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Re: License for Specifications 4 years ago

From Jeremy Jung to ~sircmpwn/free-writers-club

The docs for .NET use the CC license[1]. You could mirror how they do it.

[1] https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/master/LICENSE

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 10:55 PM Jake Bauer <jbauer@paritybit.ca> wrote:
> I am not a lawyer so everything below is just from my understanding and
> experience.
> On Wed May 20, 2020 at 1:20 AM EDT, Oliver Leaver-Smith wrote:
> > On Wed May 20, 2020 at 7:01 AM UTC, Stefan Tatschner wrote:
> > > * Creative Commons
> >
> > I would always go for CC if you are in control of what licence you give it

Re: Introduction 4 years ago

From Jeremy Jung to ~sircmpwn/free-writers-club

What an interesting niche, thanks for sharing.  It's rare to see a
blog that's over ten years old. Nice work keeping it going :)

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 7:25 PM Jean-Christophe Helary
<jean.christophe.helary@traduction-libre.org> wrote:
> Hello fellow list members.
> My name is Jean-Christophe Helary, I am French and I've lived in Japan for close to 25 years where I work as a translator, and on the side as a free software "promoteur".
> I started a tech blog called "Mac for Translators" in 2007, before Apple moved to Intel and when (still mostly the case now) most of the professional solutions  for translators involved Windows. I had been involved with OmegaT, a Java GPLed "translation memory" application since its timid release in the winter of 2002 where there were about as many users as you could count on a (human) hand. I think I was "public" user number 3, or maybe 4. Two years later I created the user group, on Yahoo, because most of OmegaT issues were discussed on non specific lists (one now with very little activity "linux for translators" and the other dead "MacLingua"), and the rest is documented somewhere.
> The writing pace has varied a lot over the years. Currently the last article is about 1 year old. There isn't much news in the mac tech world for translators and I'm mostly writing about my processes, that involve AppleScript a lot, and some other automation solutions, etc. I try to stick to free software (and the whole blog is free-licenced) but sometimes I talk about non-free solutions. I have a few AppelScript "tutorials" that I want to write, but they are tutorials for people who want to start doing real things. The ones I already posted are basically huge comments on my code. They are interesting to write because they force me to document everything I code, and they also force me to understand the copy-pasted code that I used. There are 2 issues here. I don't code AppleScript every day so I'm far from being a "native" and have to relearn every time I write new code, and AppleScript is very close to being a dead-end solution on Macs and everybody is waiting for its successor, so the community is not exactly thriving (but the good side is that you have very easy access to world-class experts that really enjoy supporting newcomers)...

Re: Let's introduce ourselves 4 years ago

From Jeremy Jung to ~sircmpwn/free-writers-club

On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 5:57 AM Fariz Rizaldy <farizrizaldy@icloud.com> wrote:
> I've some _consideration_ to change my career path from Software Engineer to "fulltime"
> blogger, what do you think about that? Currently I'm enjoy enough
> on being Software Engineer, but want to try something new.
Blogging about software specifically or more general topics?  I think
making a career out of it is pretty difficult, but I'm curious to see
how it works out for you!
> [^2] https://faultable.dev/tags/technical
By the way, this link returns a 404 page.

Re: Let's introduce ourselves 4 years ago

From Jeremy Jung to ~sircmpwn/free-writers-club

Hello to all the new bloggers :)

On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 7:40 PM Stone Tickle <lattis@mochiro.moe> wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Stone and I'm working part time as a web developer to pay the
> bills.  I certainly don't enjoy it though, I really prefer the most
> efficient software I can find/make.  Most of my free time is spent on
> various projects which may or may not be interesting/useful to other
> people.

If it was your choice, what kind of project would you work on full time?

Re: Let's introduce ourselves 5 years ago

From Jeremy Jung to ~sircmpwn/free-writers-club

Hi Leo!

Enjoyed the post about the hotel wifi.  I didn't realize that all they
check is the MAC.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 5:50 PM Leo <free-writers-club@gkbrk.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> While the mailing list doesn't look too active, I find the idea of a writing club for technical people really fun. I'm looking forward to more discussions when the next monthly email hits.
> I mainly write about programming related topics, mostly in Python or Rust. I occasionally write about reverse engineering too. You can find my stuff at https://www.gkbrk.com/

Re: Let's introduce ourselves 5 years ago

From Jeremy Jung to ~sircmpwn/free-writers-club

Thanks for posting Jakob.  I assumed I wasn't on the list when I
didn't see any messages!

I read Fred's Discord bot post and found it interesting.  It's cool to
see how it went from relying on private APIs to becoming so widely
used.  I was a little confused by the use of "servers" vs "guilds" in
the blog post, but after I looked up how Discord uses those terms it
makes sense.

As for myself, I've done mostly backend development in Ruby and C#
over the years.  It's really cool to see so many people on this
mailing list doing lower level work.

I also have a small blog (https://www.jertype.com) I haven't updated