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[PATCH] French translation file for inclusion in l10n

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Patch: +123 -0
 advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr | 123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 123 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr

diff --git a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9797f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# textdomain: advtrains

# Advtrains Core (unorganized)
This wagon is owned by @1, you can't destroy it.=Ce wagon est la propriété de @1, vous ne pouvez pas le détruire.
Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon.=Attention: Si vous détruisez ce wagon, vous ne récupérerez que de la ferraille ! Si vous êtes sûr de vous, appuyez la touche "Marcher lentement (Sneak)" et Clic-Gauche.
ATC controller, unconfigured.= Controlleur ATC, non-configuré 
ATC controller=Controlleur ATC
ATC controller, mode @1@nChannel: @2=Controlleur ATC, mode @1@nCanal : @2
ATC controller, mode @1@nCommand: @2=Controlleur ATC, mode @1@nCommande : @2
Command (on)= Commande (marche) 
Digiline channel=Canal Digiline
ATC Reverse command warning: didn't reverse train, train moving!=Attention : Commande ATC de renversement impossible car le train se déplace !
ATC command syntax error: I statement not closed: @1= Erreur de syntaxe de commande ATC : instruction "I" incomplète : @1
ATC command parse error: Unknown command: @1=Erreur d'analyse de commande ATC : Commande inconnue : @1
This position is protected!=Cet emplacement est protégé !
You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple.=Vous devez être propriétaire d'au moins un wagon voisin pour supprimer ce couplage.
This node can't be rotated using the trackworker!=Ce nœud ne peut être tourné avec l'outil "Trackworker" !
This node can't be changed using the trackworker!=Ce nœud ne peut être modifié avec l'outil "Trackworker" !
Can't place: not pointing at node=Placement impossible : ne pointe pas un nœud
Can't place: space occupied!=Placement impossible : espace occupé
Can't place: protected position!=Placement impossible : emplacement protégé
Can't place: Not enough slope items left (@1 required)=Placement impossible : voie pentue en quantité insuffisante (@1 manquant)
Can't place: There's no slope of length @1=Placement impossible : il n'y a pas de voie pentue de longueur @1
Can't place: no supporting node at upper end.=Placement impossible : pas de nœud d'appui à l'extrémité supérieure
Deprecated Track=Voie déconseillée
Can't get on: wagon full or doors closed!= Embarquement impossible : le wagon est plein ou ses portes sont closes !
Use Sneak+rightclick to bypass closed doors!=Utilisez "Marcher lentement (Sneak)" et Clic-Droit pour franchir les portes closes !
Lock couples=Couplage verrouillé (?)
Doors are closed! Use Sneak+rightclick to ignore the closed doors and get off!=Portes closes ! Utilisez "Marcher lentement (Sneak)" et Clic-Droit pour franchir les portes et débarquer !
Access to @1=Accès à @1
You don't have the train_operator privilege.=Vous ne possédez pas le privilège "train_operator".

# Clipboard
The track you are trying to place the wagon on is not long enough!=La voie sur laquelle vous tentez de placer le wagon est trop courte !
The clipboard couldn't access the metadata. Paste failed.=Le presse-papier ne peut accéder aux métadonnées. Échec du collage.
The clipboard couldn't access the metadata. Copy failed.=Le presse-papier ne peut accéder aux métadonnées. Échec de la copie.
The clipboard is empty.=Le presse-papier est vide.
Back of train would end up off track, cancelling.=La fin du train serait hors voie : annulation.
No such lua entity!=Pas de telle entité lua ! (?)
No such wagon: @1=Pas de tel wagon : @1
No such train: @1=Pas de tel train : @1
Train copied!=Train copié !

# Protection
You are not allowed to build tracks without the track_builder privilege=Vous ne pouvez pas construire une voie sans le privilège "track_builder"
You are not allowed to build near tracks without the track_builder privilege=Vous ne pouvez pas construire à proximité d'une voie sans le privilège "track_builder" (?)
You are not allowed to build tracks at this protected position=Vous ne pouvez pas construire une voie à cet emplacement protégé
You are not allowed to build near tracks at this protected position=Vous ne pouvez pas construire à proximité d'une voie à cet emplacement protégé
You are not allowed to operate turnouts and signals (missing railway_operator privilege)=Vous ne pouvez pas actionner les aiguillages ou les signaux (privilège "railway_operator" manquant)

# Train HUD/Formspecs
Speed:=Vitesse : 
Target:=Destination : 
Show Inventory= Montrer le stock
Select seat:= Choisir le siège
Wagon properties=Propriétés du wagon
Save wagon properties=Sauvegarder les propriétés du wagon
Text displayed outside on train=Texte affiché à l'extérieur du train
Text displayed inside train=Texte affiché à l'intérieur du train
Routingcode=Code de routage
Get off=Débarquer
Get off (forced)=Débarquer (de force)
(Doors closed)=(Portes closes)

