
Move the Train ID information to a textarea[] without a name attribute so it remains transparent and the player can copy the Train ID. v1 APPLIED

erstazi: 1
 Move the Train ID information to a textarea[] without a name attribute so it remains transparent and the player can copy the Train ID.

 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
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[PATCH] Move the Train ID information to a textarea[] without a name attribute so it remains transparent and the player can copy the Train ID. Export this patch

 advtrains/wagons.lua | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/advtrains/wagons.lua b/advtrains/wagons.lua
index 73200a3..14bb58a 100644
--- a/advtrains/wagons.lua
+++ b/advtrains/wagons.lua
@@ -971,7 +971,8 @@ function wagon:show_bordcom(pname)
	local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id]
	local linhei
	local form = "size[11,9]label[0.5,0;AdvTrains Boardcom v0.1 | "..attrans("Train ID")..": "..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.id or "")).."]"
	local form = "size[11,9]label[0.5,0;AdvTrains Boardcom v0.1]"
	form=form.."textarea[7.5,0.05;10,1;;"..attrans("Train ID")..": "..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.id or ""))..";]"
	form=form.."textarea[0.5,1.5;7,1;text_outside;"..attrans("Text displayed outside on train")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.text_outside or "")).."]"
	form=form.."textarea[0.5,3;7,1;text_inside;"..attrans("Text displayed inside train")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.text_inside or "")).."]"
	form=form.."field[7.5,1.75;3,1;line;"..attrans("Line")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.line or "")).."]"