Specifically, I use `Obsidian.md` which saves the .obsidian directory inside the site directory and all the plugins (node_modules) inside. This considerably increases the processing time by processing all those extra directories.
Is there a way to exclude a list of paths?
Hi Pradeep,
There's no option to ignore a list of directories now, only an option to
ignore specific file extensions (`settings.ignore_extensions`).
It's pretty easy to add, though, I just haven't had a use case for it
and never thought about it before
I'll add it in the next release.
If you want to test it when I add it but don't have an OCaml setup,
I can send you a preview build if you tell me what OS you use.
On 10/9/23 17:51, Pradeep Kishore Gowda wrote:
> Specifically, I use `Obsidian.md` which saves the .obsidian directory inside the site directory and all the plugins (node_modules) inside. This considerably increases the processing time by processing all those extra directories.
> Is there a way to exclude a list of paths?