# General

# Line automation
Station Code=Code de Station
Station Name=Nom de Station
Door Delay=Durée d'ouverture des portes
Departure Speed=Vitesse de départ
Stop Time=Durée d'arrêt

# Items
Track Worker Tool@n@nLeft-click: change rail type (straight/curve/switch)@nRight-click: rotate rail/bumper/signal/etc.=Outil "Trackworker"@n@nClic-Gauche : change le type de rail (droit/courbé/aiguillage)@n@nClic-Droit : tourne le rail/butoir/signal/etc...
Passive Component Naming Tool@n@nRight-click to name a passive component.=Outil de nommage de composant passif@n@nClic-Droit pour nommer un composant passif.
Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train=Outil de copie/collage de train@n@nClic-Gauche : copie@n@nClic-Droit : collage
Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Croisement de voie perpendiculaire à 45°
45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track=Croisement de voie à 45°/90°
Unloading Track=Voie de Déchargement
Loading Track=Voie de Chargement
Detector Rail=Rail détecteur
@1 Slope=Pente @1
@1 Platform (low)=Quai @1 (bas)
@1 Platform (high)=Quai @1 (haut)
@1 Platform (45 degree)=Quai @1 (45°)
Lampless Signal (@1)=Sémaphore
Signal (@1)=Signal (@1)
Wallmounted Signal (l)=Signal mural (gauche)
Wallmounted Signal (r)=Signal mural (droit)
Wallmounted Signal (t)=Signal mural (plafond)
Andrew's Cross=Croix de Saint André
Boiler=Chaudière à Vapeur
driver's cab=Cabine de pilotage

# Seats
Default Seat=Siège par défaut
Default Seat (driver stand)=Siège par défaut (poste de pilotage)
Driver Stand=Poste de pilotage
Driver Stand (left)=Poste de pilotage (gauche)
Driver Stand (right)=Poste de pilotage (droit)

# Wagon/engine types
Industrial Train Engine=Locomotive industrielle
Big Industrial Train Engine=Grosse Locomotive industrielle 
Industrial tank wagon=Wagon-Citerne industriel
Industrial wood wagon=Wagon Grumier
Japanese Train Engine=Motrice Japonaise
Japanese Train Wagon=Voiture Japonaise
Steam Engine=Locomotive à vapeur
Detailed Steam Engine=Locomotive à vapeur Complexe
Passenger Wagon=Voiture Passager
Box Wagon=Wagon de Frêt
Subway Passenger Wagon=Voiture de Métropolitain
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<20211226212113.21978-1-tanavit@laposte.net> (view parent)
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I have applied the patch to the l10n branch and pushed it
upstream. Thanks for your work.
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<20211226212113.21978-1-tanavit@laposte.net> (view parent)
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Hello Tanavit,

Thank you for your work. This has brought up a few issues with our 
template, which we should take the opportunity to improve.

What follows is a point-by-point which mixes problems with our template 
and my
thoughts on your translation. I hope it's clear when I'm talking about a
problem with the template and when it's my commentary on your 
translation. I'm
basically a monolingual English speaker with a little bit of German, but I
have a lot of railway knowledge and can kind of pick up the terminology with
foreign language Wikipedia, Google Translate and Reverso.

Aiguillage - isn't this a vernacular for Appareil? I would prefer the more
formal term; it's what I used for Y-turnout and 3-way turnout for instance.
(Reference: Wikipedia: Appareil do voie). Used twice.

Track=Rail. Looks incorrect. Should be: Voie (A track has two rails 
connected by
sleepers; Une voie a deux rails reliés par des traverses). Advtrains 
also uses
'Rail' in its original untranslated version in several places where it 
use 'track'. I checked and it seems like 'en' won't load any translation 
so we'll have to change the source strings and update all the locale files.


I'm not sure why these strings are in the locale files actually, since 
they seem
to be the internal names of passive component states (as in LuaATC but 
also in
interlocking). This looks wrong. Firstly, signals are off when they are 
red, not
the other way around. Secondly, Andrew's Crosses are meant to be the 
way around. So there is no universal meaning of off/on = go/stop. A literal
translation must be used if the word is to be translated at all. It could be
translated when making routes and viewing them in that formspec, but 
that could
be more trouble than it is worth. For example, it would not be sensible to
translate it when using LuaATC as a string argument or a string returned 
from a
function. So I would probably say remove this from the translation template
unless someone can justify why it should stay.

I think the l10n branch needs to rebased in the latest master. While 
loading my
test world, basic_trains crashed the game because it has coupler type

The translations of 45° platforms are not working. @1 Platform (low, 45 
seems to be missing from the template.

