
tooi: api.timeline: factor and clean up v2 APPLIED

Lexi Winter: 1
 api.timeline: factor and clean up

 1 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
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[PATCH tooi v2] api.timeline: factor and clean up Export this patch

In preparation for new timeline features, clean up api.timeline and
makes things more consistent.

The new function fetch_timeline() is now always used to do the actual
HTTP fetch.  This implements the 'next_path' functionality.

Add a new StatusTimeline while is the base class for timelines that
return statuses (HomeTimeline, etc).

Clean up the 'limit' parameter; it's now always 'int | None = None'
except in fetch_timeline(), which sets the actual limit if not

Cleanup/fix a couple of Timelines to make sure they all use

Comment out a couple of *_timline_generator() functions which weren't
used anywhere.

No functional changes intended.  The external API (e.g. as used by
TimelineTab) should be unchanged.
Rebased on origin/main eb3c0ae5 ("ComposeScreen: support Hometown's
unfederated posts (#13)")

 tooi/api/timeline.py | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tooi/api/timeline.py b/tooi/api/timeline.py
index 5ecbfca..d93e46b 100644
--- a/tooi/api/timeline.py
+++ b/tooi/api/timeline.py
@@ -17,26 +17,44 @@ from tooi.data.events import Event, StatusEvent, MentionEvent, NewFollowerEvent,
from tooi.data.events import FavouriteEvent
from tooi.data.instance import InstanceInfo
from tooi.entities import Status, Notification, from_dict
from tooi.utils.string import str_bool

Params = Optional[QueryParamTypes]
EventGenerator = AsyncGenerator[List[Event], None]

# def anon_public_timeline_generator(instance, local: bool = False, limit: int = 40):
#     path = "/api/v1/timelines/public"
#     params = {"local": str_bool(local), "limit": limit}
#     return _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params)

# Max 80, as of Mastodon 4.1.0

# def anon_tag_timeline_generator(instance, hashtag, local: bool = False, limit: int = 40):
#     path = f"/api/v1/timelines/tag/{quote(hashtag)}"
#     params = {"local": str_bool(local), "limit": limit}
#     return _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params)

def _get_next_path(headers: Headers) -> str | None:
    """Given timeline response headers, returns the path to the next batch"""
    links = headers.get("Link", "")
    matches = re.match(r'<([^>]+)>; rel="next"', links)
    if matches:
        parsed = urlparse(matches.group(1))
        return "?".join([parsed.path, parsed.query])
    return None

async def fetch_timeline(
        instance: InstanceInfo,
        path: str,
        params: Params | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None):

    _params = dict(params or {})
    _params["limit"] = limit or DEFAULT_LIMIT

    next_path = path
    while next_path:
        response = await request("GET", next_path, params=_params)
        yield response.json()
        next_path = _get_next_path(response.headers)

class Timeline(ABC):
    Base class for a timeline.
    Base class for a timeline.  This provides some useful generators that subclasses can use.

    def __init__(self, name, instance: InstanceInfo):
@@ -44,21 +62,29 @@ class Timeline(ABC):
        self.name = name

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40) -> EventGenerator:
    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None) -> EventGenerator:

async def _status_generator(
        instance: InstanceInfo,
        path: str, params: Params = None) -> EventGenerator:
    next_path = path
    while next_path:
        response = await request("GET", next_path, params=params)
        yield [StatusEvent(instance, from_dict(Status, s)) for s in response.json()]
        next_path = _get_next_path(response.headers)
class StatusTimeline(Timeline):
    StatusTimeline is the base class for timelines which only return statuses.

    def __init__(self, name: str, instance: InstanceInfo):
        super().__init__(name, instance)

    async def status_generator(
            path: str,
            params: Params = None,
            limit: int | None = None) -> EventGenerator:

        async for events in fetch_timeline(self.instance, path, params, limit):
            yield [StatusEvent(self.instance, from_dict(Status, s)) for s in events]

class HomeTimeline(Timeline):

class HomeTimeline(StatusTimeline):
    HomeTimeline loads events from the user's home timeline.
    This timeline only ever returns events of type StatusEvent.
@@ -67,23 +93,45 @@ class HomeTimeline(Timeline):
    def __init__(self, instance: InstanceInfo):
        super().__init__("Home", instance)

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
        return _status_generator(self.instance, "/api/v1/timelines/home", {"limit": limit})
    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        return self.status_generator("/api/v1/timelines/home", limit=limit)

class PublicTimeline(StatusTimeline):
    """PublicTimeline loads events from the public timeline."""
    def __init__(self, name: str, instance: InstanceInfo, local: bool):
        super().__init__(name, instance)
        self.local = local

    def public_timeline_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        return self.status_generator("/api/v1/timelines/public", {"local": self.local}, limit)

class LocalTimeline(Timeline):

class LocalTimeline(PublicTimeline):
    LocalTimeline loads events from the user's local instance timeline.
    This timeline only ever returns events of type StatusEvent.
    def __init__(self, instance: InstanceInfo):
        super().__init__("Local", instance)
        super().__init__("Local", instance, True)

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
        return public_timeline_generator(self.instance, local=True, limit=limit)
    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        return self.public_timeline_generator(limit=limit)

class AccountTimeline(Timeline):
class FederatedTimeline(PublicTimeline):
    FederatedTimeline loads events from the user's federated timeline.
    This timeline only ever returns events of type StatusEvent.
    def __init__(self, instance: InstanceInfo):
        super().__init__("Federated", instance, False)

    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        return self.public_timeline_generator(limit=limit)

class AccountTimeline(StatusTimeline):
    AccountTimeline loads events from the given account's timeline.
    This timeline only ever returns events of type StatusEvent.
@@ -109,26 +157,13 @@ class AccountTimeline(Timeline):
        account = await get_account_by_name(account_name)
        return AccountTimeline(instance, account_name, account.id, replies, reblogs)

