
gio: Implement font fallback and support for bidirectional text v1 PROPOSED

Hey all,

This patchset totally overhauls text in Gio to support important
features like font fallback and bidirectional text. As part of that
restructure, the text shaping stack gets noticeably faster [0] in most
cases. The cases in which it gets slower are those in which support for
bidirectional text means the new shaper is doing significantly more work
than the old one.


I've included a summary of the structural changes in the commit that
actually modifies the text packages.

I look forward to your thoughts,

Chris Waldon (4):
  io/system: implement Stringer on TextDirection
  widget: define text rendering benchmarks
  widget: fix oob-access in editor buffer
  font/{gofont,opentype},text,widget{,/material}: [API] add font
    fallback and bidi support

 app/window.go                                 |    2 +-
 font/gofont/gofont.go                         |    4 +-
 font/opentype/internal/shaping.go             |  521 ------
 font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go        | 1522 -----------------
 font/opentype/opentype.go                     |  609 ++++++-
 font/opentype/opentype_test.go                |  853 ++++++++-
 ...15eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06 |    5 +
 ...6a67df3aa3a562e2f2f1cfb665a650f60e7e0ab4e6 |    5 +
 ...a74279d7e3e486d8ac211e45049cfa4833257ef236 |    5 +
 ...077b6f4ba91b040119d82d55991d568014f4ba671e |    5 +
 ...1bc74e2377c0664f64bbf2ac8b1cdd0ce9f55461b3 |    5 +
 ...857d5487d1a89309f7312ccde5ff8b94fcd29521eb |    5 +
 ...75cb8900f97fc1c20e19de09fc0ffca8ff0c8d9e5a |    5 +
 ...39baaace51fa4348bed0e3b662dd50aa341f67d10c |    5 +
 ...f4ea99e50a6ecd0d4134e3a77234172d13787ac4ea |    5 +
 ...83f58a3ca4eba895087316b31e598f0b05c978d87c |    5 +
 ...60599b281593098b0aad864231d756c3e9699029c1 |    5 +
 go.mod                                        |    8 +-
 go.sum                                        |   16 +-
 io/system/locale.go                           |    9 +
 text/lru.go                                   |   59 +-
 text/lru_test.go                              |    4 +-
 text/shaper.go                                |  237 ++-
 text/shaper_test.go                           |   91 +-
 text/text.go                                  |   75 +-
 widget/buffer.go                              |    2 +-
 widget/editor.go                              |  506 ++++--
 widget/editor_test.go                         |   34 +-
 widget/label.go                               |   57 +-
 widget/material/theme.go                      |    4 +-
 ...120fe7b82978ac0e5c16afb519beb080f73c470d3f |    4 +
 ...645d025ac15316f1210d4aa307cde333cc87fdad55 |    4 +
 .../FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash1   |    4 +
 .../FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash2   |    4 +
 widget/text_bench_test.go                     |  374 ++++
 widget/text_test.go                           | 1075 ++++++++++--
 36 files changed, 3607 insertions(+), 2526 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 font/opentype/internal/shaping.go
 delete mode 100644 font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/2a7730fcbcc3550718b37415eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/3fc3ee939f0df44719bee36a67df3aa3a562e2f2f1cfb665a650f60e7e0ab4e6
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/594e4fda2e3462061d50b6a74279d7e3e486d8ac211e45049cfa4833257ef236
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/6b452fd81f16c000dbe525077b6f4ba91b040119d82d55991d568014f4ba671e
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/6b5a1e9cd750a9aa8dafe11bc74e2377c0664f64bbf2ac8b1cdd0ce9f55461b3
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/be56090b98f3c84da6ff9e857d5487d1a89309f7312ccde5ff8b94fcd29521eb
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/dda958d1b1bb9df71f81c575cb8900f97fc1c20e19de09fc0ffca8ff0c8d9e5a
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/de31ec6b1ac7797daefecf39baaace51fa4348bed0e3b662dd50aa341f67d10c
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/e79034d6c7a6ce74d7a689f4ea99e50a6ecd0d4134e3a77234172d13787ac4ea
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/f1f0611baadc20469863e483f58a3ca4eba895087316b31e598f0b05c978d87c
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/f2ebea678c72f6c394d7f860599b281593098b0aad864231d756c3e9699029c1
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/18c534da60e6b61361786a120fe7b82978ac0e5c16afb519beb080f73c470d3f
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/a489f2d9f9226d13b55846645d025ac15316f1210d4aa307cde333cc87fdad55
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash1
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash2
 create mode 100644 widget/text_bench_test.go

#879338 running apple.yml
#879339 running freebsd.yml
#879340 running linux.yml
#879341 running openbsd.yml
Thanks, merged.

Thanks, merged!

This looks like you're papering over another bug. e.pos should never
be > e.len().
Great work! Comments below
Needs a Fixes/References header?
Always returning an opentype.Shaper makes material.NewTheme easier to use,
but I don't like that all Collection functions of every font package
need to decide on and
return a shaper.

Perhaps we should just bite the bullet and let material.Theme use
opentype.Shaper if
its Shaper field is nil. Users wanting a custom shaper probably don't
mind the binary size
hit. And if they do, they probably also want a custom theme tailored
for weak devices.
This exposes go-text/typesetting/font to our users. Do we want that?
Nit: I think we can spell this `any` now.

However, this seems like a code smell: if Face is opaque, why does package text
have to deal with it at all? Why not deal only in Fonts and let the
shaper implementation
map them to Faces?
It seems to me needsVisual can be dropped as a result and ge redefined
to positionVisuallyContrains
in case needsVisual is true. Perhaps positionGreaterOrEqual should be renamed.
On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 1:46 PM Chris Waldon
<christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com> wrote:
Export patchset (mbox)
How do I use this?

Copy & paste the following snippet into your terminal to import this patchset into git:

curl -s https://lists.sr.ht/~eliasnaur/gio-patches/patches/36683/mbox | git am -3
Learn more about email & git

[PATCH gio 1/4] io/system: implement Stringer on TextDirection Export this patch

From: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
 io/system/locale.go | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/io/system/locale.go b/io/system/locale.go
index 7bc75817..388d2e5b 100644
--- a/io/system/locale.go
+++ b/io/system/locale.go
@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@ func (d TextDirection) Progression() TextProgression {
	return TextProgression((d & (1 << progressionShift)) >> progressionShift)

func (d TextDirection) String() string {
	switch d {
	case RTL:
		return "RTL"
		return "LTR"

// TextAxis defines the layout axis of text.
type TextAxis byte

Thanks, merged.


[PATCH gio 2/4] widget: define text rendering benchmarks Export this patch

From: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>

This commit adds a series of benchmarks for text rendering. They are intended
to capture the performance of static and continuously changing text within
labels and editors, and will serve as a baseline to compare the post-bidi
text stack against.

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
 widget/text_bench_test.go | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 274 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 widget/text_bench_test.go

diff --git a/widget/text_bench_test.go b/widget/text_bench_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68e41b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widget/text_bench_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
package widget

import (


var (
	documents = map[string]string{
		"latin":   latinDocument,
		"arabic":  arabicDocument,
		"complex": complexDocument,
	sizes      = []int{10, 100, 1000}
	locales    = []system.Locale{arabic, english}
	benchFonts = func() []text.FontFace {
		gofonts := gofont.Collection()
		return append(arabicCollection, gofonts...)

func init() {

func BenchmarkLabelStatic(b *testing.B) {
	for _, locale := range locales {
		for _, runes := range sizes {
			for textType, txt := range documents {
				b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%drunes-%s-%s", runes, locale.Direction, textType), func(b *testing.B) {
					gtx := layout.Context{
						Ops: new(op.Ops),
						Constraints: layout.Constraints{
							Max: image.Pt(200, 1000),
						Locale: locale,
					cache := text.NewCache(benchFonts)
					fontSize := unit.Sp(10)
					font := text.Font{}
					runes := []rune(txt)[:runes]
					runesStr := string(runes)
					l := Label{}
					for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
						l.Layout(gtx, cache, font, fontSize, runesStr)

func BenchmarkLabelDynamic(b *testing.B) {
	for _, locale := range locales {
		for _, runes := range sizes {
			for textType, txt := range documents {
				b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%drunes-%s-%s", runes, locale.Direction, textType), func(b *testing.B) {
					gtx := layout.Context{
						Ops: new(op.Ops),
						Constraints: layout.Constraints{
							Max: image.Pt(200, 1000),
						Locale: locale,
					cache := text.NewCache(benchFonts)
					fontSize := unit.Sp(10)
					font := text.Font{}
					runes := []rune(txt)[:runes]
					l := Label{}
					for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
						// simulate a constantly changing string
						a := rand.Intn(len(runes))
						b := rand.Intn(len(runes))
						runes[a], runes[b] = runes[b], runes[a]
						l.Layout(gtx, cache, font, fontSize, string(runes))

func BenchmarkEditorStatic(b *testing.B) {
	for _, locale := range locales {
		for _, runes := range sizes {
			for textType, txt := range documents {
				b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%drunes-%s-%s", runes, locale.Direction, textType), func(b *testing.B) {
					gtx := layout.Context{
						Ops: new(op.Ops),
						Constraints: layout.Constraints{
							Max: image.Pt(200, 1000),
						Locale: locale,
					cache := text.NewCache(benchFonts)
					fontSize := unit.Sp(10)
					font := text.Font{}
					runes := []rune(txt)[:runes]
					runesStr := string(runes)
					e := Editor{}
					for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
						e.Layout(gtx, cache, font, fontSize, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
							return layout.Dimensions{Size: gtx.Constraints.Min}

func BenchmarkEditorDynamic(b *testing.B) {
	for _, locale := range locales {
		for _, runes := range sizes {
			for textType, txt := range documents {
				b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%drunes-%s-%s", runes, locale.Direction, textType), func(b *testing.B) {
					gtx := layout.Context{
						Ops: new(op.Ops),
						Constraints: layout.Constraints{
							Max: image.Pt(200, 1000),
						Locale: locale,
					cache := text.NewCache(benchFonts)
					fontSize := unit.Sp(10)
					font := text.Font{}
					runes := []rune(txt)[:runes]
					e := Editor{}
					for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
						// simulate a constantly changing string
						a := rand.Intn(e.Len())
						b := rand.Intn(e.Len())
						e.SetCaret(a, a+1)
						takeStr := e.SelectedText()
						e.SetCaret(b, b)
						e.Layout(gtx, cache, font, fontSize, func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
							return layout.Dimensions{Size: gtx.Constraints.Min}

