From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi Raphaël, This is odd. Would you mind uploading a tarball of the affected site source (or a minimal PoC of if, if preferred) so that I can try it myself? I do have to admit the Atom plugin is not robust against all possible situations, which is why I'm not actively advertising it. Perhaps this case will help improve it. On 8/22/24 12:34 PM, Raphaël Bauduin wrote: > Sorry, I should have included some additional information: > > Here's how I print out entries (I have sort_descending set to true): > > function show_pair(k, v)
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi everyone, Soupault 4.10.0 release is available now: Here's what changed: ## New features ### Deleting only elements that do not have certain children The `delete_element` widget has a new option: `when_no_child`. For example, suppose you have footnotes container in your template that
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
I'm sorry — I was quite tired and forgot to `git add` a file, so I had
to amend and force-push a fix.
Please pull from the repo and try again, and let me know if there are
any issues.
Also, FIY: I have a tiny feature in mind and a fix that is already
complete in OTOML,
then I can make a release since I have no other plans and the bug you've
found is serious enough
to warrant a release ASAP.
On 4/17/24 23:25, Auguste Baum wrote:
> As it turns out, I can't get it to build on my machine (NixOS). I get
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi Auguste, You have found a bug. I inadvertently broke the whole complete page functionality when I added a fix for The cause is that the default HTML parsing function can introduce unfortunate corrections so I added a fixup to force parsing of pages that may be templated in the "body fragment" mode, without realizing that that mode will delete <html> element if it's present to force the result to a valid body fragment. I've just pushed a fix:
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
On 2/17/24 10:51, nik gaffney wrote: > > > On 2024-02-17 11:44, Xavier B. wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I'm recent user of soupalt. I previously used some other static site >> generators. I have two questions in mind: >> >> when I create file site/a.html, then soupault stores in >> output_dir/a/index.html. Is there any way to store in >> output_dir/a.html (that is preserve relative location) >
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi John, Hmm, that is odd, I'll take a look. That's probably a bug in my Atom generator script, thanks for reporting that! On 1/19/24 19:43, John Jackson wrote: > The Soupault website's atom feed has HTML links removed from each > entry's content. At first I thought it was a bug in my feed reader, > but I double-checked to confirm. > > See the first sentence of the most recent entry as an example: > > > Soupault 4.8.0 is available for download from and from . >
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of one possible simplification of soupault's internals that can only come at cost of an incompatible change. That change shouldn't affect any of the current users I know of, but I want to ask what you all think about it. The feature in question is the ability to process websites that don't fit in RAM. When I was writing the first soupault version, I did a survey of existing SSG implementations and found that all of they loaded all pages in RAM before doing any processing.
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi Beau, Thanks, I'll add it. One oddity, by the way: selecting text on your page is challenging because the selected text background color is the same as the background color. Please adjust your CSS to make selected text visible. On 11/9/23 21:24, wrote: > Quite a belated response, apologies. I didn't see your email back until just now, > as I'm making some substantial updates to the site. > >
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hi Raphaël, This is an interesting question. The usual way to skip a draft page is to use the `settings.ignore_extentions` option, but that's purely static and won't work for your idea. What could work is the save hook ( You could check the date from the index entry there and just do nothing if the date is in the future. There's to convert dates to UNIX timestamps for easy comparison, ignoring the issue of timezones (I intentionally decided not to open that can of worms ;).
From Daniil Baturin to ~dmbaturin/soupault
Hey, >why are index views limited to index.* pages? The practical answer is that you can make index data available to all pages with `index.index_first = true` (see Now a longer answer as to why it's not the default... the reason why index data is only available to index pages by default is that I wanted soupault to be able to handle websites that are larger than the available amount of memory.