senpai no longer reacts to Shift+Left/Shift+Right for me after it was
updated to use vaxis-tcell, because it doesn't detect the shift modifier
any more. this fixes that.
tcell.go | 3 ---
1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tcell.go b/tcell.go
index 0f59f63..dd2fc7f 100644
--- a/tcell.go+++ b/tcell.go
@@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ func TcellKey(vx vaxis.Key) *EventKey {
if vx.Modifiers&vaxis.ModHyper != 0 {
ev.mod |= ModSuper
- if ev.mod&ModShift != 0 && vx.ShiftedCode == 0 {- ev.mod &^= ModShift- } // Get the key
switch {
Thanks for your patch!
I've just moved from vaxis-tcell to vaxis and rewrote the input code, so
this shouldn't happen anymore (shift+left/right works fine on my end on
latest master).
Marking as rejected, let me know if you still have the issue on latest
master :-)