const (
	latinDocument = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis.
Nibh sit amet commodo nulla.
Posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra nam libero justo.
Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.
Natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur.
In metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum.
Mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra.
Elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique.
Nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec.
Sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat.
At quis risus sed vulputate odio ut.
Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi.
Dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat.
Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum.
Odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique.
Fermentum leo vel orci porta non pulvinar.
Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet.
Et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis.
Venenatis urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in.
Risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor.
Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in.
Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus.
Proin gravida hendrerit lectus a.
Auctor augue mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum et.
Laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum.
In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum.
Tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida.
Consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed.
Vulputate ut pharetra sit amet aliquam.
Congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel elit.
Risus quis varius quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum.
Pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae.
Sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est.
Velit laoreet id donec ultrices.
Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut.
Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.
Sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit.
Convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at.
Aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris.
Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam.
Accumsan tortor posuere ac ut consequat semper.
Viverra vitae congue eu consequat ac felis donec et odio.
Scelerisque in dictum non consectetur a.
Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae.
Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis.
Ac orci phasellus egestas tellus.
Tempus egestas sed sed risus.
Ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus.
Nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit.`
	arabicDocument = `و سأعرض مثال حي لهذا، من منا لم يتحمل جهد بدني شاق إلا من أجل الحصول على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن من لديه الحق أن ينتقد شخص ما أراد أن يشعر بالسعادة التي لا تشوبها عواقب أليمة أو آخر أراد أن يتجنب الألم الذي ربما تنجم عنه بعض المتعة ؟ علي الجانب الآخر نشجب ونستنكر هؤلاء الرجال المفتونون بنشوة اللحظة الهائمون في رغباتهم فلا يدركون ما يعقبها من الألم والأسي المحتم، واللوم كذلك يشمل هؤلاء الذين أخفقوا في واجباتهم نتيجة لضعف إرادتهم فيتساوي مع هؤلاء الذين يتجنبون وينأون عن تحمل الكدح والألم .
من المفترض أن نفرق بين هذه الحالات بكل سهولة ومرونة.
في ذاك الوقت عندما تكون قدرتنا علي الاختيار غير مقيدة بشرط وعندما لا نجد ما يمنعنا أن نفعل الأفضل فها نحن نرحب بالسرور والسعادة ونتجنب كل ما يبعث إلينا الألم.
في بعض الأحيان ونظراً للالتزامات التي يفرضها علينا الواجب والعمل سنتنازل غالباً ونرفض الشعور بالسرور ونقبل ما يجلبه إلينا الأسى.
الإنسان الحكيم عليه أن يمسك زمام الأمور ويختار إما أن يرفض مصادر السعادة من أجل ما هو أكثر أهمية أو يتحمل الألم من أجل ألا يتحمل ما هو أسوأ.
و سأعرض مثال حي لهذا، من منا لم يتحمل جهد بدني شاق إلا من أجل الحصول على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن من لديه الحق أن ينتقد شخص ما أراد أن يشعر بالسعادة التي لا تشوبها عواقب أليمة أو آخر أراد أن يتجنب الألم الذي ربما تنجم عنه بعض المتعة ؟ علي الجانب الآخر نشجب ونستنكر هؤلاء الرجال المفتونون بنشوة اللحظة الهائمون في رغباتهم فلا يدركون ما يعقبها من الألم والأسي المحتم، واللوم كذلك يشمل هؤلاء الذين أخفقوا في واجباتهم نتيجة لضعف إرادتهم فيتساوي مع هؤلاء الذين يتجنبون وينأون عن تحمل الكدح والألم .
من المفترض أن نفرق بين هذه الحالات بكل سهولة ومرونة.
في ذاك الوقت عندما تكون قدرتنا علي الاختيار غير مقيدة بشرط وعندما لا نجد ما يمنعنا أن نفعل الأفضل فها نحن نرحب بالسرور والسعادة ونتجنب كل ما يبعث إلينا الألم.
في بعض الأحيان ونظراً للالتزامات التي يفرضها علينا الواجب والعمل سنتنازل غالباً ونرفض الشعور بالسرور ونقبل ما يجلبه إلينا الأسى.
الإنسان الحكيم عليه أن يمسك زمام الأمور ويختار إما أن يرفض مصادر السعادة من أجل ما هو أكثر أهمية أو يتحمل الألم من أجل ألا يتحمل ما هو أسوأ.`
	complexDocument = `و سأعرض مثال dolor sit amet, لم يتحمل جهد adipiscing elit, sed do الحصول على ميزة incididunt ut labore أن ينتقد magna aliqua.
Porttitor إرادتهم فيتساوي morbi non arcu يدركون ما يعقبها .
Nibh نشجب ونستنكر commodo nulla.
بكل سهولة ومرونة ut consequat  لهذا، من منا  nam libero justo.
Risus in hendrerit علينا الواجب والعمل.
Natoque تكون قدرتنا علي magnis dis parturient  يمسك زمام الأمور ويختار.
In نجد ما يمنعنا eu scelerisque ونظراً للالتزامات التي fermentum.
Mattis ة بشرط وعندما لا  neque viverra.
يمسك زمام الأمور  habitant لهذا، من.
Nisl تي يفرضها علينا faucibus ،من منا لم nec.
Sed augue علي الاختيار غير vitae congue eu consequat.
At quis risus سك زمام الأمور ويختار.
Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris الأمور ويختار إما nisi.
Dignissim لواجب والعمل tincidunt سنتنازل feugiat.
Faucibus التزامات in eu mi bibendum.
Odio ويختار إما أن يرفض مصادر السعادة sed adipiscing ذا، من منا لم  tristique.
Fermentum leo vel ور ويختار إما  pulvinar.
Ut ر إما أن يرفض مصادر السعادة من in metus  تكون قدرتنا علي  felis imperdiet.
ي الاختيار غير مقيدة بشرط et malesuada fames ac turpis.
Venenatis على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن  eget nunc scelerisque سك زمام الأمور ويختار إما in.
رتنا ultricies tristique ي الاختيار غير مقيدة بشرط enim tortor.
Risus اختيار غير مقيدة بشرط وعندما  quam سان الحكيم عليه أن  suspendisse in.
Interdum velit  ونظراً للالتزامات التي  pellentesque massa placerat لأمور ويختار إما أن يرفض  lacus.
Proin دما تكون قدرتنا علي الاختيار  lectus a.
Auctor  الوقت عندما تكون augue neque ض مثال حي  fermentum et.
Laoreet مسك زمام الأمور ويختار  amet cursus  لم يتحمل جهد  dictum.
In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus  علي الاختيار غير  rutrum.
Tempus imperdiet  المفترض أن نفرق  pellentesque ت بكل سهولة eget gravida.
Consequat id portaمصادر السعادة  cras sed.
Vulputate علي الاختيار غير مقيدة sit amet aliquam.
Congue mauris حيان ونظراً للالتزامات التي vel elit.
Risus quis varius quam quisque id ار غير مقيدة بشرط elementum.
Pretium تي يفرضها علينا الواجب leo in vitae.
 شاق إلا من أجل pretium quam الحكيم عليه أن يمسك  suspendisse in est.
Velit ونظراً للالتزامات التي يفرضها ultrices.
 الوقت عندما تكون  velit dignissim يه أن يمسك .
Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem ر إما أن  ut.
السعادة من أجل ما هو أكثر أهمية أو يتحمل الألم
Convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at.`
Thanks, merged!


[PATCH gio 3/4] widget: fix oob-access in editor buffer Export this patch

From: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>

This fixes an out-of-bounds crash that I found using the fuzz tests added
in the rest of this patchset. I've included this fix before the tests that
trigger it so that I'm not introducing a commit that fails the tests.

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
 widget/buffer.go | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/widget/buffer.go b/widget/buffer.go
index 40e02a86..96e80146 100644
--- a/widget/buffer.go
+++ b/widget/buffer.go
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func (e *editBuffer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {

func (e *editBuffer) ReadRune() (rune, int, error) {
	if e.pos == e.len() {
	if e.pos >= e.len() {
		return 0, 0, io.EOF
	r, s := e.runeAt(e.pos)
This looks like you're papering over another bug. e.pos should never
be > e.len().

[PATCH gio 4/4] font/{gofont,opentype},text,widget{,/material}: [API] add font fallback and bidi support Export this patch

From: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>

This commit restructures the entire text shaping stack to enable lines of shaped text to
have non-homogeneous properties like which font face they belong to and which direction
a segment of text is going.

This required restructuring both text.Line and the text shaping cache extensively.
text.Line now holds a slice of text.Layout, each of which is a run of homogeneous
text (all one font, all one direction). Because text.Layout is now a slice element
referenced by a text.Line instead of a nested struct, it is no longer safe to modify
the contents of a text.Layout in order to clip away glyphs that shouldn't be visible,
so the strategy for hiding off-screen glyphs changed to informing the shaper which
range of glyphs should be displayed and allowing it to iterate glyphs as needed.

Speaking of the shaper, I've defined a second shaping interface. text.Shaper is the
externally-consumed-by-widgets interface for text shaping, but text.FaceShaper is
the interface implemented by a text shaping backend like opentype. This interface
accepts a prioritized list of faces to use when shaping (instead of a text.Font).

This separation allows the font selection algorithm to live in text.Cache and be
reused across multiple shaping backends.

In order to compensate for the dramatic increase in text shaping complexity, I've
modified the text caching strategy to cache at the paragraph level instead of
caching the entire input. This allows for dramatic performance improvements when
re-shaping partially modified large text input. However, this required changes to
text.Line because its rune accounting now cannot reference its absolute position
within the document (that can change when shaping the contents of an editor, for
example). Rewriting the rune offsets when we retrieve a line from the cache is
error-prone and ultimately unnecessary. We only really needed to know how many
runes a line represented, not where they were within the input text, so text.Line.Runes
is now just text.Line.RuneCount. Similarly, all line-internal rune accounting is
now relative to the start of the line instead of the start of the text input.

This commit consumes the upstream github.com/go-text/typesetting/shaping API
now that my prior work is merged there, removing the need for the font/opentype/internal
package entirely.

As part of my efforts, I fuzzed both the low-level text shaping stack and the
editor widget extensively. I've committed regression tests found that way into
the appropriate testdata files to ensure the fuzzer re-checks them.

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
 app/window.go                                 |    2 +-
 font/gofont/gofont.go                         |    4 +-
 font/opentype/internal/shaping.go             |  521 ------
 font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go        | 1522 -----------------
 font/opentype/opentype.go                     |  609 ++++++-
 font/opentype/opentype_test.go                |  853 ++++++++-
 ...15eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06 |    5 +
 ...6a67df3aa3a562e2f2f1cfb665a650f60e7e0ab4e6 |    5 +
 ...a74279d7e3e486d8ac211e45049cfa4833257ef236 |    5 +
 ...077b6f4ba91b040119d82d55991d568014f4ba671e |    5 +
 ...1bc74e2377c0664f64bbf2ac8b1cdd0ce9f55461b3 |    5 +
 ...857d5487d1a89309f7312ccde5ff8b94fcd29521eb |    5 +
 ...75cb8900f97fc1c20e19de09fc0ffca8ff0c8d9e5a |    5 +
 ...39baaace51fa4348bed0e3b662dd50aa341f67d10c |    5 +
 ...f4ea99e50a6ecd0d4134e3a77234172d13787ac4ea |    5 +
 ...83f58a3ca4eba895087316b31e598f0b05c978d87c |    5 +
 ...60599b281593098b0aad864231d756c3e9699029c1 |    5 +
 go.mod                                        |    8 +-
 go.sum                                        |   16 +-
 text/lru.go                                   |   59 +-
 text/lru_test.go                              |    4 +-
 text/shaper.go                                |  237 ++-
 text/shaper_test.go                           |   91 +-
 text/text.go                                  |   75 +-
 widget/editor.go                              |  506 ++++--
 widget/editor_test.go                         |   34 +-
 widget/label.go                               |   57 +-
 widget/material/theme.go                      |    4 +-
 ...120fe7b82978ac0e5c16afb519beb080f73c470d3f |    4 +
 ...645d025ac15316f1210d4aa307cde333cc87fdad55 |    4 +
 .../FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash1   |    4 +
 .../FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash2   |    4 +
 widget/text_bench_test.go                     |  110 +-
 widget/text_test.go                           | 1075 ++++++++++--
 34 files changed, 3328 insertions(+), 2530 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 font/opentype/internal/shaping.go
 delete mode 100644 font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/2a7730fcbcc3550718b37415eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/3fc3ee939f0df44719bee36a67df3aa3a562e2f2f1cfb665a650f60e7e0ab4e6
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/594e4fda2e3462061d50b6a74279d7e3e486d8ac211e45049cfa4833257ef236
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/6b452fd81f16c000dbe525077b6f4ba91b040119d82d55991d568014f4ba671e
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/6b5a1e9cd750a9aa8dafe11bc74e2377c0664f64bbf2ac8b1cdd0ce9f55461b3
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/be56090b98f3c84da6ff9e857d5487d1a89309f7312ccde5ff8b94fcd29521eb
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/dda958d1b1bb9df71f81c575cb8900f97fc1c20e19de09fc0ffca8ff0c8d9e5a
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/de31ec6b1ac7797daefecf39baaace51fa4348bed0e3b662dd50aa341f67d10c
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/e79034d6c7a6ce74d7a689f4ea99e50a6ecd0d4134e3a77234172d13787ac4ea
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/f1f0611baadc20469863e483f58a3ca4eba895087316b31e598f0b05c978d87c
 create mode 100644 font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/f2ebea678c72f6c394d7f860599b281593098b0aad864231d756c3e9699029c1
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/18c534da60e6b61361786a120fe7b82978ac0e5c16afb519beb080f73c470d3f
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/a489f2d9f9226d13b55846645d025ac15316f1210d4aa307cde333cc87fdad55
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash1
 create mode 100644 widget/testdata/fuzz/FuzzEditorEditing/clusterIndexForCrash2

diff --git a/app/window.go b/app/window.go
index dac0b9e6..90938945 100644
--- a/app/window.go
+++ b/app/window.go
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func NewWindow(options ...Option) *Window {
	// Measure decoration height.
	deco := new(widget.Decorations)
	face, _ := opentype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
	theme := material.NewTheme([]text.FontFace{{Font: text.Font{Typeface: "Go"}, Face: face}})
	theme := material.NewTheme([]text.FontFace{{Font: text.Font{Typeface: "Go"}, Face: face}}, &opentype.Shaper{})
	decoStyle := material.Decorations(theme, deco, 0, "")
	gtx := layout.Context{
		Ops: new(op.Ops),
diff --git a/font/gofont/gofont.go b/font/gofont/gofont.go
index a06efeb8..a2fc9bdb 100644
--- a/font/gofont/gofont.go
+++ b/font/gofont/gofont.go
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ var (
	collection []text.FontFace

func Collection() []text.FontFace {
func Collection() ([]text.FontFace, text.FaceShaper) {
	once.Do(func() {
		register(text.Font{}, goregular.TTF)
		register(text.Font{Style: text.Italic}, goitalic.TTF)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func Collection() []text.FontFace {
		n := len(collection)
		collection = collection[:n:n]
	return collection
	return collection, &opentype.Shaper{}

func register(fnt text.Font, ttf []byte) {
diff --git a/font/opentype/internal/shaping.go b/font/opentype/internal/shaping.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 66571d3a..00000000
--- a/font/opentype/internal/shaping.go
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
package internal

import (


// computeGlyphClusters populates the Clusters field of a Layout.
// The order of the clusters is visual, meaning
// that the first cluster is the leftmost cluster displayed even when
// the cluster is part of RTL text.
func computeGlyphClusters(l *text.Layout) {
	clusters := make([]text.GlyphCluster, 0, len(l.Glyphs)+1)
	if len(l.Glyphs) < 1 {
		if l.Runes.Count > 0 {
			// Empty line corresponding to a newline character.
			clusters = append(clusters, text.GlyphCluster{
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count:  1,
					Offset: l.Runes.Offset,
		l.Clusters = clusters
	rtl := l.Direction == system.RTL

