
Re: Microtonal Key Layouts

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>>I didn't know about the 69 = A4 thing. (currently, I made the microtonal thing include 440 somewhere, and have 0 ~= C, so that 'red' = C in the default coloring).
 I was hoping that the midi tuning standard would take care of that.
 Is there a good amount of software that doesn't support MTS, but
*does* support microtonal under the assumption that 69 = A4? (@Nick if
you have comments on this)

 I'd say the majority of synths that supports microtonal will support
MTS. There are a couple of proprietary synths out there with their own
format but I don't know much past that.

 >>Okay, I'll keep that in mind to consider adding 17, 22, and 53
(currently just 12,19,24,31,41,72 are implemented).

 Agreed that 12, 17, 19, 22, 24, 31, 41, 53, and 72 will cover the most popular.
 There is a standard ".scl" format that can define any desired
microtonal scale, and a ".kbm" format that maps any scale to any set
of key layouts.
 But I would say that's a "further down the line" improvement.

 >> line 1122 of .ino:
 >>     // The brightness being variable is a reason not to cache this value.
 >>    // TODO: generalize the brightness code.

 The NeoPixel software has a gamma8() function that we may want to
wrap around the setPixel and colorHSV functions.
 This will convert the input from "linear voltage to the LCD cells"
into "something like the regular RGB hex codes we're used to on a
computer screen".
 Might help in smoothing out some of the brightness levels you
identified in the docs.

> On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 5:10 PM Zach DeCook <zachdecook@librem.one> wrote:
>> On Sat Feb 17, 2024 at 11:13 AM EST, Lewis McRae wrote:
>> > > 'tuning to a color' is currently complicated
>> >
>> > Oh okay, what do you mean by that as opposed to the current alternate
>> > colour mode? Or is it just that making it work with keys and
>> > transposition is complicated?
>> Yeah, I meant 'making it work with keys'.
>> > I also like Nick's idea of using MIDI
>> > note 69 = A4 as a constant for note mapping, as it seems like that's
>> > the default for retuning in some software.
>> I didn't know about the 69 = A4 thing. (currently, I made the microtonal thing include 440 somewhere, and have 0 ~= C, so that 'red' = C in the default coloring).
>> I was hoping that the midi tuning standard would take care of that.
>> Is there a good amount of software that doesn't support MTS, but *does* support microtonal under the assumption that 69 = A4? (@Nick if you have comments on this)
>> > As far as equal temperaments I feel like the most commonly-used are
>> > ones that have a good fifth or good 4:5:6 major chord, since that
>> > allows you to create familiar-sounding melodies and harmonies. There
>> > are quite a few that could fulfil that but 17, 19, 22, 31, 41, and 53
>> > are the main ones that come to mind as "popular" for me.
>> Okay, I'll keep that in mind to consider adding 17, 22, and 53
>> (currently just 12,19,24,31,41,72 are implemented).
> --
> -n.

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