FTB Wiki admin here, The template in question (Template:Cg/Crafting Table, https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Template:Cg/Crafting_Table) embeds another template (Template:Gc, https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Template:G/Cell) that then calls a parser function. I think that Breezewiki has troubles with that custom parser function (added by the Tilesheets extension). Regards, Tomodachi94
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Thanks Tomodachi94 for the info about the templates! I compared Template:G/Cell on Fandom and Breezewiki, and I noticed that Firefox devtools shows the CSS properties width and height greyed out and an info tip on Breezewiki, while on Fandom it's not. Hovering over the info tip tells me to add `display: block` or `display: inline-block`. Looking further into this, it seems like Fandom loads "CSS modules" (is that the right term?) for ext.tilesheets, while Breezewiki doesn't. It seems like Breezewiki loads a hardcoded list of "CSS modules"[1], I'll check later if Breezewiki can get a list of "modules" to load at runtime. [1]: https://gitdab.com/cadence/breezewiki/src/commit/61d28203420120aa0df009212bae6614b66c2ad8/src/application-globals.rkt#L178
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It seems like <head> is drastically different when querying the API[1] vs opening the page[2], though I don't know why that is. I may (or may not) make a pull request to fix this by scraping the page instead of querying the API, though I'll wait for Cadence to respond before working on it. [1]: https://ftb.fandom.com/api.php?action=parse&format=json&page=Template%3AG%2FCell&prop=text%7Cheadhtml&formatversion=2 [2]: https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Template:G/Cell