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ox-taskjuggler patches

Harold Ollivier <harold.ollivier@mines.org>
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Dear bastien, Christian,

You will find attached 3 patches to ox-taskjuggler.

One fixes the export of the end date for the project which always
defaulted to the valued declared in customized.

The second deals with adding accounts and exporting them

The third modifies the export for reports so that it is possible to
define the textual parts of reports.

I hope this can be useful to others.

Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898

Re: ox-taskjuggler patches

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<87seyvcfb3.fsf@argon.mail-host-address-is-not-set> (view parent)
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Dear Harold,

I'm willing to apply the patches. Christian can voice concerns if he
has some later on, perhaps he's busy. Christian, if you want to hand
over ox-taskjuggler.el maintainance to someone else, let us know.

I cannot applied the patches, though. Can you recreate them from the
last HEAD as a series? Or simple as raw distinct patches?


 Bastien Guerry

Re: ox-taskjuggler patches

Harold Ollivier <harold.ollivier@mines.org>
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<8734qq5cc1.fsf@bzg.fr> (view parent)
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Dear Bastien,

thanks for the reply.


> I cannot applied the patches, though. Can you recreate them from the
> last HEAD as a series? Or simple as raw distinct patches?

I regenerated them. I hope this is what you expect. In case it's not, do
not hesitate to ask.


Harold Ollivier
+33 617 103 898

Re: ox-taskjuggler patches

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<87bk5enjtj.fsf@argon.mail-host-address-is-not-set> (view parent)
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"Harold Ollivier" <harold.ollivier@mines.org> writes:

> I regenerated them. I hope this is what you expect. In case it's not, do
> not hesitate to ask.

Sorry, it does not work. Are you creating the patches against the
latest version of org-contrib? Are you using git format-patch?

For example:

~$ patch -p1 < 0001-Modified-org-taskjuggler-get-end.patch


patching file ox-taskjuggler.el
Hunk #1 FAILED at 487.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file ox-taskjuggler.el.rej

 Bastien Guerry

Re: ox-taskjuggler patches

Christian Egli <christian.egli@sbs.ch>
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<8734qq5cc1.fsf@bzg.fr> (view parent)
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Hi all

I do not use taskjuggler anymore so, yes I'd like to hand over
ox-taskjuggler.el maintainance to someone else.

That said, I had a quick look at the patches and they look fine to me.


Bastien Guerry <bzg@bzg.fr> writes:

> Dear Harold,
> I'm willing to apply the patches. Christian can voice concerns if he
> has some later on, perhaps he's busy. Christian, if you want to hand
> over ox-taskjuggler.el maintainance to someone else, let us know.
> I cannot applied the patches, though. Can you recreate them from the
> last HEAD as a series? Or simple as raw distinct patches?
> Thanks!

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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Re: ox-taskjuggler patches

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<86seyk7tq9.fsf@sbs.ch> (view parent)
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Thanks Christian!

Christian Egli <christian.egli@sbs.ch> writes:

> I do not use taskjuggler anymore so, yes I'd like to hand over
> ox-taskjuggler.el maintainance to someone else.

Harold, is this something you would consider?

> That said, I had a quick look at the patches and they look fine to
> me.

Thanks for checking.

If Harold agrees to maintain ox-taskjuggler.el, he can decide where to
develop/maintain it (SourceHut, GitHub, etc.) and let us know, then I
will remove it from org-contrib/ and documentation the new location.

 Bastien Guerry
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