	// Check for trailing whitespace characters and synthesize
	// GlyphClusters to represent them.
	lastGlyph := l.Glyphs[len(l.Glyphs)-1]
	if rtl {
		lastGlyph = l.Glyphs[0]
	trailingNewline := lastGlyph.ClusterIndex+lastGlyph.RuneCount < l.Runes.Count+l.Runes.Offset
	newlineCluster := text.GlyphCluster{
		Runes: text.Range{
			Count:  1,
			Offset: l.Runes.Count + l.Runes.Offset - 1,
		Glyphs: text.Range{
			Offset: len(l.Glyphs),

	var (
		i               int = 0
		inc             int = 1
		runesProcessed  int = 0
		glyphsProcessed int = 0

	if rtl {
		i = len(l.Glyphs) - 1
		inc = -inc
		glyphsProcessed = len(l.Glyphs) - 1
		newlineCluster.Glyphs.Offset = 0
	// Construct clusters from the line's glyphs.
	for ; i < len(l.Glyphs) && i >= 0; i += inc {
		g := l.Glyphs[i]
		xAdv := g.XAdvance * fixed.Int26_6(inc)
		for k := 0; k < g.GlyphCount-1 && k < len(l.Glyphs); k++ {
			i += inc
			xAdv += l.Glyphs[i].XAdvance * fixed.Int26_6(inc)

		startRune := runesProcessed
		runeIncrement := g.RuneCount
		startGlyph := glyphsProcessed
		glyphIncrement := g.GlyphCount * inc
		if rtl {
			startGlyph = glyphsProcessed + glyphIncrement + 1
		clusters = append(clusters, text.GlyphCluster{
			Advance: xAdv,
			Runes: text.Range{
				Count:  g.RuneCount,
				Offset: startRune + l.Runes.Offset,
			Glyphs: text.Range{
				Count:  g.GlyphCount,
				Offset: startGlyph,
		runesProcessed += runeIncrement
		glyphsProcessed += glyphIncrement
	// Insert synthetic clusters at the right edge of the line.
	if trailingNewline {
		clusters = append(clusters, newlineCluster)
	l.Clusters = clusters

// langConfig describes the language and writing system of a body of text.
type langConfig struct {
	// Language the text is written in.
	// Writing system used to represent the text.
	// Direction of the text, usually driven by the writing system.

// mapRunesToClusterIndices returns a slice. Each index within that slice corresponds
// to an index within the runes input slice. The value stored at that index is the
// index of the glyph at the start of the corresponding glyph cluster shaped by
// harfbuzz.
func mapRunesToClusterIndices(runes []rune, glyphs []shaping.Glyph) []int {
	mapping := make([]int, len(runes))
	glyphCursor := 0
	if len(runes) == 0 {
		return nil
	// If the final cluster values are lower than the starting ones,
	// the text is RTL.
	rtl := len(glyphs) > 0 && glyphs[len(glyphs)-1].ClusterIndex < glyphs[0].ClusterIndex
	if rtl {
		glyphCursor = len(glyphs) - 1
	for i := range runes {
		for glyphCursor >= 0 && glyphCursor < len(glyphs) &&
			((rtl && glyphs[glyphCursor].ClusterIndex <= i) ||
				(!rtl && glyphs[glyphCursor].ClusterIndex < i)) {
			if rtl {
			} else {
		if rtl {
		} else if (glyphCursor >= 0 && glyphCursor < len(glyphs) &&
			glyphs[glyphCursor].ClusterIndex > i) ||
			(glyphCursor == len(glyphs) && len(glyphs) > 1) {
			targetClusterIndex := glyphs[glyphCursor].ClusterIndex
			for glyphCursor-1 >= 0 && glyphs[glyphCursor-1].ClusterIndex == targetClusterIndex {
		if glyphCursor < 0 {
			glyphCursor = 0
		} else if glyphCursor >= len(glyphs) {
			glyphCursor = len(glyphs) - 1
		mapping[i] = glyphCursor
	return mapping

// inclusiveGlyphRange returns the inclusive range of runes and glyphs matching
// the provided start and breakAfter rune positions.
// runeToGlyph must be a valid mapping from the rune representation to the
// glyph reprsentation produced by mapRunesToClusterIndices.
// numGlyphs is the number of glyphs in the output representing the runes
// under consideration.
func inclusiveGlyphRange(start, breakAfter int, runeToGlyph []int, numGlyphs int) (glyphStart, glyphEnd int) {
	rtl := runeToGlyph[len(runeToGlyph)-1] < runeToGlyph[0]
	runeStart := start
	runeEnd := breakAfter
	if rtl {
		glyphStart = runeToGlyph[runeEnd]
		if runeStart-1 >= 0 {
			glyphEnd = runeToGlyph[runeStart-1] - 1
		} else {
			glyphEnd = numGlyphs - 1
	} else {
		glyphStart = runeToGlyph[runeStart]
		if runeEnd+1 < len(runeToGlyph) {
			glyphEnd = runeToGlyph[runeEnd+1] - 1
		} else {
			glyphEnd = numGlyphs - 1

// breakOption represets a location within the rune slice at which
// it may be safe to break a line of text.
type breakOption struct {
	// breakAtRune is the index at which it is safe to break.
	breakAtRune int
	// penalty is the cost of breaking at this index. Negative
	// penalties mean that the break is beneficial, and a penalty
	// of uax14.PenaltyForMustBreak means a required break.
	penalty int

// getBreakOptions returns a slice of line break candidates for the
// text in the provided slice.
func getBreakOptions(text []rune) []breakOption {
	// Collect options for breaking the lines in a slice.
	var options []breakOption
	const adjust = -1
	breaker := uax14.NewLineWrap()
	segmenter := segment.NewSegmenter(breaker)
	runeOffset := 0
	brokeAtEnd := false
	for segmenter.Next() {
		penalty, _ := segmenter.Penalties()
		// Determine the indices of the breaking runes in the runes
		// slice. Would be nice if the API provided this.
		currentSegment := segmenter.Runes()
		runeOffset += len(currentSegment)

		// Collect all break options.
		options = append(options, breakOption{
			penalty:     penalty,
			breakAtRune: runeOffset + adjust,
		if options[len(options)-1].breakAtRune == len(text)-1 {
			brokeAtEnd = true
	if len(text) > 0 && !brokeAtEnd {
		options = append(options, breakOption{
			penalty:     uax14.PenaltyForMustBreak,
			breakAtRune: len(text) - 1,
	return options

type Shaper func(shaping.Input) (shaping.Output, error)

// paragraph shapes a single paragraph of text, breaking it into multiple lines
// to fit within the provided maxWidth.
func paragraph(shaper Shaper, face font.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, maxWidth int, lc langConfig, paragraph []rune) ([]output, error) {
	// TODO: handle splitting bidi text here

	// Shape the text.
	input := toInput(face, ppem, lc, paragraph)
	out, err := shaper(input)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Get a mapping from input runes to output glyphs.
	runeToGlyph := mapRunesToClusterIndices(paragraph, out.Glyphs)

	// Fetch line break candidates.
	breaks := getBreakOptions(paragraph)

	return lineWrap(out, input.Direction, paragraph, runeToGlyph, breaks, maxWidth), nil

// shouldKeepSegmentOnLine decides whether the segment of text from the current
// end of the line to the provided breakOption should be kept on the current
// line. It should be called successively with each available breakOption,
// and the line should be broken (without keeping the current segment)
// whenever it returns false.
// The parameters require some explanation:
//   - out - the shaping.Output that is being line-broken.
//   - runeToGlyph - a mapping where accessing the slice at the index of a rune
//     into out will yield the index of the first glyph corresponding to that rune.
//   - lineStartRune - the index of the first rune in the line.
//   - b - the line break candidate under consideration.
//   - curLineWidth - the amount of space total in the current line.
//   - curLineUsed - the amount of space in the current line that is already used.
//   - nextLineWidth - the amount of space available on the next line.
// This function returns both a valid shaping.Output broken at b and a boolean
// indicating whether the returned output should be used.
func shouldKeepSegmentOnLine(out shaping.Output, runeToGlyph []int, lineStartRune int, b breakOption, curLineWidth, curLineUsed, nextLineWidth int) (candidateLine shaping.Output, keep bool) {
	// Convert the break target to an inclusive index.
	glyphStart, glyphEnd := inclusiveGlyphRange(lineStartRune, b.breakAtRune, runeToGlyph, len(out.Glyphs))

	// Construct a line out of the inclusive glyph range.
	candidateLine = out
	candidateLine.Glyphs = candidateLine.Glyphs[glyphStart : glyphEnd+1]
	candidateAdvance := candidateLine.Advance.Ceil()
	if candidateAdvance > curLineWidth && candidateAdvance-curLineUsed <= nextLineWidth {
		// If it fits on the next line, put it there.
		return candidateLine, false

	return candidateLine, true

// lineWrap wraps the shaped glyphs of a paragraph to a particular max width.
func lineWrap(out shaping.Output, dir di.Direction, paragraph []rune, runeToGlyph []int, breaks []breakOption, maxWidth int) []output {
	var outputs []output
	if len(breaks) == 0 {
		// Pass empty lines through as empty.
		outputs = append(outputs, output{
			Shaped: out,
			RuneRange: text.Range{
				Count: len(paragraph),
		return outputs

	for i := 0; i < len(breaks); i++ {
		b := breaks[i]
		if b.breakAtRune+1 < len(runeToGlyph) {
			// Check if this break is valid.
			gIdx := runeToGlyph[b.breakAtRune]
			g2Idx := runeToGlyph[b.breakAtRune+1]
			cIdx := out.Glyphs[gIdx].ClusterIndex
			c2Idx := out.Glyphs[g2Idx].ClusterIndex
			if cIdx == c2Idx {
				// This break is within a harfbuzz cluster, and is
				// therefore invalid.
				copy(breaks[i:], breaks[i+1:])
				breaks = breaks[:len(breaks)-1]

	start := 0
	runesProcessed := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(breaks); i++ {
		b := breaks[i]
		// Always keep the first segment on a line.
		good, _ := shouldKeepSegmentOnLine(out, runeToGlyph, start, b, maxWidth, 0, maxWidth)
		end := b.breakAtRune
		for k := i + 1; k < len(breaks); k++ {
			bb := breaks[k]
			candidate, ok := shouldKeepSegmentOnLine(out, runeToGlyph, start, bb, maxWidth, good.Advance.Ceil(), maxWidth)
			if ok {
				// Use this new, longer segment.
				good = candidate
				end = bb.breakAtRune
			} else {
				break innerLoop
		numRunes := end - start + 1
		outputs = append(outputs, output{
			Shaped: good,
			RuneRange: text.Range{
				Count:  numRunes,
				Offset: runesProcessed,
		runesProcessed += numRunes
		start = end + 1
	return outputs

// output is a run of shaped text with metadata about its position
// within a text document.
type output struct {
	Shaped    shaping.Output
	RuneRange text.Range

func toSystemDirection(d di.Direction) system.TextDirection {
	switch d {
	case di.DirectionLTR:
		return system.LTR
	case di.DirectionRTL:
		return system.RTL
	return system.LTR

// toGioGlyphs converts text shaper glyphs into the minimal representation
// that Gio needs.
func toGioGlyphs(in []shaping.Glyph) []text.Glyph {
	out := make([]text.Glyph, 0, len(in))
	for _, g := range in {
		out = append(out, text.Glyph{
			ID:           g.GlyphID,
			ClusterIndex: g.ClusterIndex,
			RuneCount:    g.RuneCount,
			GlyphCount:   g.GlyphCount,
			XAdvance:     g.XAdvance,
			YAdvance:     g.YAdvance,
			XOffset:      g.XOffset,
			YOffset:      g.YOffset,
	return out

