On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 1:37 PM Nicholas Fox <nicholas.k.fox@gmail.com> wrote:
> Re: your question about colors of microtonal scales.
> >> Besides 'closeness to CDEFGAB', what's another way to highlight the notes that would be useful?
> 1) what you're already doing with the rainbow of hues, that also works really well for microtones.
> 2) the Axis-64 and Axis-49 used to have four keycap colors with swappable locations.
> "white" "dark gray"
> "light blue" "dark blue"
> these could be borrowed to a degree, so that standard FCGDAEB is white, # and b are "something else", and different microtonal accidentals (up, down, 2 ups, # down, etc) are "yet a third color"
> 3) like #1, but maybe color the root note and the 5th as one color (white), and everything else as a rainbow or some other spectrum.
> 4) like #2, but pick different colors for different "rows" of the layout. for example in 31-EDO
> Green
> C,D,E,
> F,G,A,B,
> C
> Cyan
> Db, Eb,
> Gb, Ab, Bb
> Yellow
> C#, D#,
> F#, G#, A#
> Blue
> Cv, Dv, Ev,
> Fv, Gv, Av, Bv
> Red
> C^, D^, E^,
> F^, G^, A^, B^
> --
> -n.