
Martijn Braam: 1
 Sanitize types

 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)


Most devices are aarch64 which I think use 64-bit longs (though, size isn't 
really a problem at this scale). https://1nine.com/arms-64-bit-mode-aarch64-armv8/

The number of tfb_ api calls we make far exceeds the number of C api calls, so 
wouldn't it be neater to use int and only have to cast from long->int a few 
times, rather than ever time we call some tfblib function?
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[PATCH] Sanitize types Export this patch

Make the types for variables more consistent to limit casts. All
physical dimensions are floats and pixel coordinates are long except on
the interface with tflib which uses int.
 include/pbsplash.h |  2 +-
 src/animate.c      | 30 +++++++++------
 src/pbsplash.c     | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/pbsplash.h b/include/pbsplash.h
index b855f28..423f128 100644
--- a/include/pbsplash.h
+++ b/include/pbsplash.h
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ struct col {

void animate_frame(int frame, int w, int h, long dpi);
void animate_frame(int frame, long w, long h, float dpi);

diff --git a/src/animate.c b/src/animate.c
index eb70769..c249ae8 100644
--- a/src/animate.c
+++ b/src/animate.c
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tfblib/tfblib.h>
#include <tfblib/tfb_colors.h>
#include "pbsplash.h"
@@ -12,27 +11,34 @@ struct col color = { .r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255, .a = 255 };

#define speed	  3

void circles_wave(int frame, int w, int y_off, long dpi)
void circles_wave(int frame, long w, long y_off, float dpi)
	unsigned int t_col = tfb_make_color(color.r, color.g, color.b);
	int f = frame * speed;
	long f = frame * speed;

	int rad = (int)(dpi * 4 / 96.0);
	int dist = rad * 4;
	int amplitude = rad * 2;

	int left = (w / 2) - (dist * (n_circles - 1) / 2.0);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_circles; i++) {
		int x = left + (i * dist);
		double offset = sin(f / 60.0 * PI + i);
		int y = y_off + offset * amplitude;
		tfb_fill_rect(x - rad - 1, y_off - amplitude - rad, rad * 2 + 2,
	long left = (long)(((float)w / 2.f) -
			   ((float)dist * (n_circles - 1) / 2.0f));

	for (int i = 0; i < n_circles; i++) {
		long x = left + (i * dist);
		double offset = sin((double)f / 60.0 * PI + i);
		long y = y_off + (long)(offset * amplitude);

		// Clear column for the dot
		tfb_fill_rect((int)(x - rad - 1),
			      (int)(y_off - amplitude - rad), rad * 2 + 2,
			      400 + rad * 2, tfb_black);
		tfb_fill_circle(x, y, rad, t_col);

		// Draw new dot
		tfb_fill_circle((int)x, (int)y, rad, t_col);

void animate_frame(int frame, int w, int h, long dpi)
void animate_frame(int frame, long w, long h, float dpi)
	circles_wave(frame, w, h * 0.75, dpi);
	circles_wave(frame, w, (h * 3) >> 2, dpi);
diff --git a/src/pbsplash.c b/src/pbsplash.c
index 074ec40..b36a9b4 100644
--- a/src/pbsplash.c
+++ b/src/pbsplash.c
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@

#include "pbsplash.h"

#define MSG_MAX_LEN	  4096
#define DEFAULT_FONT_PATH "/usr/share/pbsplash/OpenSans-Regular.svg"
#define LOGO_SIZE_MAX_MM  90
#define FONT_SIZE_PT	  9
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ struct col background_color = { .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 255 };
#define LOG(fmt, ...)                                                          \
	do {                                                                   \
		if (debug)                                                     \
			printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);                   \
			printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);                            \
	} while (0)

int usage()
@@ -65,8 +64,8 @@ void term(int signum)
	terminate = 1;

