

Route not setting because route set from same signal, dispite signal staying red and inpermissive to trains.

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I have a signal, and when i or a train tries to set a route from
it, it says "section x already has route set from <signal name
which matches the signal i am using>", and the signal stays
red, impermissive to trains.

This signal has worked previously for days, but just a day
ago it decided to break down.

Below are provided images of the problem:


(cancelled route and ARS, same signal as above)


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<6qElUViWX8lBQW1njYiO3OKc0ftGlLMWCCnyR5nbI6SJQEu1FxM3859PNRPgi7PPjkhqwy0f--wgMt63c939wX_m6L946mh_r5NjOjWK7f4=@protonmail.com> (view parent)
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> I have a signal, and when i or a train tries to set a route from
> it, it says "section x already has route set from <signal name
> which matches the signal i am using>", and the signal stays
> red, impermissive to trains.
> This signal has worked previously for days, but just a day
> ago it decided to break down.

Ok i fixed it. I removed the influence point, let the train pass
then when i tried to set the route again, it worked. So i move
the influence point back and the signal turns green again!
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