* Implemented in the most-AWK-compatible script.
Tested to work with `mawk` (default on Ubuntu) and `gawk` (GNU Awk
installed separately)
* Implements wrapping of long lines
It takes care of proper folding and formatting of quote sections
(starting with "> ") and free text sections, keeps code sections
verbatim (no folding applied)
* Placed the script as a HERE document for an entirely self-contained
`lessgmi` pager
contrib/lessgmi | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/lessgmi b/contrib/lessgmi
index 922cb95..b615eab 100755
--- a/contrib/lessgmi+++ b/contrib/lessgmi
@@ -1,11 +1,113 @@
-#!/bin/sh+#!/bin/sh -Ceu# A wrapper around `less` that can color .gmi files
-if command -v gawk >/dev/null 2>&1; then- # TODO: Official install is probably /usr/share/gmi?- gawk -f contrib/gmi_color_gawk.awk -- "$@"-else- # TODO: fall back to plain `awk`, for the moment fall-back on plain `cat`- cat -- "$@"-fi | less -r+# ANSI Escape Sequences at+# https://gist.github.com/fnky/458719343aabd01cfb17a3a4f7296797++AWK_GMI_SCRIPT=$(cat) <<'EOF'+function print_folded(long_line, prefix) {+ # Split words into an array+ split(long_line, list_of_words)++ line_len = 0+ num_words = length(list_of_words)++ for(i = 1; i <= num_words; i++) {+ # Check if we go beyond width of the block+ if ((line_len + length(list_of_words[i])) > 78) {+ line_len = 0+ printf("\n")+ }++ # Print prefix+ if (line_len == 0)+ printf(prefix)++ line_len += length(list_of_words[i]) + 1+ printf("%s ", list_of_words[i])+ }++ # Handle case of empty lines+ if (length(long_line) == 0)+ printf(prefix)++ # The line ends with a new-line+ printf("\n")+}++BEGIN {+ code_section = 0++ ANSI_NO_COLOR = "\033[0m"+ ANSI_URL1 = "\033[0;36m"+ ANSI_URL2 = "\033[0;35m\033[1m"+ ANSI_QUOTE = "\033[0;34m"+ ANSI_CODE = "\033[0;32m"+ ANSI_HEADING = "\033[0m\033[1m"+}++# URL+/^=> / {+ if (code_section == 0)+ {+ # Split line into URL elements+ split($0, e)++ # Print the elements with individual colors+ printf("%s%s %s%s,", ANSI_URL1, e[1], e[2], ANSI_NO_COLOR)+ printf("\n\t%s%s", ANSI_URL2, e[3])+ printf("%s\n", ANSI_NO_COLOR)+ next+ }+}++# Quote+/^>/ {+ if (code_section == 0)+ {+ # Strip leading "> "+ line = substr($0, 2)++ # Print folded block + setting color + using "> " as a line prefix+ print_folded(line, ANSI_QUOTE "> ")++ # Switch off color at the end of the quote block+ printf("%s", ANSI_NO_COLOR)+ next+ }+}++# Code section+/^```/ {+ if (code_section == 0)+ # Activate color for code section+ printf("%s```\n", ANSI_CODE)+ else+ # Remove color at the end of the code section+ printf("%s```%s\n", ANSI_CODE, ANSI_NO_COLOR)+ code_section = 1 - code_section+ next+}++# Heading+/^#.*/ {+ if (code_section == 0)+ {+ printf("%s%s%s\n", ANSI_HEADING, $0, ANSI_NO_COLOR)+ next+ }+}++# Everything else, the text of the file that is not prefixed by any markup+{+ if (code_section == 0)+ # Outside code section, fold long lines, prefix = switch off the color+ print_folded($0, ANSI_NO_COLOR)+ else+ # Inside code section, print line unmodified (no folding), apply color for code+ printf("%s%s\n", ANSI_CODE, $0)+}+EOF++awk "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" | less -r
Hi Peter,
> * Implemented in the most-AWK-compatible script.
> Tested to work with `mawk` (default on Ubuntu) and `gawk` (GNU Awk
> installed separately)
Works fine for me with gawk and original-awk. However, testing with
mawk 1.3.3 I get the following error:
mawk: line 6: illegal reference to array list_of_words
Any idea why that might be?
