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Re: Traduction française du manuel org-mode ? 5 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~bzg/emacsfr

>>> Merci Edgard.
>>> Comme toute participation au projet GNU (et à Emacs en particulier), il faut faire une déclaration de cession de copyright.
>>> Est-ce que tu l’as faite ?
>> Je ne l'ai pas encore faite, non. Je te contacte en privé afin de
>> connaître la marche à suivre. Merci !
> C’est dans le fichier CONTRIBUTE du dépôt Emacs:
>> Once the cumulative amount of your submissions exceeds a dozen or so
>> lines of non-trivial changes, we will need you to assign to the FSF

Re: Traduction française du manuel org-mode ? 5 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~bzg/emacsfr

On 24/05/2024 13:59, suzume@protonmail.com wrote:
>> On May 24, 2024, at 20:24, Edgar VIncent <e-v@posteo.net> wrote:
>> On 23/05/2024 22:47, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
>>> Personne n’est intéressé ici par la traduction française du manuel d’org-mode ?
>>> C’est un des gros bouts des manuels Emacs, avec 110 000 mots, mais ça n’est pas impossible.
>>> (500 mots par jour = 220 jours, à 4 ça se boucle en moins de 2 mois)
>>> Je suis en train d’avancer petit à petit dans l’intro à Emacs Lisp de Chassell. Tout en faisant des bribes de sections à droite et à gauche pour me changer les idées.
>>> S’il y en a qui sont intéressés, ou même qui ont commencé, ça serait chouette qu’on mette tout ça ensemble.

Re: Traduction française du manuel org-mode ? 5 months ago

From Edgar VIncent to ~bzg/emacsfr

On 23/05/2024 22:47, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
> Personne n’est intéressé ici par la traduction française du manuel d’org-mode ?
> C’est un des gros bouts des manuels Emacs, avec 110 000 mots, mais ça n’est pas impossible.
> (500 mots par jour = 220 jours, à 4 ça se boucle en moins de 2 mois)
> Je suis en train d’avancer petit à petit dans l’intro à Emacs Lisp de Chassell. Tout en faisant des bribes de sections à droite et à gauche pour me changer les idées.
> S’il y en a qui sont intéressés, ou même qui ont commencé, ça serait chouette qu’on mette tout ça ensemble.
Bonjour Jean-Christophe,

Je suis volontaire pour y participer, mais malheureusement de façon 
limitée en raison de contraintes de temps.

Re: Why is vivendi dark and operandi bright - and not the other way around? 11 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~protesilaos/modus-themes

Hello everyone,

On 21/11/2023 11:18, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
> Hello Mekeor,
> There is no specific reason. Of course, we can always come up with some
> fancy story behind this choice, but I don't have one right now.
> Have a nice day,
> Prot
I assumed that the naming implied that one worked (the generic, 
mechanical *zoè*) during the day and lived (a full, qualified, vital 
*bios*) during the night.

Re: beframe: in Consult integration, return '(other-buffer)' first? 1 year, 2 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~protesilaos/general-issues

On 15/09/2023 14:07, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
> Hello Edgar,
> I remember we discussed this before, but forgot what the outcome was.  I
> did not have regular access to the Internet in the meantime and so I am
> still out of sync.  If you can summarise the issue, it will be easier.
> All the best,
> Prot

My suggestion was related to the default order of beframe buffers
in the context of its integration with Consult as described in the

Re: beframe: in Consult integration, return '(other-buffer)' first? 1 year, 4 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~protesilaos/general-issues

Tony Zorman <soliditsallgood@mailbox.org> writes:

> Hi,

Hello Tony,

> maybe I'm misreading this, but to me it sounds like Edgar is exactly
> talking about the functionality that was implemented in that patch. At
> least, the commit mimics what `consult–buffer-sort-visibility' does for
> consult, which seems to produce the desired behaviour.
> @Edgar: maybe you missed it in the manual (or use an older version of
> beframe), but `beframe-buffer-names' can take a sorting function, like
> this:

beframe: in Consult integration, return '(other-buffer)' first? 1 year, 4 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~protesilaos/general-issues

Hi Prot,

I am using beframe with the consult-buffer integration that you mention in the manual. I noticed that, when using it,
the first buffer in the list is the current buffer, which contradicts the behaviour of `beframe-switch-buffer', which itself
mimics `switch-to-buffer''s behaviour by placing the buffer returned by `other-buffer' at the top of the list.

I suggest that the default behaviour look like this instead:

│ (defun beframe-buffer-sort-other (buffers)
│   "Sort BUFFERS by placing the most recently selected buffer first.
│ Return a sequence that first lists the result of `other-buffer', then the other
│ buffers.

Re: Quels outils pour l'édition / exploration de code? 1 year, 4 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~bzg/emacsfr

Bonjour Sébastien,

Peut-être ai-je mal compris ta question, mais `imenu', intégré à Emacs, ferait-il l'affaire ? Il ne « plie » pas le code, mais en
affiche la structure dans un nouveau tampon. Il y a également `ts-fold', qui, comme son nom l'indique, permet, lui, de « plier » le code et qui se base sur tree-sitter (plutôt que sur des expressions régulières, comme le fait `imenu'). 


Re: [PATCH] Fix (cond ...) in `logos-narrow-dwim' 1 year, 4 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~protesilaos/logos

Thanks, Prot!

21 Jun 2023 21:05:11 Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>:

>> From: Edgar Vincent <e-v@posteo.net>
>> Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:57:01 +0000
>> Hi Prot,
> Hello Edgar,
>> I just discovered logos and, as usual, it looks like exactly what I am looking for.
>> I noticed that `logos-narrow-dwim' wouldn't widen buffers when called a second time. I
>> believe that this is caused by a malformed (cond …) condition. You'll find a patch which fixes the

Re: [PATCH] Fix (cond ...) in `logos-narrow-dwim' 1 year, 4 months ago

From Edgar Vincent to ~protesilaos/logos

Edgar Vincent <e-v@posteo.net> writes:

> Hi Prot,
> I just discovered logos and, as usual, it looks like exactly what I am looking for.
> I noticed that `logos-narrow-dwim' wouldn't widen buffers when called a second time. I
> believe that this is caused by a malformed (cond …) condition. You'll find a patch which fixes the
> issue attached to this email.
> In the patch, I took the liberty to replace (null) with (not), which I think is more idiomatic
> in conditions.
> I hope the work on the hut is leaving you time to breath; consider my support to be
> somehow attached to this email too.