with a different
employer, I'd be happy to try to get an updated copyright assignments.
Do I just send a mail to assign@fsf.org?
Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland
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Hi Bastien
>> At one point, it could be good to update the tutorial to cover the cases>> I added. I can do that directly in the repo, or contribute to Worg>> page. What is best?>> IMHO it's best to contribute to Worg. Please create a username on> sr.ht and I will give you write access to Worg.
sorry, it took quite some time as I had an account already but was
marked as spam so deactivated.
Now everything back on track.
Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898
Entrance: 45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Inside Campus Locator (Ground Floor):