// ToLine converts the output into a text.Line
func (o output) ToLine() text.Line {
	layout := text.Layout{
		Glyphs:    toGioGlyphs(o.Shaped.Glyphs),
		Runes:     o.RuneRange,
		Direction: toSystemDirection(o.Shaped.Direction),
	return text.Line{
		Layout: layout,
		Bounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{
			Min: fixed.Point26_6{
				Y: -o.Shaped.LineBounds.Ascent,
			Max: fixed.Point26_6{
				X: o.Shaped.Advance,
				Y: -o.Shaped.LineBounds.Ascent + o.Shaped.LineBounds.LineHeight(),
		Width:   o.Shaped.Advance,
		Ascent:  o.Shaped.LineBounds.Ascent,
		Descent: -o.Shaped.LineBounds.Descent + o.Shaped.LineBounds.Gap,

func mapDirection(d system.TextDirection) di.Direction {
	switch d {
	case system.LTR:
		return di.DirectionLTR
	case system.RTL:
		return di.DirectionRTL
	return di.DirectionLTR

// Document shapes text using the given font, ppem, maximum line width, language,
// and sequence of runes. It returns a slice of lines corresponding to the txt,
// broken to fit within maxWidth and on paragraph boundaries.
func Document(shaper Shaper, face font.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt io.RuneReader) []text.Line {
	var (
		outputs       []text.Line
		startByte     int
		startRune     int
		paragraphText []rune
		done          bool
		langs         = make(map[language.Script]int)
	for !done {
		var (
			bytes int
			runes int
		newlineAdjust := 0
		for r, sz, re := txt.ReadRune(); !done; r, sz, re = txt.ReadRune() {
			if re != nil {
				done = true
			paragraphText = append(paragraphText, r)
			script := language.LookupScript(r)
			bytes += sz
			if r == '\n' {
				newlineAdjust = 1
				break paragraphLoop
		var (
			primary      language.Script
			primaryTotal int
		for script, total := range langs {
			if total > primaryTotal {
				primary = script
				primaryTotal = total
		if lc.Language == "" {
			lc.Language = "EN"
		lcfg := langConfig{
			Language:  language.NewLanguage(lc.Language),
			Script:    primary,
			Direction: mapDirection(lc.Direction),
		lines, _ := paragraph(shaper, face, ppem, maxWidth, lcfg, paragraphText[:len(paragraphText)-newlineAdjust])
		for i := range lines {
			// Update the offsets of each paragraph to be correct within the
			// whole document.
			lines[i].RuneRange.Offset += startRune
			// Update the cluster values to be rune indices within the entire
			// document.
			for k := range lines[i].Shaped.Glyphs {
				lines[i].Shaped.Glyphs[k].ClusterIndex += startRune
			outputs = append(outputs, lines[i].ToLine())
		// If there was a trailing newline update the byte counts to include
		// it on the last line of the paragraph.
		if newlineAdjust > 0 {
			outputs[len(outputs)-1].Layout.Runes.Count += newlineAdjust
		paragraphText = paragraphText[:0]
		startByte += bytes
		startRune += runes
	for i := range outputs {
	return outputs

// toInput converts its parameters into a shaping.Input.
func toInput(face font.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, lc langConfig, runes []rune) shaping.Input {
	var input shaping.Input
	input.Direction = lc.Direction
	input.Text = runes
	input.Size = ppem
	input.Face = face
	input.Language = lc.Language
	input.Script = lc.Script
	input.RunStart = 0
	input.RunEnd = len(runes)
	return input
diff --git a/font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go b/font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ecbd89e0..00000000
--- a/font/opentype/internal/shaping_test.go
@@ -1,1522 +0,0 @@
package internal

import (


// glyph returns a glyph with the given cluster. Its dimensions
// are a square sitting atop the baseline, with 10 units to a side.
func glyph(cluster int) shaping.Glyph {
	return shaping.Glyph{
		XAdvance:     fixed.I(10),
		YAdvance:     fixed.I(10),
		Width:        fixed.I(10),
		Height:       fixed.I(10),
		YBearing:     fixed.I(10),
		ClusterIndex: cluster,

func max(a, b int) int {
	if a > b {
		return a
	return b
func min(a, b int) int {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b

// glyphs returns a slice of glyphs with clusters from start to
// end. If start is greater than end, the glyphs will be returned
// with descending cluster values.
func glyphs(start, end int) []shaping.Glyph {
	inc := 1
	if start > end {
		inc = -inc
	num := max(start, end) - min(start, end) + 1
	g := make([]shaping.Glyph, 0, num)
	for i := start; i >= 0 && i <= max(start, end); i += inc {
		g = append(g, glyph(i))
	return g

func TestMapRunesToClusterIndices(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name     string
		runes    []rune
		glyphs   []shaping.Glyph
		expected []int
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name:  "simple",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
			name:  "simple rtl",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			name:  "fused clusters",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 3},
			name:  "fused clusters rtl",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{3, 3, 2, 0, 0},
			name:  "ligatures",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{0, 0, 1, 2, 2},
			name:  "ligatures rtl",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{2, 2, 1, 0, 0},
			name:  "expansion",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{0, 1, 4, 5, 6},
			name:  "expansion rtl",
			runes: make([]rune, 5),
			glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			expected: []int{6, 3, 2, 1, 0},
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			mapping := mapRunesToClusterIndices(tc.runes, tc.glyphs)
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expected, mapping) {
				t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", tc.expected, mapping)

func TestInclusiveRange(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name string
		// inputs
		start       int
		breakAfter  int
		runeToGlyph []int
		numGlyphs   int
		// expected outputs
		gs, ge int
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name:        "simple at start",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          2,
			name:        "simple in middle",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       1,
			breakAfter:  3,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          3,
			name:        "simple at end",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
			gs:          2,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "simple at start rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			gs:          2,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "simple in middle rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       1,
			breakAfter:  3,
			runeToGlyph: []int{4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          3,
			name:        "simple at end rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{4, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          2,
			name:        "fused clusters at start",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  1,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 3},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          1,
			name:        "fused clusters start and middle",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 3},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          2,
			name:        "fused clusters middle and end",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 3},
			gs:          2,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "fused clusters at end",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       3,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 3},
			gs:          3,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "fused clusters at start rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  1,
			runeToGlyph: []int{3, 3, 2, 0, 0},
			gs:          3,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "fused clusters start and middle rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{3, 3, 2, 0, 0},
			gs:          2,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "fused clusters middle and end rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{3, 3, 2, 0, 0},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          2,
			name:        "fused clusters at end rtl",
			numGlyphs:   5,
			start:       3,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{3, 3, 2, 0, 0},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          1,
			name:        "ligatures at start",
			numGlyphs:   3,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 1, 2, 2},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          1,
			name:        "ligatures in middle",
			numGlyphs:   3,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 1, 2, 2},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          1,
			name:        "ligatures at end",
			numGlyphs:   3,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 0, 1, 2, 2},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          2,
			name:        "ligatures at start rtl",
			numGlyphs:   3,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{2, 2, 1, 0, 0},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          2,
			name:        "ligatures in middle rtl",
			numGlyphs:   3,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{2, 2, 1, 0, 0},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          1,
			name:        "ligatures at end rtl",
			numGlyphs:   3,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{2, 2, 1, 0, 0},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          1,
			name:        "expansion at start",
			numGlyphs:   7,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 1, 4, 5, 6},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          4,
			name:        "expansion in middle",
			numGlyphs:   7,
			start:       1,
			breakAfter:  3,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 1, 4, 5, 6},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          5,
			name:        "expansion at end",
			numGlyphs:   7,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{0, 1, 4, 5, 6},
			gs:          4,
			ge:          6,
			name:        "expansion at start rtl",
			numGlyphs:   7,
			start:       0,
			breakAfter:  2,
			runeToGlyph: []int{6, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			gs:          2,
			ge:          6,
			name:        "expansion in middle rtl",
			numGlyphs:   7,
			start:       1,
			breakAfter:  3,
			runeToGlyph: []int{6, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			gs:          1,
			ge:          5,
			name:        "expansion at end rtl",
			numGlyphs:   7,
			start:       2,
			breakAfter:  4,
			runeToGlyph: []int{6, 3, 2, 1, 0},
			gs:          0,
			ge:          2,
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			gs, ge := inclusiveGlyphRange(tc.start, tc.breakAfter, tc.runeToGlyph, tc.numGlyphs)
			if gs != tc.gs {
				t.Errorf("glyphStart mismatch, got %d, expected %d", gs, tc.gs)
			if ge != tc.ge {
				t.Errorf("glyphEnd mismatch, got %d, expected %d", ge, tc.ge)

var (
	// Assume the simple case of 1:1:1 glyph:rune:byte for this input.
	text1       = "text one is ltr"
	shapedText1 = shaping.Output{
		Advance: fixed.I(10 * len([]rune(text1))),
		LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
			Ascent:  fixed.I(10),
			Descent: fixed.I(5),
			// No line gap.
		GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
			Ascent: fixed.I(10),
			// No glyphs descend.
		Glyphs: glyphs(0, 14),
	text1Trailing       = text1 + " "
	shapedText1Trailing = func() shaping.Output {
		out := shapedText1
		out.Glyphs = append(out.Glyphs, glyph(len(out.Glyphs)))
		return out
	// Test M:N:O glyph:rune:byte for this input.
	// The substring `lig` is shaped as a ligature.
	// The substring `DROP` is not shaped at all.
	text2       = "안П你 ligDROP 안П你 ligDROP"
	shapedText2 = shaping.Output{
		// There are 11 glyphs shaped for this string.
		Advance: fixed.I(10 * 11),
		LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
			Ascent:  fixed.I(10),
			Descent: fixed.I(5),
			// No line gap.
		GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
			Ascent: fixed.I(10),
			// No glyphs descend.
		Glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			0: glyph(0), // 안        - 4 bytes
			1: glyph(1), // П         - 3 bytes
			2: glyph(2), // 你        - 4 bytes
			3: glyph(3), // <space>   - 1 byte
			4: glyph(4), // lig       - 3 runes, 3 bytes
			// DROP                   - 4 runes, 4 bytes
			5:  glyph(11), // <space> - 1 byte
			6:  glyph(12), // 안      - 4 bytes
			7:  glyph(13), // П       - 3 bytes
			8:  glyph(14), // 你      - 4 bytes
			9:  glyph(15), // <space> - 1 byte
			10: glyph(16), // lig     - 3 runes, 3 bytes
			// DROP                   - 4 runes, 4 bytes
	// Test RTL languages.
	text3       = "שלום أهلا שלום أهلا"
	shapedText3 = shaping.Output{
		// There are 15 glyphs shaped for this string.
		Advance: fixed.I(10 * 15),
		LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
			Ascent:  fixed.I(10),
			Descent: fixed.I(5),
			// No line gap.
		GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
			Ascent: fixed.I(10),
			// No glyphs descend.
		Glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
			0: glyph(16), // LIGATURE of three runes:
			//               ا - 3 bytes
			//               ل - 3 bytes
			//               ه - 3 bytes
			1: glyph(15), // أ - 3 bytes
			2: glyph(14), // <space> - 1 byte
			3: glyph(13), // ם - 3 bytes
			4: glyph(12), // ו - 3 bytes
			5: glyph(11), // ל - 3 bytes
			6: glyph(10), // ש - 3 bytes
			7: glyph(9),  // <space> - 1 byte
			8: glyph(6),  // LIGATURE of three runes:
			//               ا - 3 bytes
			//               ل - 3 bytes
			//               ه - 3 bytes
			9:  glyph(5), // أ - 3 bytes
			10: glyph(4), // <space> - 1 byte
			11: glyph(3), // ם - 3 bytes
			12: glyph(2), // ו - 3 bytes
			13: glyph(1), // ל - 3 bytes
			14: glyph(0), // ש - 3 bytes

