> soupauld --init
You’ll want to vendor that code <https://httptoolkit.com/blog/public-cdn-risks/>
> mousedown
click triggers on touchscreens, but does mousdown?
Interesting use case. I’d thought about looking into something like this before, but didn’t spend any time exploring so it’s cool to see someone go thru with the idea!
Will we see “Part II: simplifying our build by just using Soupault”? ;P
Thanks for the feedback!
> Typo.
> > You’ll want to vendor that code > <https://httptoolkit.com/blog/public-cdn-risks/>
Added integrity check + possibility to vendor it. Post updated and
should be deployed very soon.
> >> mousedown> > click triggers on touchscreens, but does mousdown?
From the htmx preload page:
To accommodate touchscreen devices, an additional ontouchstart event
handler is added whenever you specify a mouseover or mousedown trigger.
> Will we see “Part II: simplifying our build by just using Soupault”? ;P
That's very possible, as I'm currently finishing a website wholy managed
with soupault ;-)