Hi guys!
So I've been thingking about integrating the config files even more with
lua. In fact it would be beneficial to write them all in lua!
It could be better declared what every attribude is (a selector or lua
function). More flexibility in writing new confs. Using some lua LSP to
check for errors. etc
So something like this:
Could look like this:
local gojq = require("gojq")
local ytjson = ""
regex = "https://www.youtube.com/results.*",
selectors = {
httpsettings = {
cookie = {},
header = {
authority = "www.youtube.com",
["accept-language"] = "en-US,en;q=0.9",
useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36"
feed = {
title = "#search",
description = function(sel)
sel:find("script"):each(function(_, s)
local index = s:text():find("var ytInitialData")
if index == nil then
local data = s:text():sub(index + 20)
data = data:sub(0, #data - 1)
local query, err = gojq.parse([[
[ .contents|
..|.videoRenderer? |
select(. !=null) |
title: .title.runs[0].text,
channel: .longBylineText.runs[0].text,
views: .shortViewCountText.simpleText,
date: .publishedTimeText.simpleText,
videoID: .videoId,
thumbs: .thumbnail.thumbnails[0].url
if err ~= nil then
error("gojq:" .. err)
data, err = query:runMap(data)
if err ~= nil then
error("gojq runMap:" .. err)
ytjson = data
print("Youtube search results")
authorname = "",
authoremail = "",
item = {
container = function(sel)
local data = ytjson[1]
title = function(sel)
local data = ytjson[1]
print(data[index + 1]["title"])
link = function(sel)
local data = ytjson[1]
print("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" .. data[index + 1]["videoID"])
linkattr = "href",
created = "",
createdformat = "",
description = "",
image = function(sel)
local data = ytjson[1]
print(data[index + 1]["thumbs"])
imageattr = "src"
PS: also using this mail, to see how much of you guys are using ratt
enough to care.
pgp: https://mgyar.me/vladimir.gpg
I think this would be a good change. It would make it much more
intuitive to share variables and even code when extracting data.
Plus, I don't like YAML very much and it would be a good excuse to
practice Lua some more. :)
The changes are there, now everything is in lua scripts.
- converted all the configs to lua
- docs and manpages are updated to lua
The only thing is, that the functions can run just sequentially. This
really slows down the creation of items, mainly if the functions also
fetch some data from the web. There is a async library for gopher-lua,
so maybe that could help. https://github.com/CuberL/glua-async
Meanwhile I would like everyone to test the new approach and report any
Happy hacking :)