confs/koblenz-press-releases.yml | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 64 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 confs/koblenz-press-releases.yml
diff --git a/confs/koblenz-press-releases.yml b/confs/koblenz-press-releases.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce325e2
--- /dev/null+++ b/confs/koblenz-press-releases.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This configuration creates a feed for the press releases of+# the city of Koblenz, Germany. The city had a working feed once,+# but it broke during an update and they seem to have forgotten,+# that it even existed in the first place.++regex: https://www.koblenz.de/rathaus/verwaltung/pressemeldungen/.*+selectors:+ httpsettings:+ cookie: {}+ header: {}+ useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)+ Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36+ insecure: false+ feed:+ title: title+ description: ""+ authorname: ""+ authoremail: ""+ item:+ container: "article"+ title: span.headline+ content: |-+ -- get link to press release+ a = sel:find("a")+ itemURL = "https://www.koblenz.de" .. a:attr("href")++ -- retrieve press release document+ doc, err = goquery.newDocFromURL(itemURL)+ if err ~= nil then+ --return error if the request was unsuccesfull+ error(err)+ end+ print(doc:find(".currentPressRelease"):html():gsub("\/pressezentrale","https://www.koblenz.de/pressezentrale"):gsub("https:\/\/www.koblenz.dehttps:\/\/www.koblenz.de", "https://www.koblenz.de"))+ link: |-+ a = sel:find("a")+ itemURL = "https://www.koblenz.de" .. a:attr("href")+ print(itemURL)+ created: |-+ time = sel:find("time"):first():text()+ -- return current date, if the time field contains time instead of date+ if time:match(".*:.*") then+ print(os.date("%d.%m.%Y"))+ return+ end+ print(time)+ createdformat: "02.01.2006"+ description: div.article-teaser__teaser p+ image: |-+ img = sel:find("img"):first():attr("data-src")+ if img ~= "" then+ -- prepend host if needed+ if not(img:match("https*:\/\/.*")) then+ img = "https://www.koblenz.de" .. img+ end+ print(img)+ end+ nextpage: |-+ link = sel:find(".pagination-next a"):first()+ if (link ~= nil and link ~= "") then+ print("https://www.koblenz.de" .. link:attr("href"))+ end+ nextpageattr: href+ nextpagecount: 15+ sort: ""