// splitShapedAt splits a single shaped output into multiple. It splits
// on each provided glyph index in indices, with the index being the end of
// a slice range (so it's exclusive). You can think of the index as the
// first glyph of the next output.
func splitShapedAt(shaped shaping.Output, direction di.Direction, indices ...int) []shaping.Output {
	numOut := len(indices) + 1
	outputs := make([]shaping.Output, 0, numOut)
	start := 0
	for _, i := range indices {
		newOut := shaped
		newOut.Glyphs = newOut.Glyphs[start:i]
		outputs = append(outputs, newOut)
		start = i
	newOut := shaped
	newOut.Glyphs = newOut.Glyphs[start:]
	outputs = append(outputs, newOut)
	return outputs

func TestEngineLineWrap(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name      string
		direction di.Direction
		shaped    shaping.Output
		paragraph []rune
		maxWidth  int
		expected  []output
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			// This test case verifies that no line breaks occur if they are not
			// necessary, and that the proper Offsets are reported in the output.
			name:      "all one line",
			shaped:    shapedText1,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text1),
			maxWidth:  1000,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune(text1)),
					Shaped: shapedText1,
			// This test case verifies that trailing whitespace characters on a
			// line do not just disappear if it's the first line.
			name:      "trailing whitespace",
			shaped:    shapedText1Trailing,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text1Trailing),
			maxWidth:  1000,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune(text1)) + 1,
					Shaped: shapedText1Trailing,
			// This test case verifies that the line wrapper rejects line break
			// candidates that would split a glyph cluster.
			name: "reject mid-cluster line breaks",
			shaped: shaping.Output{
				Advance: fixed.I(10 * 3),
				LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
					Ascent:  fixed.I(10),
					Descent: fixed.I(5),
					// No line gap.
				GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
					Ascent: fixed.I(10),
					// No glyphs descend.
				Glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
					complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
					complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			// This unicode data was discovered in a testing/quick failure
			// for widget.Editor. It has the property that the middle two
			// runes form a harfbuzz cluster but also have a legal UAX#14
			// segment break between them.
			paragraph: []rune{0xa8e58, 0x3a4fd, 0x119dd},
			maxWidth:  20,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Shaped: shaping.Output{
						Direction: di.DirectionLTR,
						Advance:   fixed.I(10),
						LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
							Ascent:  fixed.I(10),
							Descent: fixed.I(5),
						GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
							Ascent: fixed.I(10),
						Glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 1,
					Shaped: shaping.Output{
						Direction: di.DirectionLTR,
						Advance:   fixed.I(20),
						LineBounds: shaping.Bounds{
							Ascent:  fixed.I(10),
							Descent: fixed.I(5),
						GlyphBounds: shaping.Bounds{
							Ascent: fixed.I(10),
						Glyphs: []shaping.Glyph{
							complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
							complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
			// This test case verifies that line breaking does occur, and that
			// all lines have proper offsets.
			name:      "line break on last word",
			shaped:    shapedText1,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text1),
			maxWidth:  120,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune(text1)) - 3,
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText1, di.DirectionLTR, 12)[0],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Offset: len([]rune(text1)) - 3,
						Count:  3,
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText1, di.DirectionLTR, 12)[1],
			// This test case verifies that many line breaks still result in
			// correct offsets. This test also ensures that leading whitespace
			// is correctly hidden on lines after the first.
			name:      "line break several times",
			shaped:    shapedText1,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text1),
			maxWidth:  70,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: 5,
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText1, di.DirectionLTR, 5)[0],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Offset: 5,
						Count:  7,
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText1, di.DirectionLTR, 5, 12)[1],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Offset: 12,
						Count:  3,
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText1, di.DirectionLTR, 12)[1],
			// This test case verifies baseline offset math for more complicated input.
			name:      "all one line 2",
			shaped:    shapedText2,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text2),
			maxWidth:  1000,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune(text2)),
					Shaped: shapedText2,
			// This test case verifies that offset accounting correctly handles complex
			// input across line breaks. It is legal to line-break within words composed
			// of more than one script, so this test expects that to occur.
			name:      "line break several times 2",
			shaped:    shapedText2,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text2),
			maxWidth:  40,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune("안П你 ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText2, di.DirectionLTR, 4)[0],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  len([]rune("ligDROP 안П")),
						Offset: len([]rune("안П你 ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText2, di.DirectionLTR, 4, 8)[1],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  len([]rune("你 ligDROP")),
						Offset: len([]rune("안П你 ligDROP 안П")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText2, di.DirectionLTR, 8, 11)[1],
			// This test case verifies baseline offset math for complex RTL input.
			name:      "all one line 3",
			shaped:    shapedText3,
			direction: di.DirectionLTR,
			paragraph: []rune(text3),
			maxWidth:  1000,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune(text3)),
					Shaped: shapedText3,
			// This test case verifies line wrapping logic in RTL mode.
			name:      "line break once [RTL]",
			shaped:    shapedText3,
			direction: di.DirectionRTL,
			paragraph: []rune(text3),
			maxWidth:  100,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune("שלום أهلا ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText3, di.DirectionRTL, 7)[1],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  len([]rune("שלום أهلا")),
						Offset: len([]rune("שלום أهلا ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText3, di.DirectionRTL, 7)[0],
			// This test case verifies line wrapping logic in RTL mode.
			name:      "line break several times [RTL]",
			shaped:    shapedText3,
			direction: di.DirectionRTL,
			paragraph: []rune(text3),
			maxWidth:  50,
			expected: []output{
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count: len([]rune("שלום ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText3, di.DirectionRTL, 10)[1],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  len([]rune("أهلا ")),
						Offset: len([]rune("שלום ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText3, di.DirectionRTL, 7, 10)[1],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  len([]rune("שלום ")),
						Offset: len([]rune("שלום أهلا ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText3, di.DirectionRTL, 2, 7)[1],
					RuneRange: text.Range{
						Count:  len([]rune("أهلا")),
						Offset: len([]rune("שלום أهلا שלום ")),
					Shaped: splitShapedAt(shapedText3, di.DirectionRTL, 2)[0],
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			// Get a mapping from input runes to output glyphs.
			runeToGlyph := mapRunesToClusterIndices(tc.paragraph, tc.shaped.Glyphs)

			// Fetch line break candidates.
			breaks := getBreakOptions(tc.paragraph)

			outs := lineWrap(tc.shaped, tc.direction, tc.paragraph, runeToGlyph, breaks, tc.maxWidth)
			if len(tc.expected) != len(outs) {
				t.Errorf("expected %d lines, got %d", len(tc.expected), len(outs))
			for i := range tc.expected {
				e := tc.expected[i]
				o := outs[i]
				lenE := len(e.Shaped.Glyphs)
				lenO := len(o.Shaped.Glyphs)
				if lenE != lenO {
					t.Errorf("line %d: expected %d glyphs, got %d", i, lenE, lenO)
				} else {
					for k := range e.Shaped.Glyphs {
						e := e.Shaped.Glyphs[k]
						o := o.Shaped.Glyphs[k]
						if !reflect.DeepEqual(e, o) {
							t.Errorf("line %d: glyph mismatch at index %d, expected: %#v, got %#v", i, k, e, o)
				if e.RuneRange != o.RuneRange {
					t.Errorf("line %d: expected %#v offsets, got %#v", i, e.RuneRange, o.RuneRange)
				if e.Shaped.Direction != o.Shaped.Direction {
					t.Errorf("line %d: expected %v direction, got %v", i, e.Shaped.Direction, o.Shaped.Direction)
				// Reduce the verbosity of the reflect mismatch since we already
				// compared the glyphs.
				e.Shaped.Glyphs = nil
				o.Shaped.Glyphs = nil
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(e.Shaped, o.Shaped) {
					t.Errorf("line %d: expected: %#v, got %#v", i, e, o)

func TestEngineDocument(t *testing.T) {
	const doc = `Rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor augue.
At risus viverra adipiscing at.`
	english := system.Locale{
		Language:  "EN",
		Direction: system.LTR,
	docRunes := len([]rune(doc))

	// Override the shaping engine with one that will return a simple
	// square glyph info for each rune in the input.
	shaper := func(in shaping.Input) (shaping.Output, error) {
		o := shaping.Output{
			// TODO: ensure that this is either inclusive or exclusive
			Glyphs: glyphs(in.RunStart, in.RunEnd),
		return o, nil

	lines := Document(shaper, nil, 10, 100, english, bytes.NewBufferString(doc))

	lineRunes := 0
	for i, line := range lines {
		t.Logf("Line %d: runeOffset %d, runes %d",
			i, line.Layout.Runes.Offset, line.Layout.Runes.Count)
		if line.Layout.Runes.Offset != lineRunes {
			t.Errorf("expected line %d to start at byte %d, got %d", i, lineRunes, line.Layout.Runes.Offset)
		lineRunes += line.Layout.Runes.Count
	if lineRunes != docRunes {
		t.Errorf("unexpected count: expected %d runes, got %d runes",
			docRunes, lineRunes)

// simpleGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value.
func simpleGlyph(cluster int) shaping.Glyph {
	return complexGlyph(cluster, 1, 1)

// ligatureGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value and number of runes.
func ligatureGlyph(cluster, runes int) shaping.Glyph {
	return complexGlyph(cluster, runes, 1)

// expansionGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value and number of glyphs.
func expansionGlyph(cluster, glyphs int) shaping.Glyph {
	return complexGlyph(cluster, 1, glyphs)

// complexGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value, number of associated runes, and number of glyphs in the cluster.
func complexGlyph(cluster, runes, glyphs int) shaping.Glyph {
	return shaping.Glyph{
		Width:        fixed.I(10),
		Height:       fixed.I(10),
		XAdvance:     fixed.I(10),
		YAdvance:     fixed.I(10),
		YBearing:     fixed.I(10),
		ClusterIndex: cluster,
		GlyphCount:   glyphs,
		RuneCount:    runes,

func simpleCluster(runeOffset, glyphOffset int, ltr bool) text.GlyphCluster {
	g := text.GlyphCluster{
		Advance: fixed.I(10),
		Runes: text.Range{
			Count:  1,
			Offset: runeOffset,
		Glyphs: text.Range{
			Count:  1,
			Offset: glyphOffset,
	if !ltr {
		g.Advance = -g.Advance
	return g

func TestLayoutComputeClusters(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name     string
		line     text.Layout
		expected []text.GlyphCluster
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name:     "empty",
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{},
			name: "just newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs:    toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{}),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 1,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
			name: "simple",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 0, true),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(2, 2, true),
			name: "simple with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 0, true),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(2, 2, true),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 3,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Offset: 3,
			name: "ligature",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
				simpleCluster(2, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(3, 2, true),
			name: "ligature with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Offset: 1,
			name: "expansion",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(20),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
				simpleCluster(1, 2, true),
				simpleCluster(2, 3, true),
			name: "deletion",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(1, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 5,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 0, true),
					Advance: fixed.I(10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 1,
				simpleCluster(3, 2, true),
				simpleCluster(4, 3, true),
			name: "simple rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 2, false),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(2, 0, false),
			name: "simple rtl with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 2, false),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(2, 0, false),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 3,
			name: "ligature rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(-10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
				simpleCluster(2, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(3, 0, false),
			name: "ligature rtl with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(-10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
			name: "expansion rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(-20),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 2,
				simpleCluster(1, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(2, 0, false),
			name: "deletion rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(1, 2),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 5,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 3, false),
					Advance: fixed.I(-10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
				simpleCluster(3, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(4, 0, false),
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			actual := tc.line.Clusters
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, tc.expected) {
				t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", tc.expected, actual)

func TestGetBreakOptions(t *testing.T) {
	if err := quick.Check(func(runes []rune) bool {
		options := getBreakOptions(runes)
		// Ensure breaks are in valid range.
		for _, o := range options {
			if o.breakAtRune < 0 || o.breakAtRune > len(runes)-1 {
				return false
		// Ensure breaks are sorted.
		if !sort.SliceIsSorted(options, func(i, j int) bool {
			return options[i].breakAtRune < options[j].breakAtRune
		}) {
			return false

		// Ensure breaks are unique.
		m := make([]bool, len(runes))
		for _, o := range options {
			if m[o.breakAtRune] {
				return false
			} else {
				m[o.breakAtRune] = true

		return true
	}, nil); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("generated invalid break options: %v", err)

func TestLayoutSlice(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name       string
		in         text.Layout
		expected   text.Layout
		start, end int

	ltrGlyphs := toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
		complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
		complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
		ligatureGlyph(6, 3),
	rtlGlyphs := toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
		ligatureGlyph(6, 3),
		complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),
		complexGlyph(1, 2, 2),

	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name: "ltr",
			in: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    ltrGlyphs,
					Direction: system.LTR,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 11,
				return l
			expected: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    ltrGlyphs[5:],
					Direction: system.LTR,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  6,
						Offset: 5,
				return l
			start: 4,
			end:   8,
			name: "ltr different range",
			in: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    ltrGlyphs,
					Direction: system.LTR,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 11,
				return l
			expected: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    ltrGlyphs[3:7],
					Direction: system.LTR,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  6,
						Offset: 3,
				return l
			start: 2,
			end:   6,
			name: "ltr zero len",
			in: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    ltrGlyphs,
					Direction: system.LTR,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 11,
				return l
			expected: text.Layout{},
			start:    0,
			end:      0,
			name: "rtl",
			in: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    rtlGlyphs,
					Direction: system.RTL,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 11,
				return l
			expected: func() text.Layout {
				l := text.Layout{
					Glyphs:    rtlGlyphs[:4],
					Direction: system.RTL,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  6,
						Offset: 5,
				return l
			start: 4,
			end:   8,
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			out := tc.in.Slice(tc.start, tc.end)
			if len(out.Glyphs) != len(tc.expected.Glyphs) {
				t.Errorf("expected %v glyphs, got %v", len(tc.expected.Glyphs), len(out.Glyphs))
			if len(out.Clusters) != len(tc.expected.Clusters) {
				t.Errorf("expected %v clusters, got %v", len(tc.expected.Clusters), len(out.Clusters))
			if out.Runes != tc.expected.Runes {
				t.Errorf("expected %#+v, got %#+v", tc.expected.Runes, out.Runes)
			if out.Direction != tc.expected.Direction {
				t.Errorf("expected %#+v, got %#+v", tc.expected.Direction, out.Direction)
diff --git a/font/opentype/opentype.go b/font/opentype/opentype.go
index 87d76507..ecd4d220 100644
--- a/font/opentype/opentype.go
+++ b/font/opentype/opentype.go
@@ -7,72 +7,272 @@ package opentype
import (