static void blit_buf(unsigned char *buf, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool vflip,
		     bool redraw)
static void blit_buf(const unsigned char *buf, long x, long y, long w, long h,
		     bool vflip, bool redraw)
	struct col prev_col = { .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 0 };
	unsigned int col = tfb_make_color(
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ static void blit_buf(unsigned char *buf, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool vflip,
		for (size_t j = 0; j < h; j++) {
			if (i == 0 || i == w - 1 || j == 0 || j == h - 1) {
				tfb_draw_pixel(x + i, y + h - j, tfb_red);
				tfb_draw_pixel((int)x + (int)i, (int)y + (int)h - (int)j, tfb_red);
@@ -107,43 +106,42 @@ static void blit_buf(unsigned char *buf, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool vflip,
				col = tfb_make_color(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
			if (vflip)
				tfb_draw_pixel(x + i, y + h - j, col);
				tfb_draw_pixel((int)(x + i), (int)(y + h - j),
				tfb_draw_pixel(x + i, y + j, col);
				tfb_draw_pixel((int)(x + i), (int)(y + j), col);

static void draw_svg(NSVGimage *image, int x, int y, int w, int h)
static void draw_svg(NSVGimage *image, long x, long y, long w, long h)
	float sz = (int)((float)w / (float)image->width * 100.f) / 100.f;
	LOG("draw_svg: %dx%d, %dx%d, %f\n", x, y, w, h, sz);
	float sz = (float)w / image->width;
	LOG("draw_svg: %ldx%ld, %ldx%ld, %f\n", x, y, w, h, sz);
	NSVGrasterizer *rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer();
	unsigned char *img = malloc(w * h * 4);
	nsvgRasterize(rast, image, 0, 0, sz, img, w, h, w * 4);
	nsvgRasterize(rast, image, 0, 0, sz, img, (int)w, (int)h, (int)w * 4);

	blit_buf(img, x, y, w, h, false, false);
	blit_buf(img, x, y, (int)w, (int)h, false, false);


static void draw_text(NSVGimage *font, char *text, int x, int y, int width,
		      int height, float scale, unsigned int tfb_col)
static void draw_text(NSVGimage *font, char *text, long x, long y, long width,
		      long height, float scale, unsigned int tfb_col)
	LOG("text '%s': fontsz=%f, x=%d, y=%d, dimensions: %d x %d\n", text,
	LOG("text '%s': fontsz=%f, x=%ld, y=%ld, dimensions: %ld x %ld\n", text,
	    scale, x, y, width, height);
	NSVGshape **shapes = nsvgGetTextShapes(font, text, strlen(text));
	unsigned char *img = malloc(width * height * 4);
	NSVGrasterizer *rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer();

	nsvgRasterizeText(rast, font, 0, 0, scale, img, width, height,
			  width * 4, text);
	nsvgRasterizeText(rast, font, 4, 0, scale, img, (int)width, (int)height,
			  (int)width * 4, text);

	blit_buf(img, x, y, width, height, true, false);


@@ -152,24 +150,20 @@ static void draw_text(NSVGimage *font, char *text, int x, int y, int width,
 * based on the font size and the font SVG file.
static void getTextDimensions(NSVGimage *font, char *text, float scale,
			      int *width, int *height)
			      float *width, float *height)
	int i = 0;

	*width = 0;
	// The height is simply the height of the font * the scale factor
	*height = (font->fontAscent - font->fontDescent) * scale;
	if (text == NULL)
	*height = (float)(font->fontAscent - font->fontDescent) * scale;

	NSVGshape **shapes = nsvgGetTextShapes(font, text, strlen(text));
	NSVGshape **shapes = nsvgGetTextShapes(font, text, (int)strlen(text));
	// Iterate over every glyph in the string to get the total width
	for (i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++) {
	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++) {
		NSVGshape *shape = shapes[i];
		if (shape) {
			*width += (float)shapes[i]->horizAdvX * scale + 0.5;
			*width += (float)shapes[i]->horizAdvX * scale + 0.5f;
		} else {
			*width += font->defaultHorizAdv * scale;
			*width += (float)font->defaultHorizAdv * scale;