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        path = f"/api/v1/accounts/{self.account_id}/statuses"
        params = {
            "limit": limit,
            "exclude_replies": not self.replies,
            "exclude_reblogs": not self.reblogs
        return _status_generator(self.instance, path, params)

class FederatedTimeline(Timeline):
    FederatedTimeline loads events from the user's federated timeline.
    This timeline only ever returns events of type StatusEvent.
    def __init__(self, instance: InstanceInfo):
        super().__init__("Federated", instance)

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
        return public_timeline_generator(self.instance, local=False, limit=limit)
        return self.status_generator(path, params, limit)

class NotificationTimeline(Timeline):
@@ -154,23 +189,24 @@ class NotificationTimeline(Timeline):
            case _:
                return None

    async def _notification_generator(self, params: Params = None) -> EventGenerator:
        path = "/api/v1/notifications"
        next_path = path
    async def notification_generator(
            path: str,
            params: Params = None,
            limit: int | None = None) -> EventGenerator:

        while next_path:
            response = await request("GET", next_path, params=params)
            yield [e for e in map(self.make_notification_event, response.json()) if e is not None]
            next_path = _get_next_path(response.headers)
        path = "/api/v1/notifications"
        async for events in fetch_timeline(self.instance, path, params, limit):
            yield [e for e in map(self.make_notification_event, events) if e is not None]

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        # TODO: not included: follow_request, poll, update, admin.sign_up, admin.report
        types = ["mention", "status", "reblog", "favourite", "follow"]
        params = {"types[]": types, "limit": limit}
        return self._notification_generator(params)
        params = {"types[]": types}
        return self.notification_generator(params, limit)

class TagTimeline(Timeline):
class TagTimeline(StatusTimeline):
    TagTimeline loads events from the given hashtag.
    This timeline only ever returns events of type StatusEvent.
@@ -179,7 +215,7 @@ class TagTimeline(Timeline):
        self.local = local

        # Normalise the hashtag to not begin with a hash
        if hashtag[0] == '#':
        if hashtag[0:1] == '#':
            hashtag = hashtag[1:]

        if len(hashtag) == 0:
@@ -189,7 +225,8 @@ class TagTimeline(Timeline):
        super().__init__(f"#{self.hashtag}", instance)

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
        return tag_timeline_generator(self.instance, self.hashtag, self.local, limit)
        path = f"/api/v1/timelines/tag/{quote(self.hashtag)}"
        return self.status_generator(path, limit=limit)

class ContextTimeline(Timeline):
@@ -201,38 +238,22 @@ class ContextTimeline(Timeline):
        super().__init__("Thread", instance)
        self._status = status

    def create_generator(self, limit: int = 40):
        async def _context_timeline_generator(status: Status, limit: int = 40):
            response = await statuses.context(status.original.id)
            data = response.json()
            ancestors = [from_dict(Status, s) for s in data["ancestors"]]
            descendants = [from_dict(Status, s) for s in data["descendants"]]
            all_statuses = ancestors + [status] + descendants
            yield [StatusEvent(self.instance, s) for s in all_statuses]

        return _context_timeline_generator(self._status, limit)

    async def context_timeline_generator(self, status: Status, limit: int | None = None):
        response = await statuses.context(status.original.id)
        data = response.json()
        ancestors = [from_dict(Status, s) for s in data["ancestors"]]
        descendants = [from_dict(Status, s) for s in data["descendants"]]
        all_statuses = ancestors + [status] + descendants
        yield [StatusEvent(self.instance, s) for s in all_statuses]

def public_timeline_generator(instance: InstanceInfo, local: bool = False, limit: int = 40):
    path = "/api/v1/timelines/public"
    params = {"local": str_bool(local), "limit": limit}
    return _status_generator(instance, path, params)
    def create_generator(self, limit: int | None = None):
        return self.context_timeline_generator(self._status, limit)

def tag_timeline_generator(
        instance: InstanceInfo,
        hashtag: str,
        local: bool = False,
        limit: int = 40):
    path = f"/api/v1/timelines/tag/{quote(hashtag)}"
    params = {"local": str_bool(local), "limit": limit}
    return _status_generator(instance, path, params)

def bookmark_timeline_generator(instance: InstanceInfo, limit: int = 40):
    path = "/api/v1/bookmarks"
    params = {"limit": limit}
    return _status_generator(instance, path, params)
# def bookmark_timeline_generator(instance: InstanceInfo, limit: int = 40):
#     path = "/api/v1/bookmarks"
#     params = {"limit": limit}
#     return _status_generator(instance, path, params)

# def conversation_timeline_generator(limit: int = 40):
@@ -266,11 +287,13 @@ def bookmark_timeline_generator(instance: InstanceInfo, limit: int = 40):
#        next_path = _get_next_path(response.headers)

def _get_next_path(headers: Headers) -> str | None:
    """Given timeline response headers, returns the path to the next batch"""
    links = headers.get("Link", "")
    matches = re.match(r'<([^>]+)>; rel="next"', links)
    if matches:
        parsed = urlparse(matches.group(1))
        return "?".join([parsed.path, parsed.query])
    return None
# def anon_public_timeline_generator(instance, local: bool = False, limit: int = 40):
#     path = "/api/v1/timelines/public"
#     params = {"local": str_bool(local), "limit": limit}
#     return _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params)

# def anon_tag_timeline_generator(instance, hashtag, local: bool = False, limit: int = 40):
#     path = f"/api/v1/timelines/tag/{quote(hashtag)}"
#     params = {"local": str_bool(local), "limit": limit}
#     return _anon_timeline_generator(instance, path, params)
Applied. Thanks.

-- Ivan