

[proposal] react liked code organizing style

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Hello everyone,

Gio is awesome. I've been developing tools based on gio. However I
found that the way I organize codes with gio is somehow exhausting
compared to modern web development routine.

Is there any possibilty that gio codes could be organized in the
following react-liked way?

func main() {
    win := Component(func(props struct{}, children ...func() Node) Node {
        counter, setCounter := UseState(0)
        doubled, setDoubled := UseState(0)

        handleClick := UseCallback(func() {
            setCounter(counter + 1)
        }, []any{counter})

        UseEffect(func() func() {
            setDoubled(counter * 2)

            return nil // or return func() {}
        }, []any{counter})

        if counter >= 4 {
            return nil // closes the window

        if counter >= 3 {
            go func() {
                <-time.NewTimer(time.Second * 3).C
            return widgets.Label(widgets.LabelProps{Text: "Close
window in 3 seconds"})

        return widgets.List(widgets.ListProps{},
            func() Node { return
widgets.Label(widgets.LabelProps{Text: fmt.Sprintf("counter: %d",
counter)}) },
            func() Node { return
widgets.Label(widgets.LabelProps{Text: fmt.Sprintf("doubled: %d",
doubled)}) },
            func() Node { return
widgets.Button(widgets.ButtonProps{OnClick: handleClick}) },


    go WindowRender(win)
    go WindowRender(win)
    app.Main() // app would quit after both windows are closed

It doesn't have to be react-liked at all. Other frameworks like vue
are also good. I've tried to create a middle layer to let the codes
above work but not too much progress yet.

If anyone is interested, let me know please. Also any guidance would
be appreciated.

Wenhua Shi
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<CAN6D2nods9FFKMSY1MtGeSiCvcadmTdfgp=-UnqLx3zLnwo+wQ@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 1:05 PM Wenhua Shi <march511@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Gio is awesome. I've been developing tools based on gio. However I
> found that the way I organize codes with gio is somehow exhausting
> compared to modern web development routine.

It seems like you're looking for "declarative UI". This is *possible*
atop Gio, but not provided or implemented by any public package I'm
aware of. Such UI paradigms hide the details of building and
maintaining the state of widgets/layouts. You can definitely build it
if you're so inclined.

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