
[GCLI] Version 2.6.0 is now available

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After some time this is release of version 2.6.0 of gcli.

Thanks to all the new contributors to the project!

You can download release tarballs from:

  - https://herrhotzenplotz.de/gcli/releases/gcli-2.6.0/

Note that I do not support the tarballs generated by Github and
Gitlab, please use the link above!

Below you can find the changelog for this release.
Please test and report issues!



- Added a `checkout` action to the `pulls` subcommand that allows
  quickly checking out the target branch of a pull request.

- Added a `-R` command line option to the `pulls create` subcommand
  that allows specifying reviewers directly when creating the pull
  gcli now also asks for reviewers when creating a pull request
  See `gcli-pulls(1)`.

- Support for pull requests has been added to the interactive
  `status` subcommand.


- Fixed bad owner/repo when inferred repository information from
  a git remote with an ssh-url contained a port number

- gcli now handles nested projects on Gitlab correctly

- The documentation in `gcli(5)` mentioned the forge option
  `api-base` however it didn't work because of a typo in the
  responsible code. Parts of the other documentation however was
  using the incorrect option name without the option.  The config
  option and related documentation has been fixed to spell `api-base`.
  In order not to break existing configurations an alias has been
  added such that `apibase` is also a valid name, however `api-base`
  is preferred.

  Reported by: Jiří Štefka

- The previously added Markdown rendering functionality through
  liblowdown can now be disabled at runtime by providing a command
  line flag, setting an environment variable or by setting a
  configuration variable.

  Reported-by: Gavin-John Noonan <mail@gjnoonan.co.uk>

- The interactive status subcommand now doesn't crash anymore
  for release notifications on Github.

- Compatibility with the newly released liblowdown 1.4.0 has been
  restored. The new minor version broke the API causing compilation
  failures in gcli.

  Submitted by: Hoang Nguyen <https://github.com/folliehiyuki>

- Fix a segfault when no default account is declared in gcli config

  Submitted by: remph <lhr@disroot.org>

- Fix a segfault when listing repositories

  Submitted by: remph <lhr@disroot.org>

- Fix github API error 422 on `gcli forks create`

  This is caused by the distinction between users and organisations
  on Github.

  Submitted by: remph <lhr@disroot.org>


- gcli now uses `time_t` internally to represent timestamps. This
  is visible to the user in that all timestamps are now printed
  in the consistent format `YYYY-mmm-dd HH:MM:SS` instead of the
  default format that each forge uses.

- When searching for a usable editor gcli now consults the following
  places in this order:

  - gcli config file
  - `$VISUAL`
  - `$EDITOR`

  Submitted by: remph <lhr@disroot.org>

- gcli now uses a dedicated type for paths to objects on forges
  internally. This change is a quite intrusive in the code base and
  has been tested extensively over the past month in real scenarios.
  If you encounter bugs where things can't be found, command line
  option parsing seems to not work correctly anymore or stuff is
  submitted incorrectly otherwise please report a bug.

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