// Font implements the text.Shaper interface using a rich text
// shaping engine.
type Font struct {
	font *truetype.Font
type Face font.Face

// Shaper implements the shaping and line-wrapping of opentype fonts.
type Shaper struct {
	shaper        shaping.HarfbuzzShaper
	wrapper       shaping.LineWrapper
	bidiParagraph bidi.Paragraph
	fallbackFaces []font.Face

	// Scratch buffers used to avoid re-allocating slices during routine internal
	// shaping operations.
	splitScratch1, splitScratch2 []shaping.Input
	outScratchBuf                []shaping.Output

var _ text.FaceShaper = (*Shaper)(nil)

// Parse constructs a Font from source bytes.
func Parse(src []byte) (*Font, error) {
func Parse(src []byte) (Face, error) {
	face, err := truetype.Parse(bytes.NewReader(src))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing truetype font: %w", err)
	return &Font{
		font: face,
	}, nil
	return face, nil

func (f *Font) Layout(ppem fixed.Int26_6, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt io.RuneReader) ([]text.Line, error) {
	return internal.Document(shaping.Shape, f.font, ppem, maxWidth, lc, txt), nil
func scriptToDir(script language.Script, documentDir di.Direction) di.Direction {
	// List of RTL scripts sourced from:
	// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-to-left_script#List_of_RTL_scripts
	switch script {
	case language.Arabic:
	case language.Hebrew:
	case language.Thaana:
	case language.Syriac:
	case language.Mandaic:
	case language.Samaritan:
	case language.Mende_Kikakui:
	case language.Nko:
	case language.Adlam:
	case language.Hanifi_Rohingya:
	case language.Yezidi:
		return di.DirectionRTL
	case language.Common:
		return documentDir
		return di.DirectionLTR

func (f *Font) Shape(ppem fixed.Int26_6, str text.Layout) clip.PathSpec {
	return textPath(ppem, f, str)
// splitByScriptAndDirection divides the inputs into new, smaller inputs on script boundaries
// and correctly sets the text direction per-script. This is not as correct as the unicode
// bidirectional text algorithm, but is simple and good enough as a starting point. It will
// use buf as the backing memory for the returned slice if buf is non-nil.
func splitByScript(inputs []shaping.Input, documentDir di.Direction, buf []shaping.Input) []shaping.Input {
	var splitInputs []shaping.Input
	if buf == nil {
		splitInputs = make([]shaping.Input, 0, len(inputs))
	} else {
		splitInputs = buf
	for _, input := range inputs {
		currentInput := input
		if input.RunStart == input.RunEnd {
			return []shaping.Input{input}
		firstNonCommonRune := input.RunStart
		for i := firstNonCommonRune; i < input.RunEnd; i++ {
			if language.LookupScript(input.Text[i]) != language.Common {
				firstNonCommonRune = i
		// Adapted from github.com/go-text/typesetting/shaping.SplitByFace() under the terms of the
		currentInput.Script = language.LookupScript(input.Text[firstNonCommonRune])
		for i := firstNonCommonRune + 1; i < input.RunEnd; i++ {
			r := input.Text[i]
			runeScript := language.LookupScript(r)

			if runeScript == language.Common || runeScript == currentInput.Script {

			if i != input.RunStart {
				currentInput.RunEnd = i
				splitInputs = append(splitInputs, currentInput)

			currentInput = input
			currentInput.RunStart = i
			currentInput.Script = runeScript
			// In the future, it may make sense to try to guess the language of the text here as well,
			// but this is a complex process.
		// close and add the last input
		currentInput.RunEnd = input.RunEnd
		splitInputs = append(splitInputs, currentInput)

	return splitInputs

func (f *Font) Metrics(ppem fixed.Int26_6) font.Metrics {
	metrics := font.Metrics{}
	font := harfbuzz.NewFont(f.font)
	font.XScale = int32(ppem.Ceil()) << 6
	font.YScale = font.XScale
	// Use any horizontal direction.
	fontExtents := font.ExtentsForDirection(harfbuzz.LeftToRight)
	ascender := fixed.I(int(fontExtents.Ascender * 64))
	descender := fixed.I(int(fontExtents.Descender * 64))
	gap := fixed.I(int(fontExtents.LineGap * 64))
	metrics.Height = ascender + descender + gap
	metrics.Ascent = ascender
	metrics.Descent = descender
	// These three are not readily available.
	// TODO(whereswaldon): figure out how to get these values.
	metrics.XHeight = ascender
	metrics.CapHeight = ascender
	metrics.CaretSlope = image.Pt(0, 1)
func (s *Shaper) splitBidi(input shaping.Input) []shaping.Input {
	var splitInputs []shaping.Input
	if input.Direction.Axis() != di.Horizontal || input.RunStart == input.RunEnd {
		return []shaping.Input{input}
	def := bidi.LeftToRight
	if input.Direction.Progression() == di.TowardTopLeft {
		def = bidi.RightToLeft
	s.bidiParagraph.SetString(string(input.Text), bidi.DefaultDirection(def))
	out, err := s.bidiParagraph.Order()
	if err != nil {
		return []shaping.Input{input}
	for i := 0; i < out.NumRuns(); i++ {
		currentInput := input
		run := out.Run(i)
		dir := run.Direction()
		_, endRune := run.Pos()
		currentInput.RunEnd = endRune + 1
		if dir == bidi.RightToLeft {
			currentInput.Direction = di.DirectionRTL
		} else {
			currentInput.Direction = di.DirectionLTR
		splitInputs = append(splitInputs, currentInput)
		input.RunStart = currentInput.RunEnd
	return splitInputs

	return metrics
// splitByFaces divides the inputs by font coverage in the provided faces. It will use the slice provided in buf
// as the backing storage of the returned slice if buf is non-nil.
func (s *Shaper) splitByFaces(inputs []shaping.Input, faces []font.Face, buf []shaping.Input) []shaping.Input {
	var split []shaping.Input
	if buf == nil {
		split = make([]shaping.Input, 0, len(inputs))
	} else {
		split = buf
	for _, input := range inputs {
		split = append(split, shaping.SplitByFontGlyphs(input, faces)...)
	return split

func textPath(ppem fixed.Int26_6, font *Font, str text.Layout) clip.PathSpec {
// shapeText invokes the text shaper and returns the raw text data in the shaper's native
// format. It does not wrap lines.
func (s *Shaper) shapeText(faces []text.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, lc system.Locale, txt []rune) []shaping.Output {
	if len(faces) < 1 {
		return nil
	if needed := len(faces) - len(s.fallbackFaces); needed > 0 {
		s.fallbackFaces = slices.Grow(s.fallbackFaces, needed)
	s.fallbackFaces = s.fallbackFaces[:0]
	// Unpack fallback fonts into the proper type.
	for i := range faces {
		if asTTF, ok := faces[i].(Face); ok {
			s.fallbackFaces = append(s.fallbackFaces, asTTF)
	lcfg := langConfig{
		Language:  language.NewLanguage(lc.Language),
		Direction: mapDirection(lc.Direction),
	// Create an initial input.
	input := toInput(s.fallbackFaces[0], ppem, lcfg, txt)
	// Break input on font glyph coverage.
	inputs := s.splitBidi(input)
	inputs = s.splitByFaces(inputs, s.fallbackFaces, s.splitScratch1[:0])
	inputs = splitByScript(inputs, lcfg.Direction, s.splitScratch2[:0])
	// Shape all inputs.
	if needed := len(inputs) - len(s.outScratchBuf); needed > 0 {
		s.outScratchBuf = slices.Grow(s.outScratchBuf, needed)
	s.outScratchBuf = s.outScratchBuf[:len(inputs)]
	for i := range inputs {
		s.outScratchBuf[i] = s.shaper.Shape(inputs[i])
	return s.outScratchBuf

// shapeAndWrapText invokes the text shaper and returns wrapped lines in the shaper's native format.
func (s *Shaper) shapeAndWrapText(faces []text.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt []rune) []shaping.Line {
	// Wrap outputs into lines.
	return s.wrapper.WrapParagraph(maxWidth, txt, s.shapeText(faces, ppem, lc, txt)...)

// replaceControlCharacters replaces problematic unicode
// code points with spaces to ensure proper rune accounting.
func replaceControlCharacters(in []rune) []rune {
	for i, r := range in {
		switch r {
		// ASCII File separator.
		case '\u001C':
		// ASCII Group separator.
		case '\u001D':
		// ASCII Record separator.
		case '\u001E':
		case '\r':
		case '\n':
		// Unicode "next line" character.
		case '\u0085':
		// Unicode "paragraph separator".
		case '\u2029':
		in[i] = ' '
	return in

// Layout shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
func (s *Shaper) Layout(faces []text.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt []rune) []text.Line {
	lines := s.shapeAndWrapText(faces, ppem, maxWidth, lc, replaceControlCharacters(txt))
	// Convert to text.Lines.
	textLines := make([]text.Line, len(lines))
	for i := range lines {
		textLines[i] = ToLine(lines[i], lc.Direction)
	return textLines

// Shape converts the provided line into a path. It trims the output glyphs to only
// contain glyphs from the runs between startRun and endRun (inclusive), with the
// actual start/end positions within those runs determined by startCluster and
// endCluster, respectively. startCluster and endCluster are permitted to be equal
// to the length of their respective Clusters slices.
func (s *Shaper) Shape(ppem fixed.Int26_6, str text.Line, startRun, startGlyph, endRun, endGlyph int) clip.PathSpec {
	var startPosition, endPosition int
	if len(str.Runs) > 0 {
		startPosition = str.Runs[startRun].VisualPosition
		endPosition = str.Runs[endRun].VisualPosition
	var lastPos f32.Point
	var builder clip.Path
	ops := new(op.Ops)
@@ -81,58 +281,305 @@ func textPath(ppem fixed.Int26_6, font *Font, str text.Layout) clip.PathSpec {
	rune := 0
	ppemInt := ppem.Round()
	ppem16 := uint16(ppemInt)
	scaleFactor := float32(ppemInt) / float32(font.font.Upem())
	for _, g := range str.Glyphs {
		advance := g.XAdvance
		outline, ok := font.font.GlyphData(g.ID, ppem16, ppem16).(fonts.GlyphOutline)
	// Runs are ordered logically. Iterate them visually based on the line's
	// overall direction.
	for visualPosition, logicalIndex := range str.VisualOrder {
		if visualPosition < startPosition || visualPosition > endPosition {
		run := str.Runs[logicalIndex]
		asFont, ok := run.Face.(font.Face)
		if !ok {
		// Move to glyph position.
		pos := f32.Point{
			X: float32(x)/64 - float32(g.XOffset)/64,
			Y: -float32(g.YOffset) / 64,
		lastPos = pos
		var lastArg f32.Point

		// Convert sfnt.Segments to relative segments.
		for _, fseg := range outline.Segments {
			nargs := 1
			switch fseg.Op {
			case fonts.SegmentOpQuadTo:
				nargs = 2
			case fonts.SegmentOpCubeTo:
				nargs = 3
		firstGlyph := 0
		lastGlyph := len(run.Glyphs)
		if logicalIndex == startRun {
			firstGlyph = startGlyph
		if logicalIndex == endRun {
			lastGlyph = endGlyph
			if lastGlyph < len(run.Glyphs) {
		for _, g := range run.Glyphs[firstGlyph:lastGlyph] {
			scaleFactor := float32(ppemInt) / float32(asFont.Upem())
			advance := g.XAdvance
			outline, ok := asFont.GlyphData(g.ID, ppem16, ppem16).(fonts.GlyphOutline)
			if !ok {
			// Move to glyph position.
			pos := f32.Point{
				X: float32(x)/64 - float32(g.XOffset)/64,
				Y: -float32(g.YOffset) / 64,
			var args [3]f32.Point
			for i := 0; i < nargs; i++ {
				a := f32.Point{
					X: fseg.Args[i].X * scaleFactor,
					Y: -fseg.Args[i].Y * scaleFactor,
			lastPos = pos
			var lastArg f32.Point

			// Convert fonts.Segments to relative segments.
			for _, fseg := range outline.Segments {
				nargs := 1
				switch fseg.Op {
				case fonts.SegmentOpQuadTo:
					nargs = 2
				case fonts.SegmentOpCubeTo:
					nargs = 3
				args[i] = a.Sub(lastArg)
				if i == nargs-1 {
					lastArg = a
				var args [3]f32.Point
				for i := 0; i < nargs; i++ {
					a := f32.Point{
						X: fseg.Args[i].X * scaleFactor,
						Y: -fseg.Args[i].Y * scaleFactor,
					args[i] = a.Sub(lastArg)
					if i == nargs-1 {
						lastArg = a
				switch fseg.Op {
				case fonts.SegmentOpMoveTo:
				case fonts.SegmentOpLineTo:
				case fonts.SegmentOpQuadTo:
					builder.Quad(args[0], args[1])
				case fonts.SegmentOpCubeTo:
					builder.Cube(args[0], args[1], args[2])
					panic("unsupported segment op")
			switch fseg.Op {
			case fonts.SegmentOpMoveTo:
			case fonts.SegmentOpLineTo:
			case fonts.SegmentOpQuadTo:
				builder.Quad(args[0], args[1])
			case fonts.SegmentOpCubeTo:
				builder.Cube(args[0], args[1], args[2])
				panic("unsupported segment op")
			lastPos = lastPos.Add(lastArg)
			x += advance
		lastPos = lastPos.Add(lastArg)
		x += advance
	return builder.End()

// langConfig describes the language and writing system of a body of text.
type langConfig struct {
	// Language the text is written in.
	// Writing system used to represent the text.
	// Direction of the text, usually driven by the writing system.