@@ -188,7 +182,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct sigaction action;
	float font_size = FONT_SIZE_PT;
	int optflag;
	long dpi = 0;
	float dpi = 0;

	memset(active_tty, '\0', TTY_PATH_LEN);
	strcat(active_tty, "/dev/");
@@ -228,7 +222,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
				fprintf(stderr, "--dpi requires an argument\n");
				return usage();
			dpi = strtol(optarg, &end, 10);
			dpi = strtof(optarg, &end);
			if (end == optarg) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Invalid font size: %s\n",
@@ -242,7 +236,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

		FILE *fp = fopen("/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty0/active", "r");
		int len = strlen(active_tty);
		unsigned long len = strlen(active_tty);
		char *ptr = active_tty + len;
		if (fp != NULL) {
			fgets(ptr, TTY_PATH_LEN - len, fp);
@@ -264,17 +258,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int w = (int)tfb_screen_width();
	int h = (int)tfb_screen_height();

	int w_mm = tfb_screen_width_mm();
	int h_mm = tfb_screen_height_mm();
	float w_mm = (float)tfb_screen_width_mm();
	float h_mm = (float)tfb_screen_height_mm();
	// If DPI is specified on cmdline then calculate display size from it
	// otherwise calculate the dpi based on the display size.
	if (dpi > 0) {
		w_mm = w / (float)dpi * 25.4;
		h_mm = h / (float)dpi * 25.4;
		w_mm = (float)w / dpi * 25.4f;
		h_mm = (float)h / dpi * 25.4f;
	} else {
		dpi = (float)w / (float)w_mm * 25.4;
		dpi = (float)w / (float)w_mm * 25.4f;
	int pixels_per_milli = (float)w / (float)w_mm;
	float pixels_per_milli = (float)w / w_mm;

	float logo_size_px = (float)(w < h ? w : h) * 0.75f;
	if (w_mm > 0 && h_mm > 0) {
@@ -289,8 +283,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

	LOG("%dx%d @ %dx%dmm, dpi=%ld, logo_size_px=%f\n", w, h, w_mm, h_mm,
	    dpi, logo_size_px);
	LOG("%dx%d @ %fx%fmm, dpi=%f, logo_size_px=%f\n", w, h, w_mm, h_mm, dpi,

	image = nsvgParseFromFile(splash_image, "", logo_size_px);
	if (!image) {
@@ -302,8 +296,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
	float sz =
		(float)logo_size_px /
		(image->width > image->height ? image->width : image->height);
	int image_w = image->width * sz + 0.5;
	int image_h = image->height * sz + 0.5;
	float image_w = image->width * sz;
	float image_h = image->height * sz;
	float x = (float)w / 2;
	float y = (float)h / 2;
	// Center the image
@@ -313,10 +307,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
	tfb_clear_screen(tfb_make_color(background_color.r, background_color.g,

	draw_svg(image, x, y, image_w, image_h);
	draw_svg(image, (int)x, (int)y, lroundf(image_w), lroundf(image_h));

	if (message) {
		int textWidth, textHeight;
		float textWidth, textHeight;

		font = nsvgParseFromFile(font_path, "px", 512);
		if (!font || !font->shapes) {
@@ -326,17 +320,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

		float fontsz = ((float)font_size * PT_TO_MM) /
			       (font->fontAscent - font->fontDescent) *
			       (float)(font->fontAscent - font->fontDescent) *

		getTextDimensions(font, message, fontsz, &textWidth,

		int tx = w / 2.f - textWidth / 2.f;
		int ty = y + image_h + textHeight * 0.5f + MM_TO_PX(dpi, 2);
		int tx = (int)((float)w / 2.f - textWidth / 2.f);
		int ty = (int)(y + image_h + textHeight * 0.5f +
			       MM_TO_PX(dpi, 2));

		draw_text(font, message, tx, ty, textWidth, textHeight, fontsz,
		draw_text(font, message, tx, ty, lroundf(textWidth),
			  lroundf(textHeight), fontsz, tfb_gray);

@@ -352,7 +347,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
		// Login started and has reset the TTY back to text mode
		if (tty_mode == KD_TEXT) {
			// tfb_flush_window();
			draw_svg(image, x, y, image_w, image_h);
			draw_svg(image, (int)x, (int)y, lroundf(image_w),
			goto out;
		// usleep(1666);