A number of strings from the station/stop rail are missing from the 

Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Croisement de voie perpendiculaire 
à 45°
This is incorrect: The two tracks are perpendicular to one another in 
this node,
they always cross at 90 degrees never 45. The may be aligned like the 
tracks at an angle of 0, 30, 45 or 60 degrees to the axes (pl. axis).

45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track: This name is old and deprecated, 
but the
issue is with the template. The new type is the 90+x crossing which is a
crossing of one axis-aligned track with a 30, 45 or 60 degree track.

I like this name because literally translates to 'knocker' :D

Industrial wood wagon=Wagon Grumier
I suggest adding 'industriel' to this one as well because the name indicates
which set of wagons it is from.

That's it through to the end of the French translation file and the 
template. A

whole bunch of other stuff is also missing, probably because the template is
quite old. It would be nice to have a way toscan for untranslated 
strings and
update the template, which I'll probably makeinstead of doing the next 
of the template manually.

Thanks Y. Wang and Tanavit for your efforts so far. I'll aim to get back 
to you
soon with anew translation template.

Message ID
<HK0PR01MB259433298E3468E28331E3C7DB439@HK0PR01MB2594.apcprd01.prod.exchangelabs.com> (view parent)
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Blockhead <jbis1337@hotmail.com> writes:

> off=marche
> on=arrêt
> I'm not sure why these strings are in the locale files actually, since
> they seem
> to be the internal names of passive component states (as in LuaATC but
> also in
> interlocking). This looks wrong. Firstly, signals are off when they
> are red, not
> the other way around. Secondly, Andrew's Crosses are meant to be the
> opposite
> way around. So there is no universal meaning of off/on = go/stop. A literal
> translation must be used if the word is to be translated at all. It could be
> translated when making routes and viewing them in that formspec, but
> that could
> be more trouble than it is worth. For example, it would not be sensible to
> translate it when using LuaATC as a string argument or a string
> returned from a
> function. So I would probably say remove this from the translation template
> unless someone can justify why it should stay.

If I recall correctly, these are used in the names of certain signals,
such as the lampless signal. However, I have chosen not to translate
them in Chinese, for the reason that the translation would be awkward.

Please also report item naming problems upstream.

In any case, thank you for checking the French translations.

> I think the l10n branch needs to rebased in the latest master.

Right. I have a few things to work on recently and forgot that.

> The translations of 45° platforms are not working. @1 Platform (low,
> 45 degree)
> seems to be missing from the template.
> A number of strings from the station/stop rail are missing from the
> template.

The main problem is that a large part of advtrains (including what I
wrote) was written before client-side translations or without l10n in
mind, so I have to individually look for the strings and add the S()
wrapper. I think the entries that are present in the current template
are the ones with the S() wrapper or from the older l10n files.

The other (although minor) problem I noticed is that some workarounds
are used, in particular for the signal aspect formspec dropdown, with
functions like string.match. I do not want to get into the
implementation details of translated strings, so I chose to leave some

> A whole bunch of other stuff is also missing, probably because the
> template is quite old. It would be nice to have a way toscan for
> untranslated strings and update the template, which I'll probably
> makeinstead of doing the next version of the template manually.

I have written some auxiliary code to automatically sync the l10n files
with the template.
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<HK0PR01MB259433298E3468E28331E3C7DB439@HK0PR01MB2594.apcprd01.prod.exchangelabs.com> (view parent)
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Le 28/12/2021 à 17:39, Blockhead a écrit :

> Aiguillage - isn't this a vernacular for Appareil?

"Appareil" seems to be a short for "Appareil de Voie" which includes 
turnouts, crossing and some others. I guess it is only used in technical 

The correct translation for turnout should be "Branchement"  : look at 
2. in https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appareil_de_voie.
The English version of this URL seems to be restricted to only the turn-out.

But for Mr Everybody, "Aiguillage" is the commonly french used term.

Formaly, "aiguillage" is the first part of the turn-out where "aiguille" 
is the moving part.

> Track=Rail. Looks incorrect. Should be: Voie (A track has two rails 
> connected by
> sleepers; Une voie a deux rails reliés par des traverses). Advtrains 
> also uses
> 'Rail' in its original untranslated version in several places where it 
> shou
> use 'track'. 

I agree. It was my first translation.
Then, I saw "start/stop rail" and "speed restriction rail", so I changed 
the translation.

> off=marche
> on=arrêt
> I'm not sure why these strings are in the locale files actually, since 
> they seem
> to be the internal names of passive component states (as in LuaATC but 
> also in
> interlocking). This looks wrong. Firstly, signals are off when they are 
> red, not
> the other way around. 

Argh... I invert the translation !!!

