There’s a tag up on Codeberg. I tried to build it with Nix.
$ result/bin/soupault --version-number
This failed my version test for Nixpkgs so I can’t attempt to bundle
this package for the ecosystem.
toastal ไข่ดาว |
PGP: 7944 74B7 D236 DAB9 C9EF E7F9 5CCE 6F14 66D4 7C9E
Oh, indeed! Let me fix it real quick.
On 11/16/22 15:47, toastal wrote:
> There’s a tag up on Codeberg. I tried to build it with Nix.
> [source,shell-session]
> ----
> $ result/bin/soupault --version-number
> 4.3.0
> ----
> This failed my version test for Nixpkgs so I can’t attempt to bundle
> this package for the ecosystem.
> --
> toastal ไข่ดาว |
> PGP: 7944 74B7 D236 DAB9 C9EF E7F9 5CCE 6F14 66D4 7C9E