Hi grtcdr,
thank you for developing darkman.el, I like it!
I am using Doom Emacs and Emacs daemon. I installed darkman.el by adding
`(package! darkman)` to my packages.el. To activate the darkman-mode, I
took the code from your tips (https://darkman.grtcdr.tn/),:
(when (daemonp)
(add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook #'darkman-mode)
(advice-add 'darkman-mode
(lambda ()
(remove-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook
However, with this noticed that when I open a file in using
`emacsclient -nc file.foo`, it would often not show the file in the new
frame, but the doom fallback buffer, or another buffer I had already
open. And emacsclient would output errors like 'Wrong type argument:
Fortunately, I was able to solve it, by using the following code instead
for activating darkman-mode:
(advice-add 'doom-init-theme-h :override 'darkman-mode)
Of course, this will only work in Doom Emacs, and since I don't know
Emacs well yet, it might not even be the best solution. But at least,
the problem I expired is gone now.
I just wanted let you and other know about this. You may feel free to
add this to the darkman.el docs.
> thank you for developing darkman.el, I like it!
Hi, I'm really glad to hear that.
> Fortunately, I was able to solve it, by using the following code > instead> for activating darkman-mode:> ```> (advice-add 'doom-init-theme-h :override 'darkman-mode)> ```
I don't really know much about Doom's architecture, just that it's
very different and that many of its abstractions can, at times,
get in the way. Debugging this must have been a challenge, despite
the solution being a one-liner.
> Of course, this will only work in Doom Emacs, and since I don't > know> Emacs well yet, it might not even be the best solution. But at > least,> the problem I expired is gone now.
If others can confirm that this indeed works for them without any
side effects, I'll gladly replace the old snippet with the one
you're suggesting.
> I just wanted let you and other know about this. You may feel > free to> add this to the darkman.el docs.
Thank you, both for sharing this tip and giving the rest of the
community your permission to utilize it.
Kind regards,
Hi there,
I've just come here to give my point of view and I hope to be able to help.
I hadn't had the ilbdzumpfl issue explained. On my side, Emacs loads
with no issue, maybe because I use a different Emacs configuration. I
wanted to share it as a reference:
;; $DOOMDIR/packages.el
(package! darkman
:pin "13417d14abb3affc20a903daddd2f1525671b5bf"
:recipe (:host sourcehut :repo "grtcdr/darkman.el"))
;; $DOOMDIR/config.el
(use-package! darkman
(darkman-themes '(:light doom-tomorrow-day
:dark doom-tomorrow-night))
(darkman-switch-themes-silently nil)
(when (display-graphic-p)
(add-hook! 'window-setup-hook (darkman-mode))) ;; after custom.el
is loaded
(when (daemonp)
(add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook #'darkman-mode)
(advice-add 'darkman-mode :after
(lambda ()
(remove-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook
I have checked and tested the possible replacement for
`doom-init-theme-h` advice. Even though I have tried it and it works, I
initially thought it was not the best solution because it bypasses the
`load-theme` code hash validation[^1], which we have discussed in the
past on a github issue[^2] about the value of not skipping it.
As always, it is up to Aziz to decide, but I will provide some references:
- `-h` suffix is a naming convention used in doomemacs for function
hooks[^3]. You could advice any other internal aspect, but I see it as a
fragile configuration. Good for a personal configuration, but bad for
the documentation of a package that is not directly related to modifying
some aspect of doomemacs.
- `doom-init-theme-h` is configured using a similar logic[^4] to the
darkman.el documentation snippet.
- The snippet actually does not mention anything related to dooemacs. I
add a hook related to the framework on my config when Emacs does not
have a daemon running to load darkman-mode after the
`$DOOMDIR/custom.el` file where `custom-safe-themes` is. I found it in a
comment on doomemacs load order[^5]. So it seems to me to be right for
all kinds of configurations.
I see perhaps an opportunity to improve the documentation to make it
more friendly to well-known frameworks like doomemacs by creating a
section in the documentation to adapt it for each one. Anyone in the
future could send a patch to extend it, something like "community
Best regards,
[^2]: https://github.com/grtcdr/darkman.el/pull/7