It should have been :


It is the usual translation for an on/off switch.

By the way the strings are in the template at line 69 and 70.

I do not include any new string.

> Secondly, Andrew's Crosses are meant to be the 
> opposite
> way around. So there is no universal meaning of off/on = go/stop. A literal
> translation must be used if the word is to be translated at all. It 
> could be
> translated when making routes and viewing them in that formspec, but 
> that could
> be more trouble than it is worth. For example, it would not be sensible to
> translate it when using LuaATC as a string argument or a string returned 
> from a
> function. So I would probably say remove this from the translation template
> unless someone can justify why it should stay.

I completely agree

> I think the l10n branch needs to rebased in the latest master. While 
> loading my
> test world, basic_trains crashed the game because it has coupler type
> definitions.

I also tried to use the git version of advtrain in my client, but got a 
fail (on dlxtrain iirc).

> The translations of 45° platforms are not working. @1 Platform (low, 45 
> degree)
> seems to be missing from the template.

It is at line 93

> Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Croisement de voie perpendiculaire 
> à 45°
> This is incorrect: The two tracks are perpendicular to one another in 
> this node,
> they always cross at 90 degrees never 45. The may be aligned like the 
> straight
> tracks at an angle of 0, 30, 45 or 60 degrees to the axes (pl. axis).

Diamond Cross should litteraly translate to "Croisement en Losange" 
which is meaningless in French. I introduce the 45° as the angle between 
the horizontal and the side of the diamond.

I guess that this reference to a diamond is useless as the crossing can 
be parallel to axes.

I would suggest :
Perpendicular Crossing Tracks=Croisement à angle droit

> Bumper=Heurtoir
> I like this name because literally translates to 'knocker' :D

It is the standard translation :

"Heurtoir" is also the small hammer hung to a door to knock it.

> Industrial wood wagon=Wagon Grumier
> I suggest adding 'industriel' to this one as well because the name 
> indicates
> which set of wagons it is from.

I agree.

> That's it through to the end of the French translation file and the 
> template. A
> whole bunch of other stuff is also missing, probably because the 
> template is
> quite old. It would be nice to have a way toscan for untranslated 
> strings and
> update the template, which I'll probably makeinstead of doing the next 
> version
> of the template manually.

It looks like the strings are used in a call of attrans : a mix of 
"find" and "perl" should do the job : I can think of that.

> Thanks Y. Wang and Tanavit for your efforts so far. I'll aim to get back 
> to you
> soon with anew translation template.


Syncerely yours.

Message ID
<1fd2d864-f38c-a954-350b-584915749009@laposte.net> (view parent)
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>> Secondly, Andrew's Crosses are meant to be the opposite
>> way around. So there is no universal meaning of off/on = go/stop. A literal
>> translation must be used if the word is to be translated at all. It
>> could be
>> translated when making routes and viewing them in that formspec, but
>> that could
>> be more trouble than it is worth. For example, it would not be sensible to
>> translate it when using LuaATC as a string argument or a string
>> returned from a
>> function. So I would probably say remove this from the translation template
>> unless someone can justify why it should stay.
> I completely agree

I think the on/off entries are used for some items, but I would probably
go for translating the names with the on/off string rather than on/off itself.

>> I think the l10n branch needs to rebased in the latest master. While 
>> loading my
>> test world, basic_trains crashed the game because it has coupler type
>> definitions.
> I also tried to use the git version of advtrain in my client, but got
> a fail (on dlxtrain iirc).

I have rebased the branch now.

>> The translations of 45° platforms are not working. @1 Platform (low,
>> 45 degree)
>> seems to be missing from the template.
> It is at line 93

The translation template was quite old so some string might have been
removed or modified.

I am not sure whether I have told this to people (via various channels)
enough times. When writing messages/item names/etc., please, for the
sanity of those working on l10n, make sure you write it in a way that it
is unlikely going to be changed, and _definitely_ do not let people
translate words like "on" or "off" (like Blockhead mentioned

>> That's it through to the end of the French translation file and the 
>> template. A
>> whole bunch of other stuff is also missing, probably because the 
>> template is
>> quite old. It would be nice to have a way toscan for untranslated
>> strings and
>> update the template, which I'll probably makeinstead of doing the
>> next version
>> of the template manually.
> It looks like the strings are used in a call of attrans : a mix of
> "find" and "perl" should do the job : I can think of that.

I have mostly found the strings using grep, but that might work as well.

Additionally, some strings do not use that wrapper yet, so those need to
be found as well.

This is what I have figured out so far:

find -name '*.lua' -exec luajit -bl {} \; | sed -En 's/[^;]+; (".+)/\1/p' | sort -u | uniq
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<20211226212113.21978-1-tanavit@laposte.net> (view parent)
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