From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Prot, > Strange... This works on my end. Do you have a Custom block somewhere in > your configuration? You know, the part that Emacs automatically appends > to your init.el? I suspect that block is holding some value that affects > what you are seeing. The problem is on my side, there are some faces in my custom.el that may override the spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line config: (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Prot, I'm using modus-themes and spacious-padding, the configuration is like so: ``` (use-package modus-themes :config (load-theme 'modus-operandi :no-confirm)) (use-package spacious-padding :config (spacious-padding-mode 1) :custom (spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t))
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Prot, Happy New Year! Thank you for bringing spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line, I love the ultimate simplicity combined with modus-operandi. I'm very happy to use Emacs. Best Regards, Yejun
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Prot, > The patch was sent to my personal email and I applied it from here. Thank you for letting me know, I'm not familiar with patch workflow yet, I'll read this manual to be prepared: Learned a lot from you, thank you! Best Regards, Yejun
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Prot, I just found it was corrected in, but I didn't find any patch thread, how is the patch applied? Thanks Best Regards, Yejun
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Sorry, remove a ")" at line 118 and add a ")" at line 127.
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Prot, 0.2.1 has an error: Invalid read syntax: ")", 118, 72. Solved temporarily by remove a ")" in line 118. Best Regards, Yejun
From Yejun Su to ~protesilaos/general-issues
Hi Protesilaos, Thank you for the work! The combination of modus-themes, fontaine and spacious-padding make Emacs a pleasure to use. I also use denote for note-taking, I was inspired by the thoughts in the Frequently Asked Questions ( Best Regards, Yejun
From Yejun Su to ~casouri/public-inbox
Hi Yuan Fu, I stumbled upon this article when finding how to configure a Chinese font for Emacs. Then I noticed the links at the footer of the article, I was inspired by the use of mailing list, which is really suitable for comments, thank you!
From Yejun Su to ~sircmpwn/email-test-drive
This email is created with `compose-mail`. The following changes since commit 26c4a89b3e89368f6b13bfccd88db60b67092224: Update (2019-03-23 17:59:05 -0400) are available in the Git repository at: master for you to fetch changes up to 87d3833eec01dfc9389b8c67757bb255d2cbf422: Demonstrate that I can send a patch (2023-09-15 01:09:50 +0800)