// toInput converts its parameters into a shaping.Input.
func toInput(face font.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, lc langConfig, runes []rune) shaping.Input {
	var input shaping.Input
	input.Direction = lc.Direction
	input.Text = runes
	input.Size = ppem
	input.Face = face
	input.Language = lc.Language
	input.Script = lc.Script
	input.RunStart = 0
	input.RunEnd = len(runes)
	return input

func mapDirection(d system.TextDirection) di.Direction {
	switch d {
	case system.LTR:
		return di.DirectionLTR
	case system.RTL:
		return di.DirectionRTL
	return di.DirectionLTR

func unmapDirection(d di.Direction) system.TextDirection {
	switch d {
	case di.DirectionLTR:
		return system.LTR
	case di.DirectionRTL:
		return system.RTL
	return system.LTR

// toGioGlyphs converts text shaper glyphs into the minimal representation
// that Gio needs.
func toGioGlyphs(in []shaping.Glyph, face Face) []text.Glyph {
	out := make([]text.Glyph, 0, len(in))
	for _, g := range in {
		out = append(out, text.Glyph{
			ID:           g.GlyphID,
			ClusterIndex: g.ClusterIndex,
			RuneCount:    g.RuneCount,
			GlyphCount:   g.GlyphCount,
			XAdvance:     g.XAdvance,
			YAdvance:     g.YAdvance,
			XOffset:      g.XOffset,
			YOffset:      g.YOffset,
	return out

// ToLine converts the output into a text.Line with the provided dominant text direction.
func ToLine(o shaping.Line, dir system.TextDirection) text.Line {
	if len(o) < 1 {
		return text.Line{}
	line := text.Line{
		Runs:      make([]text.Layout, len(o)),
		Direction: dir,
	for i := range o {
		run := o[i]
		asTTF := run.Face.(font.Face)
		line.Runs[i] = text.Layout{
			Glyphs: toGioGlyphs(run.Glyphs, asTTF),
			Runes: text.Range{
				Count:  run.Runes.Count,
				Offset: line.RuneCount,
			Direction: unmapDirection(run.Direction),
			Face:      run.Face,
			Advance:   run.Advance,
		line.RuneCount += run.Runes.Count
		if line.Bounds.Min.Y > -run.LineBounds.Ascent {
			line.Bounds.Min.Y = -run.LineBounds.Ascent
		if line.Bounds.Max.Y < -run.LineBounds.Ascent+run.LineBounds.LineHeight() {
			line.Bounds.Max.Y = -run.LineBounds.Ascent + run.LineBounds.LineHeight()
		line.Bounds.Max.X += run.Advance
		line.Width += run.Advance
		if line.Ascent < run.LineBounds.Ascent {
			line.Ascent = run.LineBounds.Ascent
		if line.Descent < -run.LineBounds.Descent+run.LineBounds.Gap {
			line.Descent = -run.LineBounds.Descent + run.LineBounds.Gap
	return line

// computeVisualOrder will populate the Line's VisualOrder field and the
// VisualPosition field of each element in Runs.
func computeVisualOrder(l *text.Line) {
	l.VisualOrder = make([]int, len(l.Runs))
	const none = -1
	bidiRangeStart := none

	// visPos returns the visual position for an individual logically-indexed
	// run in this line, taking only the line's overall text direction into
	// account.
	visPos := func(logicalIndex int) int {
		if l.Direction.Progression() == system.TowardOrigin {
			return len(l.Runs) - 1 - logicalIndex
		return logicalIndex

	// resolveBidi populated the line's VisualOrder fields for the elements in the
	// half-open range [bidiRangeStart:bidiRangeEnd) indicating that those elements
	// should be displayed in reverse-visual order.
	resolveBidi := func(bidiRangeStart, bidiRangeEnd int) {
		firstVisual := bidiRangeEnd - 1
		// Just found the end of a bidi range.
		for startIdx := bidiRangeStart; startIdx < bidiRangeEnd; startIdx++ {
			pos := visPos(firstVisual)
			l.Runs[startIdx].VisualPosition = pos
			l.VisualOrder[pos] = startIdx
		bidiRangeStart = none
	for runIdx, run := range l.Runs {
		if run.Direction.Progression() != l.Direction.Progression() {
			if bidiRangeStart == none {
				bidiRangeStart = runIdx
		} else if bidiRangeStart != none {
			// Just found the end of a bidi range.
			resolveBidi(bidiRangeStart, runIdx)
			bidiRangeStart = none
		pos := visPos(runIdx)
		l.Runs[runIdx].VisualPosition = pos
		l.VisualOrder[pos] = runIdx
	if bidiRangeStart != none {
		// We ended iteration within a bidi segment, resolve it.
		resolveBidi(bidiRangeStart, len(l.Runs))

// computeGlyphClusters populates the Clusters field of a Layout.
// The order of the clusters is logical, meaning
// that the first cluster represents the first runes in the layout,
// not the first glyphs displayed.
func computeGlyphClusters(l *text.Layout) {
	clusters := make([]text.GlyphCluster, 0, len(l.Glyphs)+1)
	if len(l.Glyphs) < 1 {
		if l.Runes.Count > 0 {
			// Empty line corresponding to a newline character.
			clusters = append(clusters, text.GlyphCluster{
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count:  1,
					Offset: l.Runes.Offset,
		l.Clusters = clusters
	rtl := l.Direction == system.RTL

	var (
		i               int = 0
		inc             int = 1
		runesProcessed  int = 0
		glyphsProcessed int = 0

	if rtl {
		i = len(l.Glyphs) - 1
		inc = -inc
		glyphsProcessed = len(l.Glyphs) - 1
	// Construct clusters from the line's glyphs.
	for ; i < len(l.Glyphs) && i >= 0; i += inc {
		g := l.Glyphs[i]
		xAdv := g.XAdvance * fixed.Int26_6(inc)
		for k := 0; k < g.GlyphCount-1 && k < len(l.Glyphs); k++ {
			i += inc
			xAdv += l.Glyphs[i].XAdvance * fixed.Int26_6(inc)

		startRune := runesProcessed
		runeIncrement := g.RuneCount
		startGlyph := glyphsProcessed
		glyphIncrement := g.GlyphCount * inc
		if rtl {
			startGlyph = glyphsProcessed + glyphIncrement + 1
		clusters = append(clusters, text.GlyphCluster{
			Advance: xAdv,
			Runes: text.Range{
				Count:  g.RuneCount,
				Offset: startRune + l.Runes.Offset,
			Glyphs: text.Range{
				Count:  g.GlyphCount,
				Offset: startGlyph,
		runesProcessed += runeIncrement
		glyphsProcessed += glyphIncrement
	l.Clusters = clusters
diff --git a/font/opentype/opentype_test.go b/font/opentype/opentype_test.go
index 95502302..4e3a8da2 100644
--- a/font/opentype/opentype_test.go
+++ b/font/opentype/opentype_test.go
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package opentype

import (

	nsareg "eliasnaur.com/font/noto/sans/arabic/regular"


var english = system.Locale{
@@ -15,6 +19,11 @@ var english = system.Locale{
	Direction: system.LTR,

var arabic = system.Locale{
	Language:  "AR",
	Direction: system.RTL,

func TestEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
	face, err := Parse(goregular.TTF)
	if err != nil {
@@ -22,11 +31,9 @@ func TestEmptyString(t *testing.T) {

	ppem := fixed.I(200)
	shaper := Shaper{}

	lines, err := face.Layout(ppem, 2000, english, strings.NewReader(""))
	if err != nil {
	lines := shaper.Layout([]text.Face{face}, ppem, 2000, english, []rune{})
	if len(lines) == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Layout returned no lines for empty string; expected 1")
@@ -43,3 +50,839 @@ func TestEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
		t.Errorf("got bounds %+v for empty string; expected %+v", got, exp)

// simpleGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value.
func simpleGlyph(cluster int) shaping.Glyph {
	return complexGlyph(cluster, 1, 1)

// ligatureGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value and number of runes.
func ligatureGlyph(cluster, runes int) shaping.Glyph {
	return complexGlyph(cluster, runes, 1)

// expansionGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value and number of glyphs.
func expansionGlyph(cluster, glyphs int) shaping.Glyph {
	return complexGlyph(cluster, 1, glyphs)

// complexGlyph returns a simple square glyph with the provided cluster
// value, number of associated runes, and number of glyphs in the cluster.
func complexGlyph(cluster, runes, glyphs int) shaping.Glyph {
	return shaping.Glyph{
		Width:        fixed.I(10),
		Height:       fixed.I(10),
		XAdvance:     fixed.I(10),
		YAdvance:     fixed.I(10),
		YBearing:     fixed.I(10),
		ClusterIndex: cluster,
		GlyphCount:   glyphs,
		RuneCount:    runes,

func simpleCluster(runeOffset, glyphOffset int, ltr bool) text.GlyphCluster {
	g := text.GlyphCluster{
		Advance: fixed.I(10),
		Runes: text.Range{
			Count:  1,
			Offset: runeOffset,
		Glyphs: text.Range{
			Count:  1,
			Offset: glyphOffset,
	if !ltr {
		g.Advance = -g.Advance
	return g

func TestLayoutComputeClusters(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name     string
		line     text.Layout
		expected []text.GlyphCluster
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name:     "empty",
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{},
			name: "just newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs:    toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 1,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
			name: "simple",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 0, true),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(2, 2, true),
			name: "simple at nonzero offset",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count:  3,
					Offset: 5,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(5, 0, true),
				simpleCluster(6, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(7, 2, true),
			name: "simple with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 0, true),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(2, 2, true),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 3,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Offset: 3,
			name: "ligature",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
				simpleCluster(2, 1, true),
				simpleCluster(3, 2, true),
			name: "ligature with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Offset: 1,
			name: "expansion",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(20),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
				simpleCluster(1, 2, true),
				simpleCluster(2, 3, true),
			name: "deletion",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(1, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 5,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 0, true),
					Advance: fixed.I(10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 1,
				simpleCluster(3, 2, true),
				simpleCluster(4, 3, true),
			name: "simple rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 2, false),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(2, 0, false),
			name: "simple rtl at nonzero offset",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count:  3,
					Offset: 5,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(5, 2, false),
				simpleCluster(6, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(7, 0, false),
			name: "simple rtl with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 2, false),
				simpleCluster(1, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(2, 0, false),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 3,
			name: "ligature rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 4,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(-10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
				simpleCluster(2, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(3, 0, false),
			name: "ligature rtl with newline",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(0, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(-10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 2,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
			name: "expansion rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
					expansionGlyph(0, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 3,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
					Advance: fixed.I(-20),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 2,
				simpleCluster(1, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(2, 0, false),
			name: "deletion rtl",
			line: text.Layout{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Glyphs: toGioGlyphs([]shaping.Glyph{
					ligatureGlyph(1, 2),
				}, nil),
				Runes: text.Range{
					Count: 5,
			expected: []text.GlyphCluster{
				simpleCluster(0, 3, false),
					Advance: fixed.I(-10),
					Runes: text.Range{
						Count:  2,
						Offset: 1,
					Glyphs: text.Range{
						Count:  1,
						Offset: 2,
				simpleCluster(3, 1, false),
				simpleCluster(4, 0, false),
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			actual := tc.line.Clusters
			for i, cluster := range actual {
				expected := tc.expected[i]
				if expected.Runes != cluster.Runes {
					t.Errorf("cluster %d runes mismatch, expected %#+v, got %#+v", i, expected.Runes, cluster.Runes)
				if expected.Glyphs != cluster.Glyphs {
					t.Errorf("cluster %d glyphs mismatch, expected %#+v, got %#+v", i, expected.Glyphs, cluster.Glyphs)
				if expected.Advance != cluster.Advance {
					t.Errorf("cluster %d advance mismatch, expected %#+v, got %#+v", i, expected.Advance, cluster.Advance)

