Hi Yuan,
I enjoy reading your notes. I've come to your website via your Emacs
work, Xeft, and am delighted to learn about your interest in type and
There seems to be a very minor link issue on the RSS link in your page
at `https://archive.casouri.cc/note/index.html`.
The RSS link on it is `https://archive.casouri.cc/note/note/atom.xml`.
It has an extra `note/`. Removing it lets me subscribe to the feed.
Thank you.
– nobiot
> On Sep 16, 2023, at 2:24 AM, Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com> wrote:
> Hi Yuan,
> I enjoy reading your notes. I've come to your website via your Emacs
> work, Xeft, and am delighted to learn about your interest in type and
> Pollen.
> There seems to be a very minor link issue on the RSS link in your page
> at `https://archive.casouri.cc/note/index.html`.
> The RSS link on it is `https://archive.casouri.cc/note/note/atom.xml`.
> It has an extra `note/`. Removing it lets me subscribe to the feed.
Thanks for your kind words, Noboru, it fills my heart with joy. And
thanks for the notice! I’ll be sure to fix it.