> `lessgmi` can only receive content via a pipe, I simply couldn't make
> it operate via a file from the command line, I hope you can make that
> work so it is a proper pager (I imagine people might use it to open
> local .gmi files)
> Example:
> cat README.gmi | lessgmi = Works
> lessgmi READM.gmi = Doesn't
That can be done like so:
diff --git a/contrib/lessgmi b/contrib/lessgmi
index b615eab..98a351c 100755
--- a/contrib/lessgmi+++ b/contrib/lessgmi
@@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ BEGIN {
-awk "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" | less -r+awk -- "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" "$@" | less -r
Having such a large script in a heredoc feels wrong somehow, but at
least it’s all together in one executable. I mean, it’s like 99% Awk
and 1% shell. There is just one command:
awk "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" | less -r
Surely it makes more sense to invoke less from inside Awk, if that’s
Also, I think we have our creative differences when it comes to the
colouring and typesetting of Gemtext. And that’s fine. We can
distribute a number of gemtext pagers along with gmi, and/or separately.
Users are at liberty to use whatever pager they like.
Going back to my earlier idea about the pager being a separate program
in its own right, I’m going to extract the shorter Awk script I wrote
out of gmi itself and into its own executable, akin to what you’ve done
here. Then I’ll find a way to make it clear to users how to use their
preferred pager both within and without gmi.
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 06:02:18AM +0100, Gregory Chamberlain wrote:
> Works fine for me with gawk and original-awk. However, testing with> mawk 1.3.3 I get the following error:> > mawk: line 6: illegal reference to array list_of_words
Hello Greg,
I'm using v1.3.4 of `mawk`. I tried running it on my work machine too
(a Mac, with `brew install mawk`) and there was a problem with the
HERE document in the script.
What OS are you using?
Could you try the new patch I've sent you just minutes ago, it has a
split `lessgmi` and the awk script?
> > A PROBLEM:> > > > `lessgmi` can only receive content via a pipe, I simply couldn't make> > it operate via a file from the command line, I hope you can make that> > work so it is a proper pager (I imagine people might use it to open> > local .gmi files)> > > > Example:> > cat README.gmi | lessgmi = Works> > lessgmi READM.gmi = Doesn't> > That can be done like so:> > diff --git a/contrib/lessgmi b/contrib/lessgmi> index b615eab..98a351c 100755> --- a/contrib/lessgmi> +++ b/contrib/lessgmi> @@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ BEGIN {> }> EOF> > -awk "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" | less -r> +awk -- "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" "$@" | less -r> --
Thanks, this worked on Linux but failed on the Mac. I'm not sure why,
for one thing `bash` on the Mac is an ancient version. I don't know, I
plaied with it and couln't figure it out.
> Having such a large script in a heredoc feels wrong somehow, but at> least it’s all together in one executable. I mean, it’s like 99% Awk> and 1% shell. There is just one command:> > awk "$AWK_GMI_SCRIPT" | less -r> > Surely it makes more sense to invoke less from inside Awk, if that’s> possible?
I agree, the HERE document was too much. I've split the script as before.
I think you can invoke external programs from awk but I don't see how
you can pipe into `less` with this method, I only imagine if that goes
via a temp file, I feel that is less elegant.
I've used your technique from pandoc-rss about how to reach the
auxiliary awk script from `lessgmi`, if you add this to the `make
install` it should work from ~/.local or /usr or any other PREFIX
> Also, I think we have our creative differences when it comes to the> colouring and typesetting of Gemtext. And that’s fine. We can> distribute a number of gemtext pagers along with gmi, and/or separately.> Users are at liberty to use whatever pager they like.
So, I agree that the colors are an individual thing, that's why I
added a way for it to be configured via an environment variable or it
falls back on the default colors.
To try it use this as a starting point in your shell (bash) prompt:
export GMI_COLORS="*e[0;36m *e[0;35m*e[1m *e[0;34m *e[0;32m *e[0m*e[1m"
> Going back to my earlier idea about the pager being a separate program> in its own right, I’m going to extract the shorter Awk script I wrote> out of gmi itself and into its own executable, akin to what you’ve done> here. Then I’ll find a way to make it clear to users how to use their> preferred pager both within and without gmi.
I think the overall structure is your call. The idea of an individual
pager `lessgmi` is useful standalone or invoked from `gmi` (by default
or via a setting)