// makeTestText returns an ltr, rtl, and bidi sample of shaped text at the given
// font size and wrapped to the given line width. The runeLimit, if nonzero,
// truncates the sample text to ensure shorter output for expensive tests.
func makeTestText(fontSize, lineWidth, runeLimit int) (ltr, rtl, bidi, bidi2 []shaping.Line) {
	ltrFace, _ := Parse(goregular.TTF)
	rtlFace, _ := Parse(nsareg.TTF)

	shaper := &Shaper{}
	ltrSource := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
	rtlSource := "الحب سماء لا تمط غير الأحلام"
	// bidiSource is crafted to contain multiple consecutive RTL runs (by
	// changing scripts within the RTL).
	bidiSource := "The quick سماء שלום لا fox تمط שלום غير the lazy dog."
	// bidi2Source is crafted to contain multiple consecutive LTR runs (by
	// changing scripts within the LTR).
	bidi2Source := "الحب سماء brown привет fox تمط jumps привет over غير الأحلام"
	if runeLimit != 0 {
		ltrRunes := []rune(ltrSource)
		rtlRunes := []rune(rtlSource)
		bidiRunes := []rune(bidiSource)
		bidi2Runes := []rune(bidi2Source)
		if runeLimit < len(ltrRunes) {
			ltrSource = string(ltrRunes[:runeLimit])
		if runeLimit < len(rtlRunes) {
			rtlSource = string(rtlRunes[:runeLimit])
		if runeLimit < len(bidiRunes) {
			bidiSource = string(bidiRunes[:runeLimit])
		if runeLimit < len(bidi2Runes) {
			bidi2Source = string(bidi2Runes[:runeLimit])
	ltrText := shaper.shapeAndWrapText([]text.Face{ltrFace, rtlFace}, fixed.I(fontSize), lineWidth, english, []rune(ltrSource))
	rtlText := shaper.shapeAndWrapText([]text.Face{rtlFace, ltrFace}, fixed.I(fontSize), lineWidth, arabic, []rune(rtlSource))
	bidiText := shaper.shapeAndWrapText([]text.Face{ltrFace, rtlFace}, fixed.I(fontSize), lineWidth, english, []rune(bidiSource))
	bidi2Text := shaper.shapeAndWrapText([]text.Face{rtlFace, ltrFace}, fixed.I(fontSize), lineWidth, arabic, []rune(bidi2Source))
	return ltrText, rtlText, bidiText, bidi2Text

func fixedAbs(a fixed.Int26_6) fixed.Int26_6 {
	if a < 0 {
		a = -a
	return a

func TestToLine(t *testing.T) {
	ltr, rtl, bidi, bidi2 := makeTestText(16, 100, 0)
	_, _, bidiWide, bidi2Wide := makeTestText(16, 200, 0)
	type testcase struct {
		name  string
		lines []shaping.Line
		// Dominant text direction.
		dir system.TextDirection
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name:  "ltr",
			lines: ltr,
			dir:   system.LTR,
			name:  "rtl",
			lines: rtl,
			dir:   system.RTL,
			name:  "bidi",
			lines: bidi,
			dir:   system.LTR,
			name:  "bidi2",
			lines: bidi2,
			dir:   system.RTL,
			name:  "bidi_wide",
			lines: bidiWide,
			dir:   system.LTR,
			name:  "bidi2_wide",
			lines: bidi2Wide,
			dir:   system.RTL,
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			// We expect:
			// - Line dimensions to be populated.
			// - Line direction to be populated.
			// - Runs to be ordered from lowest runes first.
			// - Runs to have widths matching the input.
			// - Runs to have the same total number of glyphs/runes as the input.
			runesSeen := text.Range{}
			for i, input := range tc.lines {
				seenRun := make([]bool, len(input))
				inputLowestRuneOffset := math.MaxInt
				totalInputGlyphs := 0
				totalInputRunes := 0
				for _, run := range input {
					if run.Runes.Offset < inputLowestRuneOffset {
						inputLowestRuneOffset = run.Runes.Offset
					totalInputGlyphs += len(run.Glyphs)
					totalInputRunes += run.Runes.Count
				output := ToLine(input, tc.dir)
				if output.Bounds.Min == (fixed.Point26_6{}) {
					t.Errorf("line %d: Bounds.Min not populated", i)
				if output.Bounds.Max == (fixed.Point26_6{}) {
					t.Errorf("line %d: Bounds.Max not populated", i)
				if output.Direction != tc.dir {
					t.Errorf("line %d: expected direction %v, got %v", i, tc.dir, output.Direction)
				totalRunWidth := fixed.I(0)
				totalLineGlyphs := 0
				totalLineRunes := 0
				for k, run := range output.Runs {
					seenRun[run.VisualPosition] = true
					if output.VisualOrder[run.VisualPosition] != k {
						t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: run.VisualPosition=%d, but line.VisualOrder[%d]=%d(should be %d)", i, k, run.VisualPosition, run.VisualPosition, output.VisualOrder[run.VisualPosition], k)
					if run.Runes.Offset != totalLineRunes {
						t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: expected Runes.Offset to be %d, got %d", i, k, totalLineRunes, run.Runes.Offset)
					runGlyphCount := 0
					glyphMul := 1
					if run.Direction.Progression() == system.TowardOrigin {
						// Subtract one from this count so that we align with the offset
						runGlyphCount = len(run.Glyphs) - 1
						glyphMul = -1
					runRuneCount := 0
					for m, cluster := range run.Clusters {
						if cluster.Glyphs.Offset != runGlyphCount {
							t.Errorf("line %d, run %d, cluster %d: expected Glyphs.Offset to be %d, got %d", i, k, m, runGlyphCount, cluster.Glyphs.Offset)
						if cluster.Runes.Offset != runRuneCount+totalLineRunes {
							t.Errorf("line %d, run %d, cluster %d: expected Runes.Offset to be %d, got %d", i, k, m, runRuneCount+totalLineRunes, cluster.Runes.Offset)
						runGlyphCount += glyphMul * cluster.Glyphs.Count
						runRuneCount += cluster.Runes.Count
					if run.Direction.Progression() == system.TowardOrigin && runGlyphCount != -1 {
						t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: expected -1 glyphs unaccounted in RTL run, got %d", i, k, runGlyphCount)
					} else if run.Direction.Progression() == system.FromOrigin && runGlyphCount != len(run.Glyphs) {
						t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: expected %d glyphs in LTR run, got %d", i, k, len(run.Glyphs), runGlyphCount)
					if run.Runes.Count != runRuneCount {
						t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: expected %d runes, counted %d", i, k, run.Runes.Count, runRuneCount)
					runesSeen.Count += run.Runes.Count
					totalRunWidth += fixedAbs(run.Advance)
					totalLineGlyphs += len(run.Glyphs)
					totalLineRunes += run.Runes.Count
				if output.RuneCount != totalInputRunes {
					t.Errorf("line %d: input had %d runes, only counted %d", i, totalInputRunes, output.RuneCount)
				if totalLineGlyphs != totalInputGlyphs {
					t.Errorf("line %d: input had %d glyphs, only counted %d", i, totalInputRunes, totalLineGlyphs)
				if totalRunWidth != output.Width {
					t.Errorf("line %d: expected width %d, got %d", i, totalRunWidth, output.Width)
				for runIndex, seen := range seenRun {
					if !seen {
						t.Errorf("line %d, run %d missing from runs VisualPosition fields", i, runIndex)
			lastLine := tc.lines[len(tc.lines)-1]
			maxRunes := 0
			for _, run := range lastLine {
				if run.Runes.Count+run.Runes.Offset > maxRunes {
					maxRunes = run.Runes.Count + run.Runes.Offset
			if runesSeen.Count != maxRunes {
				t.Errorf("input covered %d runes, output only covers %d", maxRunes, runesSeen.Count)

func TestComputeVisualOrder(t *testing.T) {
	type testcase struct {
		name                string
		input               text.Line
		expectedVisualOrder []int
	for _, tc := range []testcase{
			name: "ltr",
			input: text.Line{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Runs: []text.Layout{
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
			expectedVisualOrder: []int{0, 1, 2},
			name: "rtl",
			input: text.Line{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Runs: []text.Layout{
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
			expectedVisualOrder: []int{2, 1, 0},
			name: "bidi-ltr",
			input: text.Line{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Runs: []text.Layout{
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
			expectedVisualOrder: []int{0, 3, 2, 1, 4},
			name: "bidi-ltr-complex",
			input: text.Line{
				Direction: system.LTR,
				Runs: []text.Layout{
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
			expectedVisualOrder: []int{1, 0, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 6, 8, 10, 9},
			name: "bidi-rtl",
			input: text.Line{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Runs: []text.Layout{
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
			expectedVisualOrder: []int{4, 1, 2, 3, 0},
			name: "bidi-rtl-complex",
			input: text.Line{
				Direction: system.RTL,
				Runs: []text.Layout{
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.RTL},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
					{Direction: system.LTR},
			expectedVisualOrder: []int{9, 10, 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4, 2, 0, 1},
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.input.VisualOrder, tc.expectedVisualOrder) {
				t.Errorf("expected visual order %v, got %v", tc.expectedVisualOrder, tc.input.VisualOrder)
			for i, visualIndex := range tc.input.VisualOrder {
				if pos := tc.input.Runs[visualIndex].VisualPosition; pos != i {
					t.Errorf("line.VisualOrder[%d]=%d, but line.Runs[%d].VisualPosition=%d", i, visualIndex, visualIndex, pos)

func FuzzLayout(f *testing.F) {
	ltrFace, _ := Parse(goregular.TTF)
	rtlFace, _ := Parse(nsareg.TTF)
	f.Add("د عرمثال dstي met لم aqل جدmوpمg lرe dرd  لو عل ميrةsdiduntut lab renنيتذدagلaaiua.ئPocttأior رادرsاي mيrbلmnonaيdتد ماةعcلخ.", true, uint8(10), uint16(200))

	shaper := Shaper{}
	f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, txt string, rtl bool, fontSize uint8, width uint16) {
		locale := system.Locale{
			Direction: system.LTR,
		if rtl {
			locale.Direction = system.RTL
		if fontSize < 1 {
			fontSize = 1
		lines := shaper.Layout([]text.Face{ltrFace, rtlFace}, fixed.I(int(fontSize)), int(width), locale, []rune(txt))
		validateLines(t, lines, len([]rune(txt)))

func validateLines(t *testing.T, lines []text.Line, expectedRuneCount int) {
	runesSeen := 0
	for i, line := range lines {
		if line.Bounds.Min == (fixed.Point26_6{}) {
			t.Errorf("line %d: Bounds.Min not populated", i)
		if line.Bounds.Max == (fixed.Point26_6{}) {
			t.Errorf("line %d: Bounds.Max not populated", i)
		totalRunWidth := fixed.I(0)
		totalLineGlyphs := 0
		lineRunesSeen := 0
		for k, run := range line.Runs {
			if line.VisualOrder[run.VisualPosition] != k {
				t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: run.VisualPosition=%d, but line.VisualOrder[%d]=%d(should be %d)", i, k, run.VisualPosition, run.VisualPosition, line.VisualOrder[run.VisualPosition], k)
			if run.Runes.Offset != lineRunesSeen {
				t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: expected Runes.Offset to be %d, got %d", i, k, lineRunesSeen, run.Runes.Offset)
			runGlyphCount := 0
			runRuneCount := 0
			for m, cluster := range run.Clusters {
				if cluster.Runes.Offset != runRuneCount+lineRunesSeen {
					t.Errorf("line %d, run %d, cluster %d: expected Runes.Offset to be %d, got %d", i, k, m, runRuneCount+lineRunesSeen, cluster.Runes.Offset)
				runGlyphCount += cluster.Glyphs.Count
				runRuneCount += cluster.Runes.Count
			if run.Runes.Count != runRuneCount {
				t.Errorf("line %d, run %d: expected %d runes, counted %d", i, k, run.Runes.Count, runRuneCount)
			lineRunesSeen += run.Runes.Count
			totalRunWidth += fixedAbs(run.Advance)
			totalLineGlyphs += len(run.Glyphs)
		if totalRunWidth != line.Width {
			t.Errorf("line %d: expected width %d, got %d", i, line.Width, totalRunWidth)
		runesSeen += lineRunesSeen
	if runesSeen != expectedRuneCount {
		t.Errorf("input covered %d runes, output only covers %d", expectedRuneCount, runesSeen)
diff --git a/font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/2a7730fcbcc3550718b37415eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06 b/font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/2a7730fcbcc3550718b37415eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00ec62d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/2a7730fcbcc3550718b37415eb6104cf09159c7d756cc3530ccaa9007c0a2c06
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
go test fuzz v1
diff --git a/font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/3fc3ee939f0df44719bee36a67df3aa3a562e2f2f1cfb665a650f60e7e0ab4e6 b/font/opentype/testdata/fuzz/FuzzLayout/3fc3ee939f0df44719bee36a