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Concerning my recent patches

Daniel Hecker <code@hummeline.de>
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I am currently trying to create a feed for the press releases of my city.
I want the feed to offer the complete content of an item and i also ran
into the problem, that items without images resulted in links with empty
The supplied patches are meant to fix these pain points.

I was unsure, whether returning 0 was the right idea, in the html
function of the second patch.

I was surprised, how little source code this project contains to achieve
what it does. It was a joy to write these patches. :)

Daniel Hecker
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<877dbosdpd.fsf@hummeline.de> (view parent)
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Thank for your patches. Great additions. All applied right away.
If you want, send also the config that you are working on. The more
configs the better.
Daniel Hecker <code@hummeline.de>
Message ID
<CGRKZOM9OIKY.2PH2YO40EAK0W@micro-pc> (view parent)
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Thanks, i will send a patch with the config, when i am satisfied with the result.
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