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Re: How to Pronounce Any English Word

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Could you tell how do you input IPA phonetic symbols in your posts?

I used a vim plugin for this some time ago, I wonder if there is something simpler/better?

Also, what's your current text editor?


Re: How to Pronounce Any English Word

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<8ed0e252-b657-4550-ae21-c6d4d49db9fa@www.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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Alex <bybor@yandex.ru> writes:

> Could you tell how do you input IPA phonetic symbols in your posts?  I
> used a vim plugin for this some time ago, I wonder if there is
> something simpler/better?

Thanks for writing in!

At the time, I did not have an elegant way to input IPA symbols.  I was
mostly copy-pasting from Wiktionary, which was cumbersome.  Recently I
discovered Emacs has an input method for IPA -- several, in fact!  I've
now posted an article I was working on which goes into more detail on

> Also, what's your current text editor?

Usually Emacs.  If I'm doing sysadmin type work in a terminal or on a
remote machine then I use tend to use whatever /bin/vi happens to be,
but I'm equally happy using Vim, Neovim or Kakoune.

For some advanced editing tasks, Kakoune is really the only tool for the
job because of its multiple selections and other powerful features.  Vis
(not a typo) may be equally capable, but I haven't taken the time to
learn it.


[1]: https://cosine.blue/vanilla-emacs.html

Re: How to Pronounce Any English Word

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<87y281eh34.fsf@debian-BULLSEYE-live-builder-AMD64> (view parent)
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Thank you, Greg,

It's a nice read! I liked your take on Kakoune and I'm in the process of reading your recent post devoted to Emacs.

It looks like you don't use Vi keybindings in Emacs (Evil mode?). I'd like to ask why, but you could have covered it in that article.


On Sun, Sep 12, 2021, at 22:20, Gregory Chamberlain wrote:
> Alex <bybor@yandex.ru> writes:
> > Could you tell how do you input IPA phonetic symbols in your posts?  I
> > used a vim plugin for this some time ago, I wonder if there is
> > something simpler/better?
> Thanks for writing in!
> At the time, I did not have an elegant way to input IPA symbols.  I was
> mostly copy-pasting from Wiktionary, which was cumbersome.  Recently I
> discovered Emacs has an input method for IPA -- several, in fact!  I've
> now posted an article I was working on which goes into more detail on
> this.[1]
> > Also, what's your current text editor?
> Usually Emacs.  If I'm doing sysadmin type work in a terminal or on a
> remote machine then I use tend to use whatever /bin/vi happens to be,
> but I'm equally happy using Vim, Neovim or Kakoune.
> For some advanced editing tasks, Kakoune is really the only tool for the
> job because of its multiple selections and other powerful features.  Vis
> (not a typo) may be equally capable, but I haven't taken the time to
> learn it.
> Greg.
> [1]: https://cosine.blue/vanilla-emacs.html

Re: How to Pronounce Any English Word

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<7d9070d5-af42-4eb3-a609-7c993c12fd83@www.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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I had been a Vim user for quite some time before trying Emacs, but I
avoided evil-mode and the like because I wanted to learn Emacs "the
Emacs way."  I wanted to give standard Emacs key bindings a fair chance.

Modal editing has its advantages but, after the initial learning curve,
I’ve come to appreciate the Emacs way.

By the way, I had an idea about inputting IPA symbols that could be used
with editors like Vim and Kakoune.  What if we had a program that reads
from standard input and writes to standard output, doing exactly what
the ‘ipa’ input method does in Emacs.  It may even be possible with a
simple sed program.

    #!/usr/bin/sed -f

Vim is able to pipe part of the buffer through an external command using
the ‘!’ command.  Kakoune can do the same with the ‘|’ command.  The
Emacs equivalent is C-u M-| (‘shell-command-on-region’).

What do you think?

Re: How to Pronounce Any English Word

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<87ilz48t8q.fsf@debian-BULLSEYE-live-builder-AMD64> (view parent)
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I used this plugin https://github.com/dahu/vim-ipa for something, and it was pretty handy. But it has a dependency on a base library from the same author, so I wanted to find something lighter than that. But it was a pretty smooth experience and I really like the approach. Gonna use it again.

As for piping input/output, I'm on Windows, which probably complicates things.

Emacs for me is like changing a keyboard layout to Dvorak or Colemak - totally worth it, but there are so much things to spend time on, at least sometimes. But it's good to know what else is there. :)

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021, at 17:06, Gregory Chamberlain wrote:
> I had been a Vim user for quite some time before trying Emacs, but I
> avoided evil-mode and the like because I wanted to learn Emacs "the
> Emacs way."  I wanted to give standard Emacs key bindings a fair chance.
> Modal editing has its advantages but, after the initial learning curve,
> I’ve come to appreciate the Emacs way.
> By the way, I had an idea about inputting IPA symbols that could be used
> with editors like Vim and Kakoune.  What if we had a program that reads
> from standard input and writes to standard output, doing exactly what
> the ‘ipa’ input method does in Emacs.  It may even be possible with a
> simple sed program.
>     #!/usr/bin/sed -f
>     s/3/ʒ/g
>     s/I/ɪ/g
>     s/U/ʊ/g
>     s/th/θ/g
>     s/dh/ð/g
>     s/sh/ʃ/g
>     s/tsh/ʧ/g
>     ...
> Vim is able to pipe part of the buffer through an external command using
> the ‘!’ command.  Kakoune can do the same with the ‘|’ command.  The
> Emacs equivalent is C-u M-| (‘shell-command-on-region’).
> What do you think?

Re: How to Pronounce Any English Word

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<8915eb6c-8d58-4e1b-a1b8-ee037674ec7d@www.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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Alex <bybor@yandex.ru> writes:

> I used this plugin https://github.com/dahu/vim-ipa for something, and
> it was pretty handy. But it has a dependency on a base library from
> the same author, so I wanted to find something lighter than that. But
> it was a pretty smooth experience and I really like the
> approach. Gonna use it again.
> As for piping input/output, I'm on Windows, which probably complicates
> things.

If vim-ipa is what you’re comfortable using, that’s great.

It looks like it works by converting a selected region of the buffer,
which is exactly what I had in mind for this sed program, except that it
would work with any editor that supports piping through an external
program.  The ASCII conversion table used by vim-ipa would be a good
standard to follow for such a program.  I may try writing it!  Should be
fairly straightforward.

> Emacs for me is like changing a keyboard layout to Dvorak or Colemak -
> totally worth it, but there are so much things to spend time on, at
> least sometimes. But it's good to know what else is there. :)

Yes, there is certainly an adjustment period but if you *do* want to try
Emacs then don’t let that stop you.  Plenty of people get by using
evil-mode 99% of the time and learning just enough of the standard key
bindings